Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 20: Summon the King of Chu

Chapter 20

All the imperial doctors were dumbfounded.

How could this be possible? How could the Retired Emperor still have an appetite? His heart failure was already extremely severe, at the point of his oil drying up and his lamp extinguishing, he probably couldn't even swallow a mouthful of water.

The Head Physician rushed in and took the Retired Emperor's pulse, crying as he did, "Heaven bless Northern Tang, heaven bless my Retired Emperor!"

The pulse, actually showed signs of improvement.

The golden gauze curtain was rolled up, the blue canopy slowly opened, the Retired Emperor looked weary, his gaze swept over the hall, and he said hoarsely, "Why are you all kneeling? Rise."

Although that voice was like the sound of falling leaves, faint and powerless, when heard by everyone present, it was as if thunder had rumbled.

Everyone revealed an expression of ecstasy, kowtowed and then stood up.

The Retired Emperor lightly exhaled a breath, the purplish-blue color on his lips slowly faded. He looked around and murmured, "Where is the Fifth Prince?"

The head eunuch Chang quickly said, "The Prince of Chu was worried about you and fainted, now he is resting in the side hall."

"Summon him here." The Retired Emperor patted Fu Bao's head, and actually revealed a trace of a weary smile, "Go on, good child, I won't be leaving just yet."

Fu Bao jumped down, wagging his tail as he left. "Quickly summon the Prince of Chu!" Chang said.

"And his wife..." The Retired Emperor seemed to contemplate for a moment, and also seemed to be too weak to speak, as he uttered a few words from his parched lips, "Summon her as well."

Everyone was surprised.

Especially Chu Mingcui, she was stunned for a good while. The Retired Emperor wanted to see Yuan Qingling?

Since the Retired Emperor had recovered somewhat, Emperor Ming Yuan wanted to drive people out.

All the princes withdrew to the outer hall to wait, only he, Prince Rui and Chang remained with the Retired Emperor, naturally, as well as the Head Physician.

Side Hall.

Yuwen Hao had not been unconscious for long before Yuan Qingling was summoned. When he woke up, he saw her standing there. Seeing him get up, seeing him approach wrapped in fury, seeing the killing intent swirling in his eyes, she had no strength left to resist, only a bitter smile. "If you want to kill me, then kill me, don't waste words!"

The door was pushed open swiftly, a palace maid rushed in, "Prince of Chu, Princess of Chu, the Retired Emperor requests your presence!"

Yuwen Hao's hand was already raised, when he heard the summons, he froze for a moment, "The Retired Emperor?"

The palace maid happily said, "Yes, the Retired Emperor has recovered, he requests that you and the Princess attend him."

Yuan Qingling's tense body slowly relaxed. Meeting Yuwen Hao's suspicious, wary gaze, she did not explain, just slowly got up, reached to tidy her hair bun, hoping she would not look too disheveled.

The two of them went out, passing through the outer hall where all the princely relatives were waiting. Yuan Qingling glanced indifferently at Chu Mingcui, and Chu Mingcui also looked at her, then nodded to her very friendly.

Yuan Qingling ignored her and went straight in.

Chu Mingcui's face immediately stiffened.

Before entering the inner hall, Yuan Qingling took a deep breath. She could feel the wounds starting to hurt again, her dizziness was worsening, she felt very cold and couldn't help shivering, but her face was hot.

She knew her high fever was starting.

Yuwen Hao swept aside the beaded curtain to enter, it hit Yuan Qingling's face, amplifying the pain, but she didn't dare show it at all, just followed him in lockstep.

The hall was quiet. When Emperor Ming Yuan saw them enter, his expression was not very warm. For this son, he had once held high hopes, but after the incident at the Princess's residence where he acted inappropriately, he was very disappointed. No matter how great his military achievements, with deficient moral character, he could not achieve great things.

However, he also knew that the Retired Emperor had always doted on him, and now that he had recovered slightly, of course he would want his son to attend him. As his son, naturally he could not go against his wishes.

The two of them knelt at the Retired Emperor's bedside. Yuwen Hao looked at the lucid Retired Emperor, disbelief in his eyes. His eyes slowly grew moist.

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