Her Power and Favor Span the World

Chapter 81: I’m Sorry

Chapter 81

Yuwen Hao walked in slowly with the support of Xu Yi. Dressed in white brocade robes with a golden jade belt around his waist, his handsome face was bathed in sunlight, as if he had descended from the heavens... The ailing monarch could barely take a step without seeming to expend all his energy.

He came before them with difficulty, but as soon as he arrived, his expression eased into a gentle smile, his brows and eyes warm as he looked at Yuan Qingling.

"How is Your Highness feeling?" the Second Madam asked considerately right away.

Mrs. Luan also stood up, looking somewhat startled.

Yuwen Hao shifted his gaze from Yuan Qingling to the Second Madam's face, replying with a smile, "Thanks to your concern, this king is much improved."

Having said that, he slowly walked to Yuan Qingling's side, and asked in an aggrieved tone, "Still angry? You didn't come see me at all today, stop being upset okay?"

Yuan Qingling looked at him, wondering what he was up to. Deliberately putting on a gentle demeanor, there was no need to go so far even if it was for her sake.

She said slowly, "I'm not angry."

He seemed greatly relieved, "That's good then. In that case, will you still accompany me out today like you said?"

Had she said that?

"I have a guest." Yuwen Hao looked reluctantly at the Second Madam, "I see. Then we can't go?"

The Second Madam quickly said, "It's getting late, this old woman should also take her leave."

"So soon? Why not sit a while longer?" Yuwen Hao appeared very enthusiastic.

"No no, I still have things to attend to, I'll visit Your Highness...and the Consort again when I have time." As the Second Madam spoke, she exchanged a look with Mrs. Luan and Yuan Qingping.

Yuan Qingping said, "Like eldest sister said earlier, I can stay here for a few days."

"Then..." The Second Madam darted a swift glance at Yuwen Hao, seeing that he showed no displeasure, she said, "Alright, keep the Consort company properly, don't cause trouble, you hear?"

"I hear!" Yuan Qingping acknowledged.

After the Second Madam and Mrs. Luan left, Yuwen Hao instructed his wet nurse, "Have arrangements made for my young aunt to stay in the manor."

"Yes!" The wet nurse stepped forward to curtsy, "Second young miss, please come with me to take a look, see which residence you fancy?"

Yuan Qingping had intended to stay behind, but she was quite particular about where she stayed, so she went along with the wet nurse first.

Yuan Qingling said to Yuwen Hao, "Actually, Your Highness need not go so far. The Marquis Manor now believes that you and I share deep marital affections. I'm afraid this will only lead to more trouble for you in the future. I don't wish to incur such a debt."

Most importantly, she basically knew what kind of person Qing Hu was. If he found out she was on good terms with the King of Chu, who knew what kind of kidnapping plots would come flying her way in the future.

Yuwen Hao also dropped his earlier gentleness, responding lightly, "I'm unwilling to damage your relationship with your maternal family. At the very least, if I do this, your father's attitude towards you will become more restrained."

Yuan Qingling said, "I don't care about his attitude. I'm staying in the manor, it's not like I have to face him day and night."

"You may not care, but you were drunk and crying, yelling that you wanted to go home." Yuwen Hao stated.

Yuan Qingling was taken aback. "I cried and yelled that I wanted to go home?"

"Don't you remember what you did when you were drunk?" Yuwen Hao looked at her.

Yuan Qingling felt somewhat embarrassed. "I remember what I did, but don't remember what I said."

Yuwen Hao stared at her intently. "How much do you remember? Do you remember what happened in the palace?"

"What happened in the palace? What happened in the palace?" Yuan Qingling was momentarily confused.

"You got drunk in the palace, in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Don't you remember what happened yourself?" Seeing her face turn pale, Yuwen Hao felt a twinge of malicious pleasure.

Yuan Qingling recalled it then. She had been so angry and frustrated at the time that she leapt onto the table and launched into a torrent of vulgarities—of course, she had just enough sense left to curse in English.

But heavens... To act so wantonly in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"I heard Imperial Tutor Gu say that you frightened Grandfather Emperor and made him hide behind the bodhisattva altar, too afraid to make a peep!" Yuwen Hao helped refresh her memory.

Yuan Qingling covered her face with both hands. Dear god of thunder, please strike her down!

After a while, she lowered her hands to see Yuwen Hao's gloating smile hovering before her eyes. She couldn't help but be infuriated. "It's all because of you!"

Yuwen Hao was very relaxed. "Let's not play the blame game anymore. We're even now."

Damn him!

Yuan Qingling was so angry she ground her teeth, but after consideration, his situation back then wasn't any better. There really was nowhere for her grievances to go.

"No, I have to go to the palace and apologize." Yuan Qingling paced around in circles. "Change clothes, go out first, I need to change."

Yuwen Hao lazily stood up. "In any case, I'm much recovered from my injuries. I'll accompany you to the palace and say a few words in your defense before Grandfather Emperor."

"Thank you, thank you!" Yuan Qingling was just worrying about how to face the Retired Emperor. Having someone accompany her would make things much easier. This time, she thanked him sincerely from the bottom of her heart.

Just then, Yuan Qingping had picked a residence and rushed right back to the Phoenix Chamber.

But she saw Yuan Qingling already dressed neatly, walking out with Yuwen Hao. She came up and asked, "Where are you going?"

"To the palace for a bit. Wait here for me to get back." Yuan Qingling's eyes were full of unease.

"Did something happen?" Seeing her expression, Yuan Qingping was alarmed. "Then hurry up and go."

Yuan Qingling felt this younger sister could be quite considerate at times, and said, "Mm-hmm, if you're hungry, tell the wet nurse to arrange food for you. If you're bored, go out for a stroll."

"Alright, go on, why so long-winded? You're no fun at all like this." Yuan Qingping said unhappily.

Yuwen Hao took a look at Yuan Qingping. Well scolded!

The two nemeses went out the door, the carriage clattering towards the palace. Yuan Qingling fretted anxiously the entire way. Although the Retired Emperor had been good to her, he probably wouldn't tolerate her behaving so recklessly in the Hall.

Gradually, images surfaced in her mind of her jumping on the table, yelling and shouting in a hideous manner. This time she had truly humiliated herself all the way to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

What provided her some comfort was that these past two days, no imperial decree had come from the palace summoning her for punishment.

But Yuwen Hao mercilessly shattered her relief. "I heard that after you left the palace, Grandfather Emperor started having heart trouble again. The Hall of Supreme Harmony can cover up for you temporarily, but if Father Emperor looks into it, this matter won't stay hidden. Father Emperor is the most filial. If he finds out, I'm afraid stripping you of a layer of skin would be getting off easy."

Yuan Qingling said helplessly, "I'm doomed."

The life of a imperial consort was fraught with peril!

"I wonder how Imperial Grandmother will react when she finds out. How angry she will be!" Yuwen Hao said leisurely.

Yuan Qingling gritted her teeth. "Can you shut your mouth? You're annoying me to death."

Yuwen Hao glared at her fiercely. "Watch your attitude. Please reflect on it, otherwise I most certainly will not plead with Imperial Grandmother for you. As you know, of all her grandsons, I'm the one she dotes on most."

Yuan Qingling swallowed her urge to tear his mouth apart and spoke deferentially, "I was wrong, I'll reflect."

"Is there something wrong with my ears? I didn't hear an 'I'm sorry'."

"I'm sorry!" Yuan Qingling was furious. She grabbed his big ear and yelled into it.

"Yuan Qingling, do you have a death wish?!" Yuwen Hao swiftly pinned her neck with his hand, pushing her head towards him. Yuan Qingling was still clawing at his ears, and he yelped in pain as she was pulled down. Then she bit into his chest.

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