Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 148: Still the weak me.

Alex sighed. It was true, His luck was rotten but once he got past the hardship caused by it, Some form of reward also waited. 'That's the rule of life, Once you go through bad, some form of the reward always awaits, be it small or huge. It doesn't mean that You'll get rewards to fulfill your wishes, Life can be unfair sometimes and you'll just get rotten timing and luck one after another but bearing with it is the thing that ultimately makes you stronger. So don't sigh, Let's face this together. You'll grow stronger after this and show off to those two who are staring with those creepy eyes.' Hades seemed to know exactly what Alex was thinking and spoke. 

Alex nodded and ran towards the gate. He caught the attention of the reapers and smiled, " I guess combat with reapers isn't that bad anyway. I do need to know how much more power I have obtained to fight these things." He jumped onto a reaper and pulled out his gun, Blasting its head into smithereens.

Master Zhun played with his beard and smiled, "This is a scary kid… Disappeared for half a year and jumps another rank like nothing… Plus, he seems to have new toys as well. I wonder, how deep does his power go? How much more power is hidden inside of that body of his?" He watched Alex intently. 

Ryan looked at Alex and nodded, "It is true but when things are unknown, It also calls for suspect… I can trust Alex's character now but in the future, too much power in such a short time can cause a man to think they are invincible… Thoughts like I can just get more powerful and no one can stop me from doing anything I want or With my powers, I'm unstoppable… They're cliche but the truth." Ryan seemed to be thinking of the negatives of Alex's power.

Master Zhun shook his head and smiled, "I've known Hana since she was a little child and I can say that she doesn't just attest to someone's character that easily. Hell, I think she's done it once before and was right at the end. So I'll trust Hana here and not worry too much about Alex. I'm rather excited, with the growth he has, we'll get to see something special happen soon…" He smiled. 

Alex looked around the gate, blood on his face as he fired his gun to another reaper. 'Just 3 more.' Alex seemed to be having fun. He wasn't injured at all, the reapers were too weak for them to injure him. 

Jumping towards the gate, Alex pressed the buttons at the side of his gun and retracted the blades. He smiled towards the long ranger reaper that was trying to avoid Alex and shoot him. He threw the gun straight towards the reaper's stomach and jumped towards it at the same time. 


The reaper cried as the gun had impaled it. Alex jumped on top of the reaper and slit its throat to instantly kill It. He then turned to the remaining two close ranged reapers who were already close to him. 

However, Before Alex got to jump to them and finish them off himself, Alex felt the wind blow from behind him, distracting him. The next second, Alex saw two lights pass him and attack the reapers. He looked at the reapers and saw two arrow like substances penetrate the reaper's stomach. Alex didn't think too much and jumped forward and cut both the reapers's heads, Killing them for good.

He then quickly turned back to the source of the arrows and was surprised to see Rachel. She looked at Alex and smiled, "I apologize but I wanted to show off a bit as well." She giggled as her attention turned to the dozen dead reapers around Alex. 

"I was surprised but happy as well. To think that you're so powerful now, It's amazing. Your powers as well, they seem to be very helpful in combat…" Alex smiled and he looked at Rachel's bow. 

The two paused and looked over at the gate as it slowly disappeared into thin air. Alex then turned towards Rachel again and spoke, "You're going to the bureau?" He spoke he pointed to the building. 

Rachel nodded and spoke, "I am, I assumed you as well." She said as she walked to the door. Alex nodded and walked to the door, looking back at the gate. "That was surprisingly easy. I thought that I would face off against some top tier reaper and it would take everything for me to kill it but they were some C ranked reapers…" He smiled.

Rachel nodded and laughed, "I think half a year ago, you have problems with dealing with those but look at you now. The blood on your clothes used to be yours but it's now the reapers…" Rachel looked at Alex again in surprise and continued, "Well, the blood was… What the… Did you change clothes?" She was confused.

Alex looked at his clothes in confusion as well but he could guess what had happened, He turned to Rachel and smiled, "It's technically my power… The suit is like an armor summoned from my ability so I can clean it after it gets soaked in blood. Convenient, right?"

"Ah wow, You've really changed from before… You answered so confidently as well where before you would have just zoned out for a bit… It's sad to look at myself right now compared to you." Rachel smiled as she walked into the building. 

Alex turned back to where the gate was once again to check it for one last time and entered the building. "Why is it sad?" he asked curiously.

Rachel looked into Alex's eyes and spoke, "Even now, after having my powers for some time and going through many gates… I still can't completely look at blood… I couldn't have even killed those reapers even if I was powerful enough… I hit them in the stomach so you could end their lives… I'm still the weak me, The only thing different is that I have powers now."

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