Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 156: Buster and Alex

Nana walked out of the room and indicated Alex to come over towards her. Alex nodded and asked, "What's up?" He was revved up to fight. Nana looked at Alex and spoke, "You need to put these around your arms and legs. And this one around your chest as well." She took out a few black bands that seemed to be filled with wires. "It'll just let us know about your body movement and also give us a proper read on your speed and movement. And more but that's too much into the tech and would be boring." Her attitude seemed to change when talking about technology. 

Alex nodded and wore the necessary things and walked to Buster, 'She's a weird girl indeed… Anxious but straight forward… But that shyness goes away when she talks about tech.' He said to himself while looking at Buster. "Okay, now that you're ready. Take out your dagger, Let's fight!" Buster spoke as he has his fists up to his chest. 

Alex laughed and pulled out his two pistols. Buster furrowed his eyebrows but he quickly shook his head, "Doesn't matter!" He roared as the time on the screen started to count down. 

"3…2…1." The counter buzzed, initiating the combat. Alex jumped backward and shot a few rounds towards buster. Seeing Alex jump back had already given Buster an indication of what Alex was about to do so Buster smashed the ground and a stone wall rose up to block the shots. After the bullets were blocked, Buster shot the wall towards Alex at high speed. Seeing the wall just rush over to him, Alex jumped back however there was no more space. He had to rush towards Buster. 'Kid, Do as I say!' Hades's voice echoed in Alex's mind as a set of instructions came to Alex.

Alex nodded and followed through, He jumped forward, getting hit with the wall. After Buster realized that Alex was hit, he quickly took the wall down to see Alex however to his surprise, Alex wasn't hurt at all. He saw Alex's bleeding fists and knew what happened. "So, You've gotten physically stronger as well on top of getting taller and having new weapons." Buster smiled. It seemed like he no longer wanted to battle with abilities but more with physical prowess.

Alex hesitated, He knew how powerful Buster was and the scene of Buster wrecking the reapers on his own came back to Alex's mind. He took a deep breath and put his guns back down. Hades seemed to have seen this outcome coming and instructed Alex to go all out on the physical battle. It seemed like Hades had injected Alex with some memory of battles. 'It's like I'm watching someone else fight and learning from that!' Alex thought as images of countless close ranged combat moves played in his mind. 

All of this was happening as Alex fought Buster. His eyes were glowing crimson red while his body seemed to have bloated a tiny bit. His muscles bulking slowly as time went on. 

Bust saw Alex slightly transform and laughed, "It looks like you're no longer the slash and pray type of guy anymore, you've got some new moves up your sleeve. And you've transformed into a fighter as well. These moves that you've learned… some aren't even from this country. Some are just so weird that I can't even pinpoint where they might be from." He spoke as Alex continued to throw a barrage of attacks on Buster. 

However, except for a few surprise attacks, Buster seemed to block or at least minimize damages on his body for most of what Alex threw at him. 'This kid is also a pretty good one. I'm surprised to even see that he can do this much… however, Those closer to the ground are better in their footing. Most of these attacks that I'm telling you to do works in dis-balancing the human body, essentially just striking them down and taking them into the ground however, His footing is much more powerful than the blows that you can put on him so you're just powerless against him in terms of attacks like that… I'd say that you've already lost in terms of power…' Hades seemed to be serious. 

Alex nodded but continued to fight, he knew Hades was leading up to something. He felt a pull on his hands and watched as his body started to move on its own. He still had control over his body bow allowed Hades to manipulate his body. Alex kicked Buster's arm and jumped over his head. Once he did, Alex pulled out his gun and shot towards buster from the air. Buster looked shocked, He seemed to feel defeated for a few seconds. He looked into Alex's crimson eyes and smiled, "I did learn a few tricks of my own as well." He mumbled as a few rocks formed beneath him. 

Before the bullet could even get close to buster, the rocks struck them, deflecting them enough to miss Buster. Alex was shocked by Buster's move. He didn't expect buster to have some move like that. Alex knew what was coming next. He looked at all the stones and shot towards them. His aim seemed to be extremely accurate however, that was only with the help of Hades. The bullets struck all the stones that were hurled towards Alex at top speed, stopping them from striking Alex while protecting buster from any bullets. 

Alex landed on Buster's hands once again and jumped back. Buster looked at the ground and spoke with a smug smile, "What do you think of my little trick? Helpful, right?" He smiled.

Alex nodded and put his guns back in his holster. He could acknowledge that Buster was still more powerful than him. 'Hmm, Just give it time. Once your body rests, You'll be able to blow him away like nothing. But right now, you're weak compared to him. You've lost this battle sadly but next time you get to fight him, I can confidently say that we will win!'

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