Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 83: Come At Me

Alex nodded and quickly unequipped the dagger, Midnight watched as the dagger disappeared from Alex's hands. She looked at Alex's legs and smiled, "I'll tell you one thing very important about close combat, Your legs, They are your best friend. They can deliver heavy blows but are also your life savers. So you should always be ready to move. Right now, you're just static." Midnight spoke as she jumped towards Alex and pushed him. Alex noticed Midnight move but he couldn't react quick enough and was pushed back. 

Midnight then put out her hand to Alex which he grabbed on. "I never said that we were done with this." Midnight smiled as she pulled Alex with all her might, sliding him far enough for him to hit the walls. It was a weird sight to see as a 170 cm tall woman threw a 180 cm tall man to the wall.

Midnight looked at Alex and laughed, "I guess I still have enough physical power to bully you, at least for now." She slowly walked towards Alex who just looked confused at the moment. 'I didn't expect this. I thought she would try to attack me and see how I would block it but she is also adding mine games… I need to be on my best guard and I should also be moving around more…' Alex took a deep breath and got up. This time, instead of standing at the same place, he slowly walked around Midnight.

Alex kept his eyes on Midnight at All times. Midnight smiled when she saw Alex's actions, "We're the awakened, Super Humans, A few hits here and there don't affect us. So I'll be trying to find your flaws while striking you. What you need to do is think quick and find ways to not be hit by me but it looks like you're slowly starting to figure it out yourself." She said as she ran towards Alex. 

Alex also started to move around Midnight at a quicker pace, 'It might be like I'm running but I just need to be moving. That way It'll be easier for me to dodge her attacks… I don't need to hit back, I just need to defend and prevent any attacks on me.'

Midnight smiled and jumped towards Alex. Seeing her jump, Alex also tried to jump away from Midnight. As he did, Alex quickly based against the wall, "Shit." Alex verbally said when he noticed that he made a mistake. Midnight had pushed his back up to a wall. "Hmm." She thought of something when she looked at Alex. Suddenly, Midnight ran towards Alex once more. Alex jumped to the left, trying to dodge her attack. Midnight once again jumped towards Alex, her fists up. Alex noticed her fists and ducked quickly, 'Her fists here high so she must be going for my head, I need to just duck down so she misses.' 

"Arh!" Alex groaned as he fell to the ground. "Good observation but you didn't notice that I wasn't jumping towards your chest, it was to your legs. My hands were high to punch indeed but my goal was to kick." Midnight's voice slowly entered Alex's ear. Alex shook his head and slowly got up, He was taken by surprise when he felt a sudden pain in his legs as all of a sudden he was laying on the ground. 'I didn't expect her to kick me… My legs were completely open for her…' Alex sighed as he looked at Midnight. He had nothing but respect in his eyes when he realized how much She could observe in such a small time. 

Midnight walked back a few meters and smiled, "Now, I had some idea but let's give you some as well." She said as she put her left hand forward and her right hand to the side. "Now, Punch me, anywhere you like. I'll teach you something useful." Midnight smiled.

Alex looked hesitant, he knew that this would hurt but he also wanted to learn. He nodded and punched as hard as he could towards Midnight's stomach. But just before Alex could hit Midnight, he felt a small push on his hands. And the next thing he knew, Alex was on the ground. "That was a good punch, well only in terms of power but everything else was bad. What I did just now was a parry. I used your strength against you to make you lose balance and to make you fall down." Midnight explained slowly as Alex got up. She then smiled once more, "Once more." 

Alex nodded, 'This time I'll have to think more carefully on where to hit her, as well as my own balance, I can't lose my balance!' He felt fired up. Alex once again punched at midnight, this time it was slightly slower but there was still a lot of power behind it. However, unlike last time, Alex felt Midnight's hands grab his arm. Alex could see that he was being flipped and thrown to the ground. "Arh!" This time, it hurt. Alex fell on his back. He lied on the ground for a bit and looked at Midnight.

"That's a counter, Similar to parrying but this time I used your own power to hurt you. I used the momentum of your punch to help me flip you and throw you to the ground…" Midnight slowly explained.

She then smiled at Alex and spoke, "Okay we're done with this for now. It must have hurt a small bit but you'll be fine. This is very useful when a reaper attacks you when you lose your dagger. At least at that point, you can punch it in the throat while it's on the ground to kill it. There are more to learn but I'll have to teach you, not show you. All of this was just to show you the things that I'll be teaching you for the next 3 days. For now, rest up a bit. I've gotten a better idea of your strengths and weaknesses. So I'll relay them to you after you take this break. Then we'll work on building up your strengths and taking away your weaknesses."

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