Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 91: Still Cold

Alex nodded when he heard Hana, He continued to watch the match. Midnight suddenly smiled and slowly walked to Imani, who was waiting on Midnight's next moves. After seeing Midnight slowly creep to her, Imani felt a bit confused but she slowly crept towards Midnight as well. Once the two got around 8 meters close to one another, Midnight suddenly burst in speed. Imani, taken by surprise, tried to block the attack. She put her hands up and waited for the strike. 

She soon realized that she made a mistake, A sudden pain burst in her legs. Midnight slid and kicked her legs instead of her upper body. Imani fell on the floor but before she could do anything, Midnight already jumped on her body and raised her fists to attack. Imani's eyes opened wide and she put her hands up. Midnight smiled and spoke, "well, It took some time but I guess you gave in…" Imani smiled back and spoke, "Who said I gave up?" She quickly pushed her hands to Midnight's face but soon realized that her plan had failed. 

Midnight rolled Imani to her back and held her in a lock. Imani sighed and spoke, "I give in." Midnight smiled when she heard Imani's words and said, "That last attack was very smart, nearly got me with that one. But you failed to realize that I already had an idea that you would do that. But still, if you had done that a tiny bit quicker, you would have gotten me and won. I guess I won only by luck this time." Imani shook her head. 

Midnight smiled and let Imani up, "But that was a good match, I'd love to have another one again." Imani spoke, "Me too. But even this time, you won by skill and skill alone. I saw no luck here. I guess that why Master Ryan told me to not have a one on one battle with you right now. It seems like I was the one who failed to recognize your strength." 

Hana took a deep breath and looked at Alex, "Well, what did you think of this battle? I was surprised when I saw this happening when I came here but I guess Midnight also wanted to spar with someone. And this one as well might have wanted to have a battle with someone stronger… It's too bad that she underestimated Midnight, she might not be the physically strongest A rank here but in terms of combat and skills, she is very impressive." 

Hana then turned to Midnight and shook her head," However, When she uses her powers, she has to concentrate a lot, making her vulnerable. Her voice is even more powerful than her combat prowess as it can stun a reaper… So midnight tends to use her powers more in live combat as it can be more helpful. I can't say she is among the most powerful A ranked awakened out there but her skills are at the peak. That's why she teaches newly awakened. If she were to get physically more powerful and her powers needed less concentration, Midnight would be an S ranked awakened… But again, that's something that I could say for any A ranked awakened. Buster for example, If he could use his powers at a longer range, He would be an S rank as well… Well even now, some could argue that he would be an S ranked awakened but he still lacks the overall power. There are a few others but I want you to try and figure out what they lack to become an S ranked awakened and try to compare yourself with their predicament. Once you do that, You'll learn about what to improve upon to be more powerful and eventually break through to S rank." She slowly explained to Alex. 

Alex nodded and questioned, "Thank you for explaining this all to me but I have a question, Why do you have such high expectations from me to think that I would reach the strength that you are right now… It's the same question as to why are you helping me in everything… I appreciate it a lot but I just am confused as to why I'm getting such a treatment." He wanted to know why Hana was helping him this much. Alex never had anyone try to help him out Hana did. He remembered everything she did for him from the moment he fell out of the gate. 

Hana gave a rare smile and spoke, "Even I don't know… There is something inside of me that keeps on telling me to help you get more powerful. To make you as powerful as I am now. You know, this small little voice in my head… I already know that your potential is very high and that you could be as powerful as me, so all I have to do till the day you equal me is to teach you. I think this is why I'm helping you, this small feeling in me that tells me to." Hana mumbled at the end. 

Alex didn't understand what Hana fully as he only heard the first part. He smiled and spoke, "And I appreciate it… I don't know how long it will take me but I'll try to get to your level as quickly as I can." Hana smiled back. Hana then looked forwards, "I can stop though. If you don't like it, I'll stop. Looking at everyone around you now, these women seem to already have a grasp on you so You could just ask them for help." Alex's eyes opened wide and he quickly spoke, "No! No! I really appreciate the help and I hope you continue to. I'll also return the favor when I can." 

Hana smiled and spoke, "I know…" Midnight looked towards Alex and Hana sitting next to each other, exchange conversations, and smiled. Hana noticed Midnight's look and nodded. Midnight quickly ran towards the two and spoke, "I was taken aback during the match when I saw you come here… But again, you might have been worried about Alex here." She smiled slyly.

Hana sighed and spoke, "I was nearby so I wanted to take a quick look to see how everything was going. I was already informed about everything that had happened so I wanted to check up on an immigrant from another world. But now, I'm satisfied to see that you're taking care of his training. At least It's for sure that Alex will improve his skills in combat. He was lacking in many things when I saw him punch a reaper so I'm sure that will change in a few weeks." Hana then stood up and turned to the door, "I'll be off now. I would have gone a bit sooner but I wanted to see how this match would end up." 

Midnight furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "Is that all that you came here for? Just to check? Why don't you stay for a bit longer, I thought you said that you'd have a long chat with me the next time we met…" She seemed to be a bit saddened. Alex looked at the two in surprise, 'I didn't think Hana and Midnight would be this close to one another… It's a big surprise but it also makes sense why Midnight asked me to talk to Hana about her past when I could…' His attention turned to Imani who was also watching the two in confusion. 

Hana looked at Midnight and shook her head, "I have the mission to go back to. The other reason I came here was to see if Alex would be able to do something or not… Now that I've confirmed he is as strong as a B ranked awakened, I can go back to the mission. Ryan told me to consider him for the mission if he reaches B rank. Now that I know that in a week or so, he will be able to take care of himself in battle with other awakened, I will take him with me when the raid begins. I'm sure Ryan will give more information to you later this day. So I'll be off now. Be sure to train this guy hard." Hana said as she walked out of the place. 

Midnight looked a tiny bit sad but she turned to Alex, "You are quite the special human being. Alex, we'll be training even more from tomorrow onward so you can be more ready for defending yourself or attacking the enemy." She then turned to Imani, "Now that we're done with our battle. I guess I'll go and rest a bit. He is all yours." She smiled and walked out of the room. 

Imani looked at Midnight and shook her head, "She seems to keep her feelings inside… But It wouldn't feel good if someone treated you so coldly… But I'm that's why everyone calls her the Ice queen. She doesn't seem to get attached to anyone and always tries to distance herself from people if they seem to get closer…"

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