Heroic King

Chapter 1081: battle for money

"Soul sacrifice tower: special type of building, the core building of the resurrection ceremony; the tower of the soul with mysterious power, it is said that they will be used in the resurrection ceremony in ancient times, but please note that these fragile sacrifice towers can easily be destroyed Destroyed by enemies, siege weapons will cause them to take devastating damage.

Durability: 5000000 points

Armor: 200

Armor Type: Enhanced Armor

Special effects: 1. Dark Summoning [The Soul Sacrifice Tower will gather the power of darkness every time it is violently attacked, and summon a special creature to protect itself. If the guardian unit is killed, the skill will enter a 60-second cooldown, and it will last forever. Summons have an additional 20 seconds to wake up. 】

2. Guardian of Darkness [The Soul Pagoda is protected by the power of darkness. The Dark Guardian can reduce the damage of the Soul Pagoda by 50% when it is attacked. This effect does not stack with the damage reduction of the enhanced armor, and the enhanced armor is given priority. The armor damage reduction effect is calculated from the damage reduction effect of the Dark Guardian. The damage absorbed by the Dark Guardian has an upper limit. When the upper limit is reached, the Dark Guardian will temporarily expire, and the awakening time of the eternal summon will be increased by an additional 50 seconds. 】

3. Eternal Summoning [The actual function of the Soul Sacrifice Tower is to revive some fallen powerful men. Before this skill is activated, a series of sacrifices and energy accumulation are required. Once the Eternal Summoning is activated, it cannot be stopped. The altar will take 2000% damage. After the effect ends, all the soul altars will be destroyed, awakening the sleeping souls in the central area of ​​the altar. The destruction of the Soul Ritual Tower will increase the activation time of Eternal Call by 100 seconds. Current accumulated energy: 99999? ? ? , Eternal Summoning has been launched, and there are 857 seconds left before the end time. ]"

"Damn it! We're running out of time! Everyone! Attack the soul shrine on the coast now! 857 seconds! If we can't hurry, we're dead!"

After reading the introduction of the Soul Sacrifice Tower, Lin Han's face turned green. What a joke, the final boss will be played in 857 seconds. If he had listened to Rivigaz's advice and left here immediately, I guess he hasn't. Escape from the safe area, the final boss here is about to run out.


The other guild members obviously hadn't reacted yet. Lin Han directly sent the attributes of the Soul Sacrifice Tower to the team chat, and at this moment, the end time was less than 830 seconds.

"What? There's a little more than 10 minutes before we have to face the final boss?!"

Darkmoon Malasa's face also twitched. He also found a large number of soul sacrifice towers on the coast. If it wasn't for Lin Han's reminder, they would not have thought of doing this thing in a short time, and it would be delayed for another 10 minutes. Left and right, then if they want to do it, it is estimated that it will be difficult.

The durability of the Soul Sacrifice Tower is as high as 5 million, and it is also a reinforced armor, which reduces damage by 75% except for siege and holy and chaotic attacks, in addition to the 50% damage reduction of the Dark Guardian plus 200,000 The absorption shield, although the Eternal Summoning has been activated, the current damage of the Soul Sacrifice Tower is 2000%, but this cannot change their current biggest problem - insufficient siege equipment.

"I don't need you to kill as many soul sacrificial towers! Destroy the Dark Guardian as much as possible and buy me time!"

Lin Han has already thought of the countermeasures. Every time the Dark Guardian is destroyed, the Eternal Summoning time can be increased by 50 seconds. It is very difficult for Dark Moon and others to destroy the 5 million durability in a short time. A 20w shield, even if it has 50% damage reduction, is only 40w damage.

"Okay! The task of destroying the sacrificial tower is left to you, let's solve the dark guardian first!"

Dark Moon and others also understood at one point, and immediately understood what Lin Han meant, without any sloppiness, all the guilds convened immediately to start cleaning up the soul sacrificial tower on the coast.

Lin Han, on the other hand, is fully mobilizing the mechanical goblins to join the battle. All the siege equipment on the Sky City has entered a state of full firepower, even if the soul sacrificial tower has a super high durability, less than 5 minutes. Within time, the first sacrificial tower had been torn down.

And near the collapsed Soul Sacrifice Tower, there is a pile of extremely strange dark creatures. They are a bit similar to the low-level troops of the cemetery family - ghosts, but they are covered in darkness, and the eyes of Sa-Airang The information that I have found shows that these guys are actually all 10th-order special units-dark wanderers!

This 10th-order unit has the characteristics of super high attack and direct physical immunity, but these guys have an extremely embarrassing limitation, that is, they cannot leave the range of the Soul Sacrifice Tower 100 meters away!

This made Lin Han overjoyed, but the faces of Dark Moon and the others on the other side were about to turn green.

Every time the dark tower takes about 10w damage, a group of dark wanderers will be summoned. Although killing the dark wanderers will also increase the resurrection time of the final boss, but after the first round of attempts, they do Make a decision, pull away these annoying guys, and output the tower with all your strength!

100% physical evasion + 30% magic resistance, although it is said that there is a 100% damage bonus of light magic, but within the range of the soul sacrifice tower, they will also get the buff state of dark adaptation. In this buff state, these The guy gains an additional 20% magic resistance bonus and regenerates 2% of his max health per second.

The number of dark rogues in each batch is 20 units, but the time to destroy these 20 units of dark rogues is enough for them to directly destroy a complete dark guardian state.

The guild bosses present are not stupid. In these two cases, they chose the latter one after another, using arms or heroes with taunting ability to attract the hatred of these guys, and taking them around the range of the Soul Sacrifice Tower, keeping the With the largest range of activities of the Soul Sacrifice Tower, even if there are dark wanderers trying to go back halfway, they have enough time to pull these guys.

"I really hate ghosts!"

After commanding the mountain giant group to taunt the new dark wanderer again, Darkmoon Malasa said viciously in the team channel.

His mountain giant is an enhanced unit, and its attributes are comparable to Tier 9 enhanced creatures, but once it is besieged by dark wanderers with more than 10 units, it will be directly torn apart within 10 seconds.

The attacks of these guys are terrifyingly high, but they also have extremely high resistance and physical immunity, plus the recovery bonus effect of this soul sacrificial tower, they are really unwilling to deal with this group of guys in their entire lives.

"How much time do we have?!"

"680 seconds!"

"How many soul sacrifice towers are there?"

"a lot of!"

"Depend on!"

The communication in the team channel has become extremely simple. The number of soul sacrificial towers and the time they have left are what this group of people only want to know. While controlling the Sky City to carry out crazy firepower, he was also directing this group of mechanical goblins to start fiddling with a special building.

"Goblin Factory: A special war building, a special building unit from the goblin family. Although this building is extremely fragile, after construction, there will be a steady stream of goblin blasters joining the battle, please pay attention! They will explode at any time!

Durability: 50000

Armor: 5

Armor Type: Light Armor

Because goblin blasters need a lot of energy, you may need to invest some high-energy minerals to activate them. At present, if you invest 50 units of dragon blood crystal, you can create 150 units of goblin blasters to join the battle! "

This building that looks like a simple factory is the strongest output of the mechanical goblins so far. It is very fragile, with 5 points of armor plus light armor and 5w durability. It can be said that it is GG at a touch.

But this building is also the safest, because it is in the center of the city in the sky, and the enemy wants to destroy the factory unless it hits the city directly.

"Goblin blasters: special war units, this is a group of extremely special goblin creations, they are small robots made by machinery, and their bodies contain extremely unstable power, although these guys are extremely weak in combat, but once they are Detonating the power within the body will cause huge damage to surrounding units!

Attack: 10-25

Defense: 10

Attack method: normal attack

Armor Type: Light Armor

Attack frequency: once every 2.8 seconds

Movement speed: 5.5 meters per second

Special abilities: 1. Come! Have a blast! [The goblin blaster selects a building target and throws a destructive high-explosive bomb, causing 10,000 points of damage to the unit. This damage causes 1% damage to non-mechanical and non-city wall units. Each goblin blaster carries 5 bombs. 】

2. The ultimate art! 【Explosion is art! This group of unremarkable robots will explode after approaching you, causing 5000 fire damage to the target. If the target unit is a special unit such as a machine or a city wall, it will cause 1000% damage. ]"

At this moment, there are more than 10 reduced versions of Rivigaz at Lin Han's feet, but these guys have a strange red light inside their bodies, and their volume is less than one-third of Rivigaz's.

This is the goblin blaster who came out of the goblin factory. Each has 5 throws and 1 self-destruction ability. If the goblin blaster can be fully damaged, one of these guys can cause 30w damage to the building unit!

"A dragon's blood crystal can only produce 5 blasters. Damn, I finally know why you said that this thing was rarely used in combat in the ancient times. This is completely money-burning! No! Burning money is cheaper than this. !"

Although the huge role of the goblin blaster has been determined, Lin Han will still feel distressed when faced with consumption. One unit of dragon blood crystal summons 5 units of goblin blaster. If this task is not extremely important, he really has one. The urge to walk away, throwing this mess to the top of the dark camp.

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