Heroic King

Chapter 1102: ready to start

"Is there such a thing?!"

Hearing what the Scarlet Archon said, Lin Han was shocked. Blocking the portal is nothing, even the chat function between players is blocked?

Thinking of this, he hurriedly clicked on Darkmoon Malasa's avatar, but just as he was about to send a message, he was prompted by the system that the target was in a special enclosed space and could not receive the message.

"??? Can you really play like this? If you can't go offline, maybe this time they really succeeded in the sneak attack!"

For what happened to Dark Moon, Lin Han can only say that he is deeply sympathetic. It was suddenly shut down by the enemy, and he couldn't even send out the news. Fortunately, this guy's mind is still clear. You blocked the game for me, you Can I still go to my house and unplug my phone line?

It was the most tactful decision Dark Moon could make at the time, and after getting the warning from Dark Moon, the Scarlet Archon also started to notify other people as soon as possible. people.

"By the way, we have already completed the other two tasks you told us before. You should be able to complete your job transfer task. This time it may be real, and we have to make full use of all our strengths."

At the moment when he left the portal of Dragon City, the Scarlet Archon brought good news to Lin Han.

He had made an appointment with Dark Moon and others before, and when distributing the spoils of Frostbite, Lin Han also gave up a large part of the benefits.

This made Dark Moon and the others decide to assign personnel to Lin Han's side to perform a racial transfer task after the loot was divided.

After solving the super troublesome task of Bite of Frost, the task that Arthas gave to Lin Han also changed slightly, and the difficulty itself was slightly reduced. This is why the Scarlet Archon and the others were able to complete it so quickly. reason.

If every mission was the difficulty of Frost's Bite, I'm afraid these guys would have quit long ago.

Just a few steps out of the portal, Lin Han saw the Scarlet Archon. There were a large number of players behind him. Almost all the famous people from the light camp and the dark camp gathered.

"You go to complete the task first. We will organize a joint force to help Donghai City. You should be careful in Lancang City. I suspect that if they fail to attack Donghai City, there is a high probability that they will attack other super main cities. ."

Before Lin Han left, the Scarlet Archon also warned him.

Although Donghai City is currently the main target of the enemy's attack, no one is sure whether these guys will turn their attention to other super main cities after the long-term attack on Haimen City has failed.

Especially after they have that kind of blocking ability, the failure of the teleportation array will cause a lot of trouble for the player support in the Huaxia region. This alone is extremely fatal.

"Don't hesitate, the guild members I stayed in Lancang City have already caught several guys with problems. It's strange that these guys actually have some special items to hide their identities. If they didn't ask them, they would just run away. My people are really going to be tricked by these guys."

Lin Han was checking the guild channel. When he got the attack on Donghai City, he had already issued a warning to everyone in the guild.

The guild members who received the warning went to the portal to prepare for vigilance at the first time. This really made them discover that there were some players near the portal, who seemed to be doing something.

They are doing it very secretly, but because these guys have been wandering around the portal, they are naturally targeted.

And when they were about to stop these players and check what they were doing, these people suddenly started.

In an instant, various troops appeared behind them, and Lancang City directly entered a state of battle. The five-star red flag behind the names of these players suddenly turned into the flag of the monkey.

Looking at the various troops nearby, the players in Valhalla also understood that they seemed to have drawn out these foreign players who were preparing to do things by mistake.

Needless to say, more than 10 monkey players were surrounded by thousands of Huaxia players at the portal. After they were exposed, they could not even use the portal. Although these players also had some troops, in absolute numbers In the face of suppression, there is not even a chance to resist, and it will be instantly killed.

"I will immediately let the people in the other super capital cities block the portal!"

Hearing what Lin Han said, the **** consul's expression changed immediately. Sure enough, the purpose of these guys is not just a Donghai city!

They even wanted to replicate this method and split up all the super main cities in the Huaxia District. It is up to them to decide which main city to fight, and the Huaxia District will fall into absolute chaos.

The Scarlet Archon has begun to contact other guild leaders to protect the portal, and Lin Han has also issued a warning to the people in the Hall of Valor. There may be enemies near Lancang City at any time. All the players of the Hall of Valor outside, at this time. At this moment, they all return to Fang Lancang City.

This situation also appeared in other super main cities. Donghai City gave them a warning. During this time, foreign players seemed to be doing nothing. In fact, they were planning to give the Huaxia Theater a big "surprise".

"Other super main cities have also caught these guys. Sure enough, they are going to directly divide our super main cities, so that we have no way to quickly support, and not only Maozi and monkeys, but also people from the stick have appeared. already."

More and more information was gathered in the hands of Scarlet Archon and Lin Han. Every super city found the traces of these spies. They hid their national identities. This will really be successful for them.

After all, the portal itself belongs to a building with a large number of users. There will be a large number of players gathered here. It is difficult for anyone to find them. If it is not for the high vigilance in Lancang City, the members of the Hall of Valor will not be aware of it. to something wrong.

Needless to say what happened next, all the super main cities were blocked, and the players in the main city were also directly screened for a round. During this round of inspections, they actually found dozens of more lurking foreign players.

"|It's not the way to go on like this. How can these guys hide their nationality."

The Scarlet Archon's face was extremely ugly, and he said in a deep voice in the chat channel.

"Someone on my side told me that they seem to have completed a large-scale team task and obtained a kind of camouflage magic from the NPC. This magic can make the target obtain camouflage special effects for a certain period of time. Those guys rely on Infiltrated our super capital city with this kind of magic."

"I also have news about the item that blocks the portal. It is a special alchemy blueprint obtained by a player called Frost from Maozi's side after completing a quest. Magic buildings fail for a certain period of time, but they have very high restrictions and requirements."


More and more news began to gather in the hands of the Scarlet Consul and others. It's not that they have not planted spies in other countries, but because of the sudden incident, the news here has not had time to spread, and the enemy has already called. .

"What hides the identity is the magic released by the player, what blocks the portal is some kind of alchemy prop, and what isolates the regional voice is the NPC shot. Oh, these guys, this time is really going to make us bleed."

Looking at the information forwarded to him by the Scarlet Consul, Lin Han also felt the pressure.

At present, four countries have joined forces and started to attack, especially the stick and the little devil. The main reason for this is that Lin Han directly blew up Luoying City before, and even killed one of their god-level NPCs. .

Everyone was prepared, so when Donghai City was attacked, they immediately took countermeasures. Even now, Donghai City is still in a stalemate. Dark Moon and others have a lot of defensive measures. Bian is not worried, what they care more about now is that if they hold up this wave, who should they hammer next?

Who to hammer, this is a very difficult question. If you consider strength, the best choice is the stick and the little devil. The former has been tricked by a large number of players and has lost a lot of strength, while the latter is even worse, and the player has died a lot. Not to mention, one of the super main cities was burned down, and even one of the guardians was killed.

However, the Scarlet Archon had a bolder idea, he wanted to fight the two together.

"Can Dark Blasphemy be responsible for holding them back?"

During the group chat, the Scarlet Archon asked politely.

Instead of other players, one person against a war zone, everyone else thinks this must be crazy.

That is a player from a country, and the number can crush you. However, if this person is dark and blasphemous, they will calm down a little and then think about the success rate.

"There were some problems before, but now, it's not a big problem."

Lin Han, who came out of the dark conference center, saw the news, smiled and answered affirmatively.

He has swelled, not only because of the plague knight's subduing, but also because he has completed the test task that Arthas gave him. Now he has removed the identity of the apprentice Lich King, but is the real Lich King .

After gaining the approval of Arthas, Lin Han's skills also got a round of strengthening. He used the Lich King's rights temporarily. After confirming that he passed the test, the natural disaster summoning on his side was upgraded.

Natural Disaster Call Lv1: [The equipment user will be able to lock an area and mark it every day. The marked area will be continuously attacked by the natural disaster army in the next period of time. The strength of the attacking army changes according to the natural disaster calling time. Level 1 natural disaster call You can mark an area for 2400 seconds. All the Scourge Legions that come have the effect of Scourge Plague. All units that are killed will be gradually eroded by Scourge Plague. When a unit is completely eroded, they will be corrupted into new Scourge creatures. , when the number of corrupted creatures reaches a certain level, the Lich King will open the recruiting building for that creature. 】

The upgraded Scourge Call has new abilities. The summoned unit carries the plague. The plague will erode the attacked unit and convert it into a Scourge creature. However, this is not the point.

What Lin Han paid more attention to was the last section. If the number of corrupted creatures exceeded a certain number, the recruiting building for that creature would be opened.

This means that if he can corrupt a bunch of Tier 10 units, he can start mass-producing Tier 10 undead creatures on his side!

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