Heroic King

Chapter 1114: With all the cards out, the White Calamity debuts!

"Not good? If you want to say something bad, then you will withdraw the players and let us suffer heavy losses, is that good?"

Ivanov took the first two steps, the red light in his eyes gradually shone, and the faces of the players on the opposite side all changed greatly. This is a precursor to the madness of the Berserkers. This guy actually wants to do something to them!

"If you don't make it clear today, don't let any of you leave me."

While Ivanov was speaking, the players present found that they were all surrounded by Maozi players.

"What are you going to do Ivanov, we are allies, do you want your war zone to be besieged by our three war zones at the same time?"

Pu Junlun looked at Ivanov with a bad face, and his words also meant a threat.

"Siege? Don't you see the reality clearly? If this battle fails, do you think you still have time to besiege our war zone?"

There was a strange smile on Ivanov's face. Park Junlun's sentence should be the funniest joke he has heard this year.


Park Junlun was at a loss for words, and he also thought of the consequences of this withdrawal, the Huaxia Theater without worries, will definitely retaliate against them crazily, and at this moment, the devil called Dark Blasphemy is still in their theater. Wanting to plunder, and then there will be a group of players in the Huaxia theater, this is undoubtedly a nightmare for them.

"We can agree to the conditions you said, and even give you an additional 10 million as compensation, but I have a request, we must make a quick decision within these days."

When Park Junlun was silent, a player finally spoke up. The one who spoke was the player named The Last Samurai who stood behind Park Junlun. He was the person in charge of the Japanese theater this time, and also a giant consortium in this game. representative in .

The main promoter of the joint this time is their consortium, so at this time, he still stood up.

He didn't want to see this fragile alliance collapse like this. Indeed, players from these countries gathered for profit, but if there is an infighting now, the biggest beneficiary will definitely be Huaxia.

If Huaxia survives this wave and retaliates wildly at that time, the Japanese theater will definitely bear the brunt. Now they suspect that the dark blasphemy is lurking on the Fallen Sakura Continent, but in the Japanese theater, it is not a unified voice, there is a kind of The voice is to question that their actions are further provoking the war. Originally, they lost the strength of Luoying City, and their strength has declined greatly. Now the first task should be to recuperate.

Different voices made it extremely difficult to implement many things on their side. It was like searching for traces of darkness and blasphemy. This matter was settled after a day of debate, and it took another day, two days to set up a search team. What the Last Samurai can do is unclear, but he has a hunch that this delay will cause them a lot of trouble next.

He wants to end the battle here as soon as possible, because if it continues like this, without the people from China to attack, their side will be self-defeating, and the pressure from the homeland makes players from other countries not have everything in the battle. Investment, they have always been worried about their hometown being stolen, and also worried that if the losses here are heavy, there may be other troubles when they go back, for example, those competitors in the homeland, they are very happy to replace their own in the city of heaven. Location.

"Deal, I hope this time, you won't let us down again. We only have this chance. If we fail, I will quit directly. You can wait for Huaxia's revenge."

Ivanov agreed immediately. In fact, he was not willing to destroy this fragile alliance. Even though he was very ruthless now, he was actually quite cowardly.

Inside Maozi is not monolithic. There are also many players who are extremely disgusted with the behavior of Ivanov and his guilds, thinking that this is provoking a war. Huaxia and Maozi can live in peace and deal with other countries together.

As a result, they are fighting like this now, and peace is unlikely to be achieved. If Huaxia cleans up several other war zones, then the next target will definitely be them.

"We have 12 hours to rest. After 12 hours, we will launch a total attack. No one is allowed to save their strength. If I found out that some players have the behavior of releasing water and saving their strength, they will strip your part of the benefits. In addition, Ivanov, I need you to show your true strength, understand? You know what I'm talking about."

Looking at Ivanov who was far away, the last samurai said that they were preserving their strength, but Maozi's side was the same. As far as he knew, they still had an extremely terrifying legion in their hands, known as the Legion of the White Scourge.

It's just that they don't know whether those guys in Huaxia are hiding any trump card. Before the East China Sea City was almost broken, it stands to reason that they should have forced all the means of these guys. However, so far, he still feels that, Something is wrong.

"Be careful, the darkness desecrates that guy, it's probably right here."

When the last samurai organized the final wave of attack, on the side of the Japanese theater, a huge fleet sailed from the edge of the Fallen Sakura Continent. The player who exudes purple light is nervously commanding.

There are a total of 500 players in this group of search teams. They are divided into 10 teams according to their guilds. Most of them are elite members of the guild. Of course, they are not top elites, because the real top elites are all at this moment. On the way to the Huaxia Theater.

The battle in Donghai City is coming to an end. Players from the four countries are frantically mobilizing elite troops to prepare for a general attack. The players on China’s side are also starting to frantically attack their defense lines, trying to rush in, but in the face of a large number of When preparing the enemy, their offensive effect is minimal.

Because it is related to the last battle, Maozi has stopped hiding. A special legion directly joined the battlefield. It was a special legion with no more than 5,000. Although the number was not large, from the moment they entered the battlefield, the entire The battlefield environment has changed.

"This is the White Calamity Corps? It really lives up to its reputation. It's a terrifying unit with its own permanent battlefield magic. These guys actually hide such terrifying weapons."

Seeing that the battlefield where the White Calamity Legion was located from a distance was covered with ice and snow, Rao Shi, the last samurai already knew something, was shocked.

This legion will be covered by ice and snow. All units within 800 meters of the White Disaster Legion will suffer severe freezing damage, and the attack speed and movement speed will be greatly reduced. If the water resistance is lower than a certain value There will also be a long-term freezing effect.

This effect directly affects the environment, and even friendly units are not immune, so there are almost no other players in the line of defense where the White Calamity Legion is located. Of course, the line of defense where they are also has the lowest offensive pressure.

Almost all Huaxia players avoided this group of dangerous guys, especially the players of the Hell Race. The Scarlet Archon on the city wall and the Burning Hand in the support team looked at this group of White Disasters with green faces. of.

"This group of hairy guys are beasts, right? This 12th-tier unit has been obtained, and there are still a full 5,000 units."

The blood-colored Archon's face twitched. Tier 12 units. At this stage, they are all super-top existences. As long as any player obtains more than 100 units, it will be a qualitative change.

And now the White Calamity Corps appeared on the battlefield, with a full 5,000 units! This legion alone is enough to sweep a large guild. This is no joke. Judging from the situation detected by the Scarlet Archon, the water resistance is lower than 80%, and entering the vicinity of the White Disaster will be blocked every 10 seconds. Freeze for 3-7 seconds.

In addition to this, you will also receive 800-4000 points of water magic damage, with a 50% reduction in movement speed and a 40% reduction in attack speed. For units of the Hell family, this is simply a nightmare natural enemy.

The appearance of this legion was a heavy blow to them. No one thought that the enemy would hide such a hand. At the beginning, there was no way to restrain this group of white disaster warriors wearing white bear skins and holding heavy axes. Many players have suffered heavy losses in their hands.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

In the white cold air, the white disaster warriors with giant axes are gradually walking towards the city wall of the East China Sea. These muscular giants with a height of more than 2 meters have unimaginable and terrifying strength. Its weight is even more unimaginable. Ordinary 9th-tier troops will die directly after being swept by this giant axe.

What's worse, these guys have two attack modes. The first is to swing the giant axe to sweep the enemy in front of them, while the second is more terrifying. They will swing the giant axe and smash the ground hard. , the cold will turn the ground into an ice area, and then the attacked area will release countless ice cones to penetrate all the enemies in front.

This attack mode does extremely high damage. What's more dangerous is that the ice cone can penetrate all enemies within 40 meters in front. At the beginning, some Chinese players tried to use cannon fodder tactics to drag these guys, but they were directly cleared by two rounds of ice cone blasting. Lost tens of thousands of cannon fodder units.

"Upper water units, if there is magic to change the terrain, use it directly!"

On the city wall, the Scarlet Archon is commanding the battle, and Darkmoon Malasa has already gone offline to rest. If the East Sea City was lost when Darkmoon went offline, it means that the Scarlet Archon is embarrassed. .

Therefore, the members of the guild in the periphery are attacking the three defense lines like crazy. However, this time, the players of the Three Kingdoms are almost determined to defend here. Under this premise, the Huaxia players have been attacked several times in a row. repel!

"You end the battle as soon as possible! These guys are like lunatics, it's terrible!"

Pu Junlun, who had withdrawn from the front line, looked at Ivanov in front of him and said with gritted teeth. It seemed that he felt the intention of the four-nation coalition to take the East Sea City. Now Huaxia players are attacking them like lunatics, and even some A group of players are teaming up to release battlefield magic. Now both sides have suffered heavy losses. However, the battlefield is in the Huaxia theater. Whether it is rest, reinforcement or support, Huaxia players have great advantages.

"I can't help it. This is the drawback of the White Calamity Corps. The movement speed of these guys is too slow."

Looking at the last samurai who came from a distance with scars all over his body, Ivanov shrugged and said helplessly.

This time, I really don't blame him. He has already tried his best to urge the White Calamity Legion to attack the enemy, but this legion's inherent drawbacks are here. They have terrible destructive power, defense power and survivability, but their legs are short.

This is a real short leg, not a description, but a real short leg. These guys can only take a little distance in one step. Players on the battlefield think that this legion is making steady progress, but only those who know it know. Those **** short legs!



Knowing this fact, Park Junlun and the last samurai were a little speechless. No wonder Ivanov didn't use this thing at the beginning. This is really an army that can only be taken out during a decisive battle, because if you After using it once, the enemy will almost know how to deal with it next time. When the next attack, the destructive power of the White Calamity Legion cannot be so powerful.

"Don't just talk about us, what about your shadow warriors and onmyoji? Shadow warriors should be very suitable for this kind of siege battle, right? As long as we kill the defenders on the city, our attack efficiency will be much faster."

Not wanting to talk about the black history of the White Calamity, Ivanov began to turn his attention to the last samurai. He collected data on allies, not only Japanese players, but also several other countries on Ivanov's side. For the information of the characteristic arms, they also have the existence of a special legion similar to the White Calamity Warrior, but they have not used it since the battle.

"It's already used, but you just didn't pay attention, otherwise our offensive pressure will be more than twice as great as it is now."

Hearing what Ivanov said, even the last samurai had no choice but to explain.

In fact, he didn't hide it privately. He brought a lot of shadow warriors here. Moreover, at the beginning of the battle, the so-called King of Phantoms had already touched the city wall of Donghai City.

As a 12th-tier arm, the shadow warrior is a typical assassin arm. This arm is suitable for lurking around the enemy's troops to destroy, and not long after the battle begins, the shadow warrior who touches it has already begun to destroy.

They prioritized destruction of all kinds of siege equipment, war machines and these buildings that could exert great power in the defense of the city. At least 70% of the magic artillery and demon hunting heavy crossbow on the city walls were destroyed by these guys.

After confirming that the damage of the siege machines was almost the same, they began to execute the second order, which was to kill any craftsman NPCs and players who tried to repair these machines!

These guys have brought huge trouble to the Scarlet Archon, but he also has a way to deal with the shadow warriors. As early as when he was supporting, he had already learned about this kind of Japanese special arms. If he dared to come here, he was ready. means of restraint.

With the rise of white light balls, the shadow warriors who were originally hidden in the darkness were gradually illuminated.

"Absolute Light: A special consumable magic item, which will activate the magic item after use, and all sneak and stealth units within 500 meters of the item will lose its effect. After the absolute light is released, it will last for 3 minutes, it will be damaged after the time is up."

Shadow warriors are just assassins. The reason why they are dangerous is because they have full-level refraction ability. In front of Absolute Light, these guys were directly pulled out. In the face of a large number of angry players, the results of these assassins can be imagined. Know.

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