Heroic King

Chapter 143: Specializing in all kinds of practitioners who refuse to accept

However, the enemies Lin Han and the others faced this time are not really impossible to defeat. Although the number of troops on the opposite side is terrifying, most of them are tier 1-3 troops, and they don't understand what these guys are Why do you bring so many cannon fodder units? Although it is a bit of a powerful imposing effect, in real battles, these units have little effect except for cannon fodder.

In terms of the success rate of the battle, Lin Han's side is actually quite high. The troops he brought this time are all elite troops. Except for the previously modified arms, all the arms such as the Abyss Tiger and Soul Sacrifice Knight have been brought. , In terms of combat power, it can only be said that there is an increase, and there is absolutely no decrease.

"Ignorant undead, your arrival offended the great dark dragon Malasa, you will use your souls to atone for your sins, and the benevolent dark dragon Malasa will forgive you!"

The three dark elf lords on the opposite side were obviously mad followers of the dragon of darkness, Malassa, and they had already begun to shout before the battle. Lin Han did not have much hope for reconciliation with these guys. The spikes on the back of the Soul Sacrifice Knight suddenly began to extend, and finally turned into an extremely sharp spear. All Soul Sacrifice Knights grabbed the spear at the same time and pulled it out. The next moment, the blue light had covered the spear, penetrating the spear. The throwing has been prepared, as long as the battle begins, the Soul Sacrifice Knight can throw the weapon in his hand at any time.

"Attack!" When the bloodthirsty frenzy and the death motivation fell on the soul sacrifice knights at the same time, Orianna also gave them an attack order. The blue spear flew from Lin Han's side to the opposite dark elf like a shooting star. Although several dark elf heroes blessed the troops with air barriers at the first time, they did not expect that this attack was actually the skill of the Soul Sacrificial Knight, and would not be affected by the air barriers at all!

"Pfft!" "Pfft!" "Pfft!"

The flying spears penetrated the troops of the dark elves crazily. The most spear even penetrated 8 units in a row. The damage output caused by these dark elf lords broke out in cold sweat!

The minimum damage of the piercing throw is 45%, and the minimum penetration probability is also 45%, which means that the spear thrown by the soul sacrificial knight has a high probability of causing damage to many enemies. One or two damage may not be a big deal, but If all the spears really penetrate 8 targets, the damage numbers will be staggering.

"Manticore troops! Attack!"

"Shadow Manticore! Cooperate with Gargoyle and Abyss Tiger to block those guys!"

The flying troops of both sides chose to dispatch almost at the same time, but the results were completely different. The attributes of the shadow manticore were not much different from those of the manticore. During the battle, due to the effect of aging, they would not be at a disadvantage, but in terms of number of people. , Lin Han's side is really absolutely crushed, 500 units of gargoyle, 400 units of abyss tiger, this and completely make up for the lack of strength, although the basic attributes of the abyss tiger are a little lower, but the range of 12 meters And the ability of flying killer can basically make up for this defect. As for the 500-unit gargoyle, it can only be described as shameless. They have always been far away from the battle line, using the powerful range advantage to kill the enemy crazily. It can be said that for every 1 unit of Shadow Manticore Lin Han lost, the enemy must lose at least 5 units of Manticore.

"Nether Hydra! Come on!"

When the sky had turned into a battlefield, the ground troops also started a head-to-head confrontation. The Nether Hydras strode into the battlefield, and the four heads frantically attacked the surrounding enemies. Their output capacity was actually not lower than that of the Dark Blade Warlord. If the Darkblade Warlord has no kill skills, it is even inferior to them in output. After all, when these guys attack, they cause 100% damage to up to 4 enemies.

"Stalker, focus on killing!"

The dark elf lord on the opposite side is not stupid. A large number of stalkers began to frantically focus on killing the Nether Hydras. This is the best way to deal with this kind of damage in the area. It is better to cut off a finger. Attack, even Lin Han's troops can't stop it, but these hunters really have such a good output environment?

"Soul sacrifice knight!"

At the moment when the stalker emerged, the soul sacrificial knights threw out their spears one after another, and the blue meteor attacked the dark elves again. Once they are punctured more than 5 times, it is the rhythm of lying directly on the ground, and after the first round of attacks, the soul sacrifice knight has drawn out a new spear, and then the second round of shooting stars come!

"Followers of the Dark Dragon! Break through their defenses!"

A dark elf hero suddenly let out a sharp cry. The next moment, all the Hydras in his army began to sprint frantically, and their movement speed increased by at least 50%. When the Hydras collided with the Darkblade Warlord in the first row At that time, almost all the Dark Blade Warlords were knocked back several times!


The Darkblade Warlord, who was knocked back by the Hydra, roared at the same time. The next moment, the sharp blade directly cut the body of the Hydra, and at the same time, behind them, a new unit, the Nether Stalker, appeared. This creature is being transformed. Afterwards, they were not only resurrected, but also endowed with more powerful power by Ania. Their ring blades shone with lavender light, which was the effect of a special poison. All units attacked by their ring blades would be affected by the toxin. Impact!

"Nether Stalker: Transformed Tier 6 troops, stalkers resurrected by soul crystals, have gained power from the world of death, and the ring blades in their hands are soaked with toxins, and when they hurt the enemy, they can be more powerful. Greatly weakens the enemy.

Damage: 35-40,

Defense: 12,

Health: 600,

Movement speed: 2.5 meters per second,

Attack speed: once every 1.7 seconds,

Range: 48 meters,

Special abilities: 1. Death Spinning Hunting [Nether Stalkers have stronger powers after being resurrected. The boomerangs they throw will deal two damage to all enemies in the attack route, each time the damage is 75 of the normal value. %. 】

2. Prey Mark

3. Hunting time

4. Poisoned weapons [The weapons in the hands of the ghost hunters are soaked with toxins. All targets hit by the weapons will have their movement speed reduced by 15%, their attack speed will be reduced by 10%, and they will receive 5 points of damage per second for 20 seconds. ]"

After the transformation, the Nether Stalker even has more power than the Stalker, which is something no one thought of. Moreover, their damage mechanism has also changed. At the beginning, the roundabout hunting will only affect the people along the way. The enemy deals one damage, and now it is two damages, which is equivalent to an increase in output by more than half.

This may not seem like much, but once it is placed in a melee, when there are a large number of troops between the Nether Stalker and the enemy, the damage will become extremely considerable, and now, these Nether Stalkers are locked in The target is the enemy's Nether Stalker, in the middle of the two sides, but there are a lot of Hydras!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The ring blade shone with purple light constantly shuttled across the battlefield, the advantage of the lord's high attack talent was revealed at this moment, the dark elves were really good at magic, but Lin Han had Williams and Orianna specializing in magic. The heroes who were dissatisfied with the caster, the caster heroes on the opposite side just wanted to use magic, and Orianna's arcane chaos had already fallen on them, and at the same time, the area where they released the meteor shower had been blocked. Blessed by Williams' crystal armor, in the area covered by the meteor shower, none of the damage numbers that floated exceeded 30, and the faces of the heroes I saw turned green!

"Hey, do you want to use magic? Forgot to mention, I am not convinced by the legendary magician who specializes in all kinds of magic!"

Standing on the front line, Lin Han grinned and said that he is not afraid of the enemy's caster heroes at all. The reason is very simple. Those guys are now empty of magic power. High-level magic is not so easy to release. Meteor Fire Rain belongs to Rank 3 magic, and it is one of the magic that consumes a lot of money. These heroes did not understand Williams' ability. When they came up, it was the Meteor Fire Shower that cooperated with the Thunder Zone to directly clear Lin Han's long-range troops, but they didn't expect that Austrian. The effect of Lianna's Arcane Chaos will be so powerful that after a few spells, almost all the caster heroes have empty mana!

"Soul sacrifice knights! Take down their long-range troops for me, and attack the whole army!"

Taking out Frostmourne, Lin Han waved forward and gave the troops an order to advance. In the sky, Lin Han's flying troops had completely taken the lead. The enemy's 400 manticore troops were completely crippled, and more than half of them were crippled. The credit goes to the gargoyles. These guys are so shameless. Every time a salvo fires at least 5 units of manticores are killed. In the face of gargoyles with high mobility and high attack, there are really not many manticores. temper.

"The ghouls quickly swept the battlefield and prepared to evacuate, abandoning the corpses of the Hydras and collecting only the Stalkers and Manticores."

During the pursuit, Lin Han did not forget to clean up the battlefield. These are all troops. As long as they are brought back to the Sky City, they are new troops. The bodies of the Hydras are too heavy to be collected easily, so Lin Han was arrested by Lin Han. Abandoning it directly, for him, stalkers and manticores are really good things. Tier 6 and 7 arms are really top-notch now.

Seeing Lin Han actually advancing with the whole army, the dark elf lords and heroes on the opposite side suddenly became uneasy. The growth of the commander's attack and defense attributes of the dark elves has always been a pain for this race, and there are also the tower clan who suffer from the same disease. These two races are magical races, even if they are commander heroes, their attack and defense talent growth is lower than that of other race heroes, but their commander heroes also have a lot of intellectual and spiritual growth. When magic attack, it will reduce a lot of damage.

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