Heroic King

Chapter 145: face to face

The strength of Lin Han has exceeded the expectations of these dark elf lords. This is considered unlucky for them. What's wrong, they have to play a siege battle with Lin Han. Thousands of units of ghouls and darkness in the city Is the spirit shooter used for decoration?

Of course not, the ghoul itself is a Tier 5 unit, and it is a very powerful unit with high attack and high mobility. Although the Dark Spirit Archer is a Tier 3 unit, it can no longer keep up with the output of the current Lin Han troops, but the quantitative change causes the qualitative change. The words are not in vain. After thousands of units of dark spirit shooters are converted into Tier 4 arms - soul hunters, the output ability is not what these dark spirit lords can imagine.

If it is said to be fighting in the wild, Lin Han will not last for 10 minutes under the siege of this dark elf lord coalition, but it is different when it is a siege battle. These guys did not bring siege equipment, which means They must attack the wall against the output of Lin Han's troops, and the long-range troops, let's not talk about it, now the hunters have all withdrawn out of the range of the soul hunters, but the retreat of these guys means that the Hydra will be Takes all damage from Soul Hunter.

"Quick fight!"

Lin Han gave orders to Orianna and other heroes on the city wall. The next moment, the city gate opened again, but this time it was not only ghouls, but also dark spirit shooters. Behind them were ghouls. Darkblade Warlords neatly arranged.

As if it were an army, the Dark Spirit Archer and Dark Blade Warden neatly laid out a square at the city gate. The Dark Elf Lord's face was very ugly. That kind of archer unit was troublesome enough, and there were still so many. They have also heard of sharp-blade warriors. This unit has a strong harvesting ability, and its special ability can be directly killed when the enemy's health value is low. Therefore, when these two units appeared in large numbers, they felt a little tricky.

"This cemetery lord is very strong."

"I have never seen his troops before. It seems to be a special race. We must be very careful."

"No way, we have to attack, this guy's strength is very strong, it's not good for us to continue to drag on, you found out, there is a negative state of arcane chaos in us, I have let Jereka purify with magic I did, but it didn't work."

There began to be whispered discussions among the dark elf lords. After the first wave of attacks did not achieve the desired results, there were some differences among the dark elf lords. Some people wanted to continue the attack, while others wanted to. Lure Lin Han to fight outside the city wall.

What kept them hesitant was the negative state of their bodies. The impact of this negative state of Arcane Chaos was beyond their imagination. In the first wave of battles, their caster heroes added buff magic to the troops. Almost half of the mana was consumed. Among them, the most unlucky heroes even failed more than three times in a row. The amount of wasted mana made them unbearable.

"It's impossible not to fight head-on. This guy is stupid or something, and he actually dragged all the troops out. Hmph, if he wants to fight head-on, we'll satisfy his idea!"

Soon, a conclusion was reached among the dark elf lords. The dark elf lords who wanted to fight Lin Han head-on accounted for the vast majority. Although they said that they had a certain influence on their spellcasting ability, the overall strength of their troops was still relatively high. In good condition, although the previous loss of the Hydra army was as high as more than 2,000 units, it was only more than 100 units distributed to each lord.

The number of lords allows them to use dozens of times more troops than a single player. In this way, they don't have to worry about the excessive number of troops lost in many cases, so when facing Lin Han's active provocation, they Almost 80% of the people chose to fight.

"Dark spirit shooter! Form transformation!"

"Dark Blade Warden! Form Transformation!"

The two arms simultaneously activated their form-transforming abilities, and the black death fog directly covered most of the city gates. When the Berserker General and Soul Hunter broke through the fog and walked out at the same time, the dark elf lord also started their attack.

This time the attack is not a petty fight. When the Hydras with more than 5,000 units launched the charge at the same time, the momentum was amazing, and the ground began to tremble constantly. Behind the Hydras, a larger number of stalkers held ring blades. Immediately after that, this was already an extremely crazy battle. If Lin Han could win this battle, he would get a very rich gift.

"General Rage prepares!"

When the Hydra was no more than 50 meters away from the Rampage General, the Rampage General raised his heavy blade and launched a charge. Although Lin Han only had a Rampage General with more than 1,000 units, his charge was not inferior to the 5,000-level opponent on the other side. Unit Hydras, the blue dim light shone on the battlefield, these berserk generals fought against the Hydras for the first time, just in the first round of battle, the berserk generals on Lin Han's side lost more than 20 units!

"Ghouls! Charge in!"

The troops behind General Berserker are not soul hunters, but ghouls. This group of high-mobility troops quickly rushes through the defense line of the dragon lizards under the blessing of the double halo. The advantages of small-sized units are undoubtedly revealed in this situation. , and their target is the troop behind the Hydra - the Stalker!

"Block them manticore!"

Seeing the advance of the ghouls, the dark elf lord's expression changed, and then a large number of manticores fell from the sky, blocking the gap between the ghouls and the stalkers, although they did not have much against the extremely rogue gargoyle. However, it is more than enough to bully low-level troops such as ghouls. The high armor and health of manticores are their best assets as a defensive line, and the constant paralysis effect is even more. Paralyzed ghouls Ghosts have become their natural barriers. The only downside is that these guys are too big. A manticore has to face at least three ghouls attacking at the same time. There were also casualties.

"Group Therapy!"

The three caster heroes released group healing skills to the manticore at the same time, but only two of them succeeded. The effect of arcane chaos made this group of casters a headache. Under normal circumstances, they would have to release at least 10 or more. Only magic will have insufficient magic power, and now, they will face this situation when they release 5-6 magic at most, and it is uncertain whether these 5-6 magic will be released.

"It's us who is affected by the caster hero on the opposite side! As long as we kill him, we can remove this state!"

Although some of them discovered that the real releaser of Arcane Chaos was Orianna, none of the heroes were willing to fight her. In fact, after a hero used Destruction Blast on Orianna, there was no Other heroes are willing to fight with Orianna.

Destruction Shock is a level 3 magic, it is a single magic, the biggest effect is to act on heroes, the basic damage of this magic is not high, but it has a particularity, that is, the spiritual power gap, the enemy and its own spiritual power The bigger the gap, the higher the damage caused, otherwise, it will be backlashed. After releasing this magic, Orianna's health did not change much, but the hero's health and instant decreased by 28 points.

This means that Orianna's spiritual talent is at least level 9 higher than him, which is not good news. This hero is already considered to have high spiritual power on their side. Even so, it is lower than Orianna's level 9. Let these spellcaster heroes lose the idea of ​​​​acting on Orianna in an instant. Rather than attacking the perverted hero with high mental power, they might as well release some more magic, enhance the strength of the troops, or weaken the strength of the enemy.

"Fire Wall!" "Magic Purification!" "Death Ripple!"

On Lin Han's side, all kinds of magic have never stopped. Gains, negatives, damage, and all kinds of magic appear in the army. Lin Han can even see a few messages from the occasional reminder message. Tips for eagle eyes to steal magic.

In this battle, Ania can be considered to be brilliant, the dark magic damage of the lich is extremely amazing, although all units of the dark elves have a special ability - dark believer, which reduces all dark magic by 10 % damage, still can't resist the death ripple released by Ania. After a few ripples, a hydra will be drained of its vitality, while Ania continues to release the death ripple after using the arcane magic bottle once. , until the magic completely dried up.

Orianna is the highest output caster hero in the game, and the wall of fire is her strongest damage skill. Even a Hydra that has applied fire thaumaturgy cannot resist too much damage in front of Orianna. For Lin Han, the biggest effect of the fire wall is not to kill the enemy, but to let them enter the residual blood before they can be killed by the beheaded general.

The Hydra's attack method gives this unit a great advantage against most enemies, but when facing the Berserker General, the range attack ability makes them a bit miserable. Once triggered by the sweeping power, The dark elf lords who looked at the damage numbers were twitching in their hearts, triggering several sweeping powers in a row, their hearts were not as simple as twitching, but bleeding.

The battle is starting to heat up, and the Berserker General has lost more than half, but the situation of the Hydras is not optimistic. The Hydras with more than 5000 units are now only about 2800 units on the counter, and their losses are comparable to the Berserker General. much higher.

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