Heroic King

Chapter 285: Specialties of Hailong Cave

"What kind of enemy is that?"

He Hao and Zhang Liang were both shocked when they saw the shark guards swimming in the distance. They hadn't seen Lin Han so serious, even when those poisonous sea dragons appeared, he didn't pay much attention. The moment the guards appeared, both of them felt the change in Lin Han's troops. The only explanation for this was that the enemy was very strong!

"Shark Guards: Sea Clan Tier 8 elite troops. This is a group of extremely bloodthirsty warriors. The weak aura of the enemy will make them even more crazy. If they are accidentally restrained by their death net, it will be An unforgettable memory.

Damage: 90-130

Defense: 50

Attack method: normal attack

Defense Type: Light Armor

Health: 2200

Attack Speed: Once every 2.4 seconds

Movement speed: 3.5 meters per second

special power:

1. Battle Warrior [When the shark guard enters the battle state, it will increase its damage over time, increasing the damage by 1% per second, up to 20%. This effect will be released 15 seconds after stopping the attack. 】

2. The power of the ocean [The shark guardian received the blessing from the sea god, and the ocean is the source of his life. In sea water, the shark guardian's health recovery speed is increased by 200%, and he has a 20% evasion chance against the enemy's physical attack. 】

3. Breaking the waves [When the shark guards attack in the water, there is a 25% chance to trigger a seawater attack, causing the same damage as the attack to the attack target and the surrounding enemy units within 3 meters, and stuns the attack target for 1 second. Cooldown: 60 seconds. 】

4. Death trapping [The shark guard throws a net of death, the unit caught by the net of death will suffer 35 points of continuous damage per second, the air unit will fall immediately and will be bound, and the ground unit will It will be forcibly dragged to the Shark Guard, but it is invalid for units equal to or higher than the Shark Guard. The Shark Guard will deal 50% additional damage to units bound by the Death Web. Cooldown: 60 seconds. ]"

This is the attribute of the shark guard, high damage, defense and health value are not low, but also additional recovery ability and physical evasion ability, the most important thing is that this guy has area damage ability, although it is unstable, However, once triggered, the area damage is also extremely impressive.

"You guys are focused on dealing with the highly poisonous sea dragon, these shark guards are handed over to me."

Lin Han whispered to He Hao and Zhang Liang, and then directed the troops to meet the group of shark guards directly. During the first wave of attacks, many of the shark guards broke into waves, and a large number of damage figures started. Floating up, Orianna frowned, and after several consecutive dark cures, the health of the Iron Naga Elite Guards was pulled up.


After surviving the first wave of damage, the attack by the Iron Naga elite guards made the shark guards a little unbearable. In fact, to a certain extent, these two arms are the same, but the shark Guards may cause fatal damage to a large number of enemies, while Iron Naga elite guards may explode a large amount of damage when attacking a single enemy.

In such a round of battle, Lin Han still has a certain advantage, because the blood-sucking ability of the Iron Naga elite guards allows these guys to continuously restore their health, cooperate with Orianna's dark healing, and then let a few more There is basically no need to worry about a Mugger witch doctor inserting a medical totem pole.

However, the enemies that appear here are not just as simple as the shark guards, because they are provoking all the sea creatures around, so in the next few minutes, Lin Han and the others saw a large number of sea creatures, melee, long-range The number of these creatures is not large, and they are basically stable at the level of 300-400 units. In terms of threats, one cannot threaten Lin Han's troops, but once they cooperate, Lin Han will also A bit of a headache.

"Separate a part of the troops to attack the coral wall, and leave it to me to deal with."

Lin Han took a deep breath and said, the battle here is not something that Zhang Liang and the others can deal with. In this dungeon, Lin Han must save Zhang Liang and his troops as much as possible, otherwise there will be loopholes when they will deal with the boss-level creatures. .

This is very important. There are 5 boss-level creatures and one lord-level creature in this dungeon. Among them, what Lin Han and the others have to worry about are those 5 boss-level creatures, because they want to summon the last lord-level creature, the player These 5 boss-level creatures must be killed in a certain order, and the difference between the periods cannot exceed 5 minutes.

"Five minutes, if it is said that they are all attacked together, there is a great chance."

Lin Han thought to himself, constantly planning what to do next. This Sea Clan dungeon is a mixed dungeon, which means that after clearing the level, players may obtain arms, resources and treasures. The higher the rating, the more rewards. This is why Lin Han made such a big noise here. First, it can save time, and second, he killed a large number of sea clans. After the creature, the final clearance evaluation should also be improved to some extent.

Lin Han is commanding the troops to continuously resist the attacks from the sea creatures, and at the same time, he is also replenishing the dark spiritual power to the Iron Naga elite guards. After a while, the five leader-level creatures mainly rely on this kind of arms to output. In the state of spiritual power, the Iron Naga Elite Guard can maintain a stance transition time of 1000 seconds. If the output is full for more than 10 minutes, there is no problem in knocking down 3 boss-level creatures. This is not bragging, because in the dungeon The strength of the leader-level creature is slightly weaker than that of the wild leader-level creature. Of course, this is in the case of the same level.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The coral wall is constantly collapsing, and the pressure on Lin Han's defense is getting smaller and smaller. A large number of sea creatures have been killed, and the blood has even turned all the sea water in this area red, which is even more serious to some extent. Inspired the fierceness of these sea clan, but in front of the steel Naga elite guard, it seems that there is no powerful sea clan creature that can break through their sharp blade defense.

"It seems that the offensive power of the sea creatures is much weaker."

A few minutes later, there were not many sea creatures around Lin Han and the others, and in the distance, a small number of sea creatures were still wandering, but these guys seemed to be reluctant to approach here, because they had been close to Lin Han before. The sea creatures have now become pieces of corpses that are constantly shaking in the sea.

"Don't rush to open the passage, there are many good things in this coral forest!"

After confirming that the marine creatures would not attack again in a short period of time, Lin Han stopped He Hao and the others from continuing to dismantle them. If they continue to dismantle, they will basically run through the entire coral forest. It is not a good choice to leave now. There are not only mazes in the forest, but also some random treasure chests or resources. Lin Han and the others will definitely not leave these good things to future generations. Even if it takes a little time, it is worth it.

"What did you find?"

After some searching, the three gathered again, and this time, both He Hao and Zhang Liang had equipment treasures that had changed. As for Lin Han, although he said that his equipment had not changed, in fact, he was One of the biggest gains this time.

With the memories of the previous life, he naturally knew where some treasures were kept. As for the specialties of this dungeon, he also knew very well, the eternal blessing of the Sea God, which is the best speciality in this dungeon, and In the coral forest, there is a 10% chance of appearing the accessories of this combination treasure, and this time he was lucky enough to get it.

"Poseidon Statue: A blue level 4 special treasure. After equipping it, all troops of the player can get a 5% increase in basic attributes when fighting in the ocean. At the same time, when all troops are attacked by sea troops, the damage is reduced by 5%."

This is one of the accessories of Poseidon's Eternal Blessing, and it is also the most difficult to obtain. The Poseidon's Eternal Blessing is only a semi-finished product, but it has already produced a very good effect. The cold is all there, and the next step is the Trident of the Sea God and the Crown of the Sea God.

After these 4 treasures are assembled, the eternal blessing of the sea **** can be assembled. This special treasure is purple level 4, and there is room for further improvement. For the current players, the biggest role of this treasure is - Eternity Blessed.

"Eternal Blessing: Players and their troops receive the eternal blessing of the Sea God. After entering the water, a blessing effect that can last for up to 240 minutes is automatically generated. The blessing effect is the same as the effect of the Sea God's Ball, and it can generate blessings for up to 240 minutes per day. The effect can be triggered multiple times."

With this equipment treasure, the player is equivalent to having a Seagod's Sphere effect that can last for 4 hours a day, which is very helpful for the player's exploration. Lin Han is also interested in the effect of this combination treasure. The time for each refresh of the Sea Dragon Cave is 7 days. The statue of the Sea God is also one of the treasures that cannot be traded. Players want to combine the eternal blessing of the Sea God. The wasteland is all gone, otherwise there is a 10% chance that he will meet him. If he doesn't buy a lottery ticket, he feels sorry for himself.


The last coral wall began to fall down, and in front of the three of them was an area lined with rocks, and in the rocks, various sea creatures were constantly shuttling, and after going through the first two areas , Lin Han and the others finally came to the most dangerous place.

With the help of Lin Han in the sea dragon jungle, there is not much danger for Zhang Liang and the others, but here, Lin Han can only protect himself. If they want to survive, they must work hard. .

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