Hero’s Creed

Chapter 82 - Conquer Step 1

  Although the torches and oil lamps are inserted on the walls of the gathering place, the environment is still dim, and because the underground is not well circulated, it is full of dirty smell, so it makes people feel particularly depressed.

  Every miner’s face is dirty, laughing, coupled with a dull echo, is particularly infiltrating.

“Boy, it seems that you haven’t eaten enough, you haven’t learned how to do well.” Cook teased Downton, and when he walked past Geze, he kicked on his calf. “Still stunned, go Work!”

  Without Cook’s instructions, the six foremen’s cronies had come over to assign tunnels to the new miners and urge them to enter the mine.

   It is inevitable to scold and whipping, this is to deter the miners, as soon as possible to extinguish the flame in their hearts that they want to resist.

   The dagger mine is very large. There are more than a thousand such small mining areas. There are several or even several collection sites in the mining area, and the foremen are responsible for each collection site.

  The foreman was not chosen by the mine chief, but the miners ‘elected’ them. Of course, this process inevitably requires some dark means.

Every foreman’s men, ranging from twenty-three to three, or three or four hundred, depends on their abilities. Above them, they are great foremen, each of whom has more than a thousand forces. They It is no longer necessary to work, it is responsible for monitoring the miners, do not let them make trouble.

  Cook is very capable of playing, so he seized a gathering place that is easier to mine ore, and because more than 300 miners gathered, this is his arrogance in the dagger mine.

   “Tell you, you can’t dig up 300 pounds of ore today, so don’t want to eat dinner.” Cook pointed to Downton, and then pointed to a tunnel, “That’s your site.”

   “Cook, you guys are so bad, that’s a dead mine. He just dug through the ground and couldn’t pick a piece of ore.”

   “Not necessarily, maybe he can pull it out.”

   “Oh, that thing must be delicious and delicious for him, let him pull the ore every day.”

  The miners laughed and laughed. After the boring and tiring work every day, it was a kind of relaxation to enjoy these bottom fish.

   Even if the miners have different status, they are divided into groups. At least those unlucky unlucky eggs are always the targets of bullying.

   “Boy, go work.”

Cook shoved Downton and didn’t hit anyone. In his view, every miner is a fat sheep, and the ore produced is wool. If they hurt them, it will inevitably affect mining and reduce production. This loss too big.

  The free people in Lima town took the pickaxe and iron braze and hurriedly entered the tunnel. At the mine, the foreman’s order was everything. If it violated, wait for it to be cleaned up.

  Tang Dun carrying iron brazing and hammer, walked into the tunnel, thinking about how to solve the problem, he did not want to waste time on such things.

   “A rich man with a net worth of more than 10 million, who has been digging in the mine exhaustively, who said it?”

   Downton desperately wants to change his status. As a civilian, he is too free. Even if he spends a high price, even if he has only a title and no honorary title without territory, he must buy one.

“At least with the status of nobility, I don’t have to work hard anymore.” Downton dropped the iron rod on the ground, listening to the clear sound, and suddenly reacted. “Yes, spend money to buy ore, there is no comparison. The miners are poorer.”

  The miners are poor and they have a lot of strength left. For a silver coin to buy ten pounds of ore, they are absolutely crazy to sell to themselves.

  The tunnel is well connected, and Downton quickly found a miner facing the honest.

   “What are you doing? I won’t help you!” The miner wiped his sweat and took the opportunity to stop and rest. His mining volume is almost completed today, so he doesn’t need to work too hard.

   Don Dun did not speak, took out a few silver coins, and bored and played.

   The eyes of the miners suddenly widened. Under the dim oil light, the luster of the silver coins was dazzling.

   Downton revealed his intention a little, and the miners nodded busy and agreed.

  Even if the miners have a hard day, it is only the salary of five or six silver coins. This sale is a win-win for both parties.

   “Next time, you can bring the potion in.” Downton sat on the floor, thinking about the problem. In front of him, more than three hundred pounds of ore had been piled up in less than twenty minutes.

   There are other stones in the ore veins, not all of them are ore, so it is not an easy job to chisel it down and then filter it out.

   “What? No more?” A dozen or more miners came in carrying a basket full of ore, and when they heard it was full, they suddenly showed a look of disappointment.

  Some honest miners were going to leave, but there were also a few. Their eyes turned around and stared at Downton, threatening him, “If you don’t buy the ore, I will tell Cook what you did.”

   “Really? Go!” Tang Zheng stood up and patted the floating soil on the buttocks lightly.

   “Do you think I dare not? Give you another chance, otherwise I will really go.”

  The miner screamed inwardly, but before he finished, Downton made an arrow, rushed in front of him, punched him in the nose, followed by a knee hit, and hit his stomach.

   Watched the miners scream, covered their stomachs, and knelt on the ground. The miners were startled. They didn’t expect that this kid would actually do it, and obviously he often took a stand in his posture.

   “Aren’t you going to sue?” Downton slapped his legs on the miner’s mouth, with little strength, at least he didn’t break his teeth.

   “No, don’t dare!” Miners begged for mercy.

   A cronie heard the scream and ran in, and he saw Downton beating and froze, “What are you doing?”

   “Carry the ore back to the collection place.” Downton held his chest with both hands and smiled, “I have all your ore.”

  Cooked his feet boringly and was about to take a nap. As a result, Downton walked out of the tunnel with a group of people.

   “What’s going on?” Cook watched the miners put down the ore, his face puzzled.

   “Three hundred pounds, I did it.” Downton raised his leg, his military boots stepped on a basket, and took out a three thousand years old Saint Jutland gold coin from his pocket and played with it.

   “How is it possible? Wait, you bought the ore?” Cook was not stupid, or he would not be a foreman. When he saw Downton’s gold coins, he understood the reason.

   “Yeah, it’s cheap.” Downton shrugged. “But I think I did a stupid thing.”

   “What’s the matter?” Cook inquired subconsciously. He felt that Downton’s brain must be broken. If you have money, do some filial piety early. How can people deal with you? Give these ordinary miners a fart!

   “If I were to be a foreman, wouldn’t I just spend a copper plate?” Downton also wanted to understand that if he wanted to climb up, then start with the foreman.

   “What? I heard it right?” Cook froze, then laughed out loud, “You have a pit in your head? Why do you work as a foreman, do you ask these miners to serve you?”

   Hearing that someone was about to usurp power, the six cronies surrounded him with iron braces and pickaxes, staring down at Downton.

  Want to work as a foreman, in addition to being able to fight and smooth out some thorns, but also to give benefits to some close people, so that they will support the foreman and become the cornerstone of management.

   and the miners in a town of Cooke put down the job at hand, took the tools, and gathered them together. There were more than sixty people.

   “I am Downton in the morning fog town. From today on, this mining area will be transferred to the ground, and I will control it!” Downton kicked the basket, and issued a declaration in the sound of the falling ore impact.

   The miners who turned to the ground were stunned, looking at Downton, just like watching a big-mouthed goblin trying to occupy the dragon nest.

   “Haha, this is the best joke I’ve heard this year.” Cook laughed and took the simple mace delivered by a close friend, pointing to Downton, “Go, give me abolish him.”

  Miners swarmed up, and the six closest friends rushed the fastest.

  These people are all Cook’s heirs. They are the hardest to soften, so they should be eliminated first.

   Downton showed no mercy, and crossed the edge of his military boots with his right hand, and pulled out the broken demon dagger that was inserted in the shower.

  Blade, a green light flashed in the dim light, and a close friend’s arm was cut and blood spewed out.

  Unexpectedly, Downton actually had weapons, and he started fiercely. The miners’ momentum suddenly stagnate.

   Downton counterattacked, holding a dagger and waving a green line.

  The iron braces, mine picks, and hammers brought by the miners~www.mtlnovel.com~ are all broken into two pieces, even if they are all made of iron, they are fragile like a piece of blank paper in front of the shower.

   Listening to the destroyed tool hitting the ground and making a jingle, the miners were stupid.

“Excellent dagger?” Cook’s mouth was wide open, enough to swallow a duck egg. With his barren eyes, he felt that the superior level is a rare treasure. For the perfect level, it is impossible to imagine what it is like. exist.

   Downton entered the flock like a tiger, and chopped out a piece of blood. He had a very decent move, all of which were skin wounds. It looked scary, but not fatal.

After all, thousands of ghouls have been killed, Downton still has some control, but the miners don’t think so. Watching the blood flying, people continue to scream and fall to the ground. Can’t hold back this pressure and started to retreat.

   The miners who watched did not expect Downton to reverse, and stayed in place for a while.

   “There is a skill you put down the dagger and singled out with me.” Cook was purely holding a mace in his palm, all sweat.

The mace is a thick wooden stick with some rusty nails on it. If it is hit, it will definitely be cracked. Cook used this weapon to clean up a lot of thorns, but today, he found it I can’t bring myself any sense of security at all.

   “Okay!” Downton indifferently inserted the shower back into the sheath, and dealt with such a fish as Cook, and beat him with his bare hands.

   “This is what you asked for.” When Cook stayed, he was overjoyed, rushed to Downton, slashed his head with his mace.

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