Hero’s Creed

Chapter 91 - Space transmission

Clicks, cracking sounds, Oss’s chest sunken with a naked eye, and the whole body flew back with shock. m.

Bang, Oss hit the dirty wall, spit blood, and then leaned forward, before he fell to the ground, Downton punctured the iron pipe.

Poof, a sharp iron pipe pierced the shoulder of Foreman Oss and nailed him to the wall.

Hearing Oss screaming, he saw that Donton had exploded the foreman as soon as the battle broke out, and the last trace of courage of the toothless man was lost. He turned and ran away.

Downton stood in place, pulled out an iron pipe calmly, and threw it out.

Hey, the iron pipe with the sound of the wind breaking, like a javelin, shot into the thigh of the toothless man, making him stagger and lie on the ground.

“Don’t kill me!” the toothless man shouted, climbing on the ground.

“Stop all!”

Downton pulled out an iron pipe again, threw it, and shot through the calf of a thug. The remaining three looked at the fellow’s miserable condition and dared not run away, begging Downton to spare his life.

“Shut up!” Downton frowned. “Go take out my backpack. If you lose an item, you will die!”

The thugs hurried to the dormitory to get their rucksacks.

The onlookers saw that the battle ended so fast, Downton actually crushed the three Oss without difficulty, which was a bit difficult to accept for a while.

Oss, who was nailed to the wall, screamed in pain, and tears came out.

“It’s too noisy!” Downton pulled out an iron pipe and stabbed it into the shoulder on the other side of the foreman.

The onlookers were all stunned by Downton’s eyeballs. Some of the foremen were full of expressions of gloating and misfortune. There was also a contradiction between the foremen. Now that he was beaten like a dead dog, he was naturally happy. .

“Foreman, your backpack.”

The thugs laughed and handed their rucksacks in a low voice.

Downton took it, glanced at it, and breathed a sigh of relief. All the books were there, and the magic book was mixed in, which was very unremarkable.

“What about food?”

Downton’s question concealing the goal made the three thugs suffer. They were illiterate and of course not interested in books, but the food ran out of food.

A thug just wanted to shirk his responsibility, saying that he didn’t eat, but was kicked on the stomach by Downton’s military boots, kneeling to the ground in pain.

“Forget it this time, and next time, I will kill you!” Downton broke Oss’s two arm and leg bones, determined that he could not get out of bed in a short period of time, and could not find his own troubles, he carried With a backpack, he turned downstairs.

The onlookers automatically leaned against the walls on both sides, giving way to a passage.

This time, no one dared to ridicule Downton anymore. There were even some unruly thugs and friendly smiles. Even if they didn’t want to admit it, Downton would probably become the new foreman.

“Your boy is waiting for me!”

On the first floor of the corridor, the supervisor’s chief glared at Downton with a vicious look. After the threat, he took the supervisors to clean up the mess.

When the sun sets, the dormitory area lights up the crystal street lights, and the surroundings are dim.

Downton walked out of the foreman’s building, and the miners who surrounded the open space in front of the building spontaneously backed away, giving way to some people looking at him, and some people looking into the building.

In less than a minute, the supervisors ran out with three seriously injured Auss and went to the medical room.

Seeing this scene, the miners who had been squeezed by Oss for a long time all shouted in excitement, full of the thrill of revenge.

“Great foreman, I’ll take it!” Several miners came together to help Tang Dun carry the bag. They all regret to die now. They knew they should just follow up instead of waiting outside.

The three young miners working together straightened their backs, feeling that they were not wrong, and then preached Downton’s bravery with the miners around.

Downton glanced at the third floor of the villa and found the shutters closed.

“Congratulations, you have found a nice piece.” The wife put on a silk gown for Dovek.

“A young boy with great ideas.” Dofink stood behind the blinds and watched Downton all the time, satisfied with his performance.

“Aren’t you going to see him?” his wife questioned.

“Don’t you know that he is mine? Then defeating a big foreman is just the beginning of chaos. The big foremen will definitely clash with him in order to compete for the miners under Oss, and those Supervisors and minemasters will definitely give him some colors to see him, so that he knows who is the master of the dagger mine.” Dofink’s mouth overflowed with a sneer. “So wait and see, these days, The mine is calm.”

“I hope everything goes well.” The wife massaged Donovan’s shoulders. “Go to bed early!”

“Well, listening to these cheers outside, a new foreman is about to be born.” Dofink joked casually, and he had made up his mind, no matter how much conflict Donton had, he would fully support him.

The current Dagger Mine already desperately needs a storm, and those people, whether they are the old master Doshav’s descendants, should die.

Back at the 308 dormitory, Downton couldn’t care about the blood stains on his body, closed the door, and took out the magic book.

“Are you OK?”

Looking closely to make sure there is no damage to the Grimoire, Downton was relieved.

“I’m an ancient magic book. What can I do?” The magic book projected text, and there was a sense of pride between the lines, and then praised Downton. “You are coming sooner than I expected.”

“Are you afraid that I won’t find Oss?” Downton asked back.

“According to your past performance, it should be ok, and I have left a clue.” Mo Dian painted a smiley face, “Congratulations, student Downton, you got a perfect score for this assessment.”

“Thank you!” Downton understood that although he became the master of the magic book, he still has a long way to go to get his approval.

There is a pride and grace in the whole body. It absolutely does not allow its owner to be a waste wood. Even if it can’t resist, it will use various methods to kill the owner and then be free.

Downton flipped through the pages of the book and read the legal provisions above. He found that the text was constantly changing.

“That stupid Os, actually took away the food and left my Lord Homer aside. It was really abominable.” Homer was very upset.

“Fortunately he is illiterate.” Downton laughed.

The magic book almost exhausted its original power and was on the verge of disintegration, so its appearance was dilapidated. Even if it was thrown on the street, no one would pick it up. Plus the cautious Downton also put it with other books. Will not attract the attention of others.

“Okay, after this force show, no one should dare to harass you tonight, let’s go back to Porosna!”

Grimoire stretched out the elemental arm and pulled the double bed away, revealing the magic circle on the floor.

“Well!” Downton pushed the bed and the table and chairs, closed the door, and then packed his belongings in his rucksack and stood in the magic circle. “Is that all right?”

Although knowing the magic book is very knowledgeable, Downton still has some concerns. After all, the portal is a kind of space magic. It is a very advanced and rare magic discipline. In the Western Continent, if you want to build a portal, even the Tulongjie magician Can’t do it.

“Well, just stand in the center.” The magic book saw Downton’s nervousness and comforted him. “The ordinary teleportation magic circle. If it fails, the teleported objects and people will be crushed into a powder by space turbulence, but because of me Even if you fail, you will only be thrown to an uncertain location.”

“Ah? That’s not much different from death? If I were thrown into the Devil’s Abyss, I would definitely die to death.” Downton stared suspiciously at the demon, “Aren’t you scaring me?”

“Do I have such a bad taste?” The magic book is also depressed. If it is in the full state, it can completely transmit 100%, instead of the 20% probability of failure.

“Let’s go!” Downton placed fifty high-grade magic stones on the magic circle, took a few deep breaths, and calmed his emotions.

The magic book floated in front of Downton, opened, the pages turned, and the golden light gleamed out, and several firefly-like light spots floated out and landed on the magic circle.

The magic energy in the magic stone overflowed and flowed along the rune veins forming the magic circle. Like the flowing water, it spread quickly and penetrated. In the blink of an eye, the dazzling gold and red flashed, almost covering Tang. Dayton’s body.

Downton also wanted to see what would happen during the teleportation. As a result, the eyes turned black, less than a breath, and recovered, and then the surrounding environment had become a room in the dungeon.

“So fast?” Downton stunned. This was a hideout he built. The floor was engraved with magic circles. “Unfortunately, fifty magic stones were wasted.”

“Satiate, others want to spend these magic stones, there is no chance yet.”

The magic book is a bit helpless to Downton’s little family.

Because Downton is not a magician of the legal system, Homer did not explain to him in detail. The real teleportation magic array cannot be so simple, just draw it on the terrain.

The reason for the success of teleportation depends entirely on the power of the magic book itself.

These magic arrays engraved by Homer are actually space anchors, which are used for plane identification and positioning. Even if it is to build a simple transmission magic array, the cost of materials is at least 50 million gold coins. Does not count the magical energy required to activate it every time.

So, Downton used only fifty magic stones ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to enter the dungeon from the dagger mine, which is really a profit.

Celesz was not at home and didn’t know where to play, letting Mo Dianqi grind her teeth, and the Death Banshee apparently didn’t study the magic as hard as she had ordered.

“Be sure to add lessons and make up for all the soul-level spells. Transcribe three hundred times.” The magic flame text began to burn fiercely.

“Come down, Celesis is still a child, and she likes to play. It’s normal.” Downton comforted the magic book and left the den to find a place suitable for the stage.

“This is not a reason. Diligence does not necessarily succeed, but if you don’t work hard, you will never succeed.” Mo Dian was annoyed. “Sirace is completely wasting her talent.”

If you change to a talentless garbage apprentice, the magic code is too lazy to ignore it and go away on its own. “Don’t worry about her, the time is very tight, you quickly find a place to step!”

Homer didn’t know that Celese was having trouble now!


PS: Monthly ticket! RS

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