Hero’s Creed

Chapter 93 - Undead abomination

The giant monster’s pace is very large, and during the chase, he also inserts his sturdy big hands into the wall beside the street, and directly uses a brute force to buckle a pomelo-sized brick and throw it at Celes. m.

Bang, Bang!

Like a stone bomb attack by a catapult, the stone continually smashed towards Celes, shot past her, then hit the ground and smashed it completely.

Huh, a stone bullet hit Celes, and passed through her back. The strong wind brought out even her long hair.

A trembling scare of Celesque instinctively wailed the death wailing, and the sharp and sharp tone spread like a wave, quickly spreading around.

Although Celesis is a death banshee, possessing a soul-like physique, she can save some physical attacks, but she will still be injured after being attacked for a long time.

There are a lot of magic stones stored in the container, and Downton rushes, even one-twentieth is not consumed.

The Grimoire opened up the space for war, put back the containers and weapons on the ground, and then floated to Downton.

“Every time you advance, you need to damage a tower shield and a set of armor, is it too wasteful?” Downton couldn’t help complaining, the tower shield was twisted, and the ‘100-man Warrior’ on his body was also broken and defensive. And, to repair the gold coins of huā fee, you can almost buy a new set of leather armor.

“You are content, wait for a higher level, in order to resist the elemental strike, excellent and even perfect level of equipment will consume a lot.” Homer projection text “however you are also a rich man sitting in a dungeon Don’t be so cautious?”

“There is no surplus food in the noble family. Besides, the dungeon hasn’t got it yet.”

Downton just complained casually, he was not a stingy person, otherwise he would not look at Hamlet’s bad face, and generously gave the four Hannah magic stones.

“Leave here first, the elemental strikes are too loud. Maybe Robinson has found you, and is rushing here.” Modian urged.

“Hmm!” Downton jumped on the wall, about to leave the roof, and was suddenly stopped by Homer.

“and many more.”

“What’s wrong?” Downton lowered his body and looked around.

“Sirace is in trouble, hurry up. Summon the soul mount.” The magic code projected a large red arrow, indicating the direction.

Downton jumped on the long street, took out the mount badge, and infused magic power.

The crescent unicorn sprang out of it. Downton stepped on the stirrup, turned his horse, and slapped it hard toward the hip.

The unicorn immediately raised its hoof and ran.

A little further away, Downton couldn’t hear the death wailing, but the ancient magic book could feel the wave of magic. In order to determine her identity, after all, in addition to Celes in Porosna, Homer has not seen the second dead Banshee.

It is worthy of the soul mount badge made by elf craftsmanship, which perfectly retains all the characteristics of the unicorn, especially the speed, which has not weakened at all.

In a few breaths, Downton had rushed across the 100-meter-long street, and the rushing air flow even scratched him, and he could hardly open his eyes.

Even in the sprint state. The unicorn’s running posture is also very stable, with Downton not very skilled equestrian. No need to worry about falling horses.

The magic book had fallen to Downton’s chest, and after turning around a few street corners, Homer almost spontaneously ignited when she finally saw Ceres.

A long string of huge magic flame words ‘咻’ came out at once, swaying gorgeously like fireworks, displayed above the street.

“Sirace. You are a death banshee who can float. You will be fleeed by a group of unholy creatures who hate chasing. Are you a fool? Tuition, be sure to tutor, your holiday this year. Cancel all!”


Seeing Downton appear on a unicorn, Celesce’s face was immediately filled with surprises. Just shouting, she saw the text of the angry Homer projection.

The death banshee’s expression was timid, her head down, like a self-deceiving ostrich, dare not say hello again.

“Throw that linen bag away.” Downton shouted in a throat, and Celesk couldn’t speed up, just because of this big bag, and looking at her struggling expression, she definitely had no less than fifty pounds.

If she wouldn’t be able to float, the sweaty Celese was already caught up.

“Yes, but it’s filled with…” Celesce was interrupted by Downton before she shouted.

“Throw it away immediately.”

Downton was very anxious and his voice was severe for the first time. Even if it contained an artifact, it was not as important as Celesque’s life.

Behind the dead banshee are eight burly undead abominations, also called stitching monsters. They are war puppets created by the undead, born to kill!

The undead soldiers collected the human corpses and sent them to the abomination workshop, where they were cut and cut to make meat chunks with different specifications, and then the meat chunks were soaked with several special medicaments’stitched magic lines’ Suture adult type.

The abomination that is fixed and formed will then be sent to the altar. After a dark ritual, the psychic arcanist will load the core of the dead in their bodies. After instilling simple commands, a hatred warrior is completed. Send to the war workshop to stand by, ready to board the battlefield.

Out of hatred for humans and quasi-humans, the undead generally use their corpses to assemble hatred, in fact, any biological corpse can be used.

These hatred fighters are instilled in commands to obey, kill, and crush all enemies. They have no fear, no pain, no mercy, so they are also the most fearless and cold-blooded fighters on the battlefield.

To make an ordinary abomination warrior, the various materials and manpower of huā fee have an average value of one million gold coins. If it is not too expensive to make, they can definitely replace the position of ghouls and become the best cannon fodder.

Of course, no one commander would waste such hateful combat power.

The burly body, strong power, and dedicated fighting will have made Suture abomination one of the most powerful infantry in the Western Continent. Even if they don’t wear armor, they can rely on flesh and physical strength to shake most cavalry charges.

Downton read an introduction in Elaine’s “History of War”, the strongest abomination legion in history, all wearing heavy armor, double-armed chains and large battle axes.

They are invincible in the abyss, invincible, even as the abyss monsters and dragons of super-order Warcraft. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of them, cut off their heads, and piled up a huge triumphal arch.

The adventurers did not find the Arc de Triomphe on the Western Continent. It is said that the monarch of the Deathly Language Plane took the Arc de Triomphe and moved it back to his palace and placed it on the king’s Guang field.

Hate because of the huge body, and the process of making. The movement speed is relatively slow, which is also an obvious defect of them.

“Throw away the bag immediately.” Homer was also annoyed, and the magic flame words were burning fiercely.

Celesis couldn’t understand the situation at all. The speed of these hatreds was not slow enough to keep up with her. Except for the Death Banshee holding a linen bag that didn’t know what to hold, they all flickered under their feet. A green swift aura has increased their speed by at least three times.

Fortunately. The aura of Swiftness is blessed. Among these abominations, there is no undead creature like Jackson that has opened higher intelligence.

Although abhorrence is a monster similar to a construct, and has low intelligence, but because of the core of the dead, with the passage of time, drawing magic energy, feeling the outside environment, and constantly communicating, their wisdom may also be opened. This kind of conscious hatred of combat power, think about how terrible.

Cerise dropped the bag. The speed immediately accelerated a lot.

“Calm down, don’t rush, you can’t beat them.” Homer discouraged “waiting for her here.”

Downton strangled the reins and stopped abruptly, knowing if he was too close. It is impossible to escape without being surrounded by hatred.

The Grimoire opened the space for war, released four gnomes ghouls, and handed a round shield and one-handed axe to Downton.

Seeing a human suddenly appear, the abominations immediately attacked. Their big hands buckled a stone brick directly from the wall and hit the unicorn.

Downton had just commanded the ghoul to commit suicide to meet the enemy, fighting for the escape time for Celes, waiting for the shield to be received, and the stone had been smashed over.

Kicking the horse belly and letting the unicorn turn around, Downton’s right arm greeted a rock that could not escape, and slammed it out.


The stone was beaten and Downton’s arm was numb, which made him unable to hold his teeth.

The ghouls and Celesce staggered past each other, and slammed into abhorrence, but they didn’t even play a role of containment. Three of them were directly hit by the height and abhorrence, and one was even worse. Grab his head and throw it back as a human shell.

The ghoul dashed across the long street and slammed it down next to Downton, splashing a lot of dust.

Worthy of being a killing puppet made for war, three meters in height, strong limbs, sprinting, like a chariot.

Downton’s eyes were full of heat as he looked at the sword that resembled the door in his hate.

“These guys should be regarded as undead creatures, can they be controlled with undead confession?” Downton licked his lower lip, hating to be a meat shield is much harder than a ghoul. “Their intelligence is simple~www.mtlnovel.com~ Should it be easier to confess?”

“On the contrary, their intelligence comes from the core of the dead in the body and belongs to the class of constructs. It is useless even if you put 10,000 confessions of the dead.” Homer broke Downton’s fantasy.

“So how do you have them? Are you not an encyclopedia? There must be a way!” Downton didn’t give up, such a burly abomination, wearing heavy armor, like a fortress, and selling it alone is extremely domineering and brought out. Pulling the wind is dead.

“Blow them up, and then rewrite the commands in the core of the dead.” There are indeed ways, and there is more than one “If you can find the abomination workshops that make them, I can even make those abominations in the war workshops into Your servant.”

“I haven’t been back for so long, it seems that Pires was also killed, hateful, no matter who you are, this time it is absolutely dead.” Robinson’s face was grim. When the elemental strike occurred and the white tornado appeared in the sky, He started running towards this side.

ps: Looking at the pitiful monthly votes, we are really hit and lost, but although it is not enough, we are still doing our best to update, I believe I will impress you after all! (To be continued…)

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