Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

Chapter 141 – Not Going To Stop

I left the office with a pensive look on my face.

Even though I agreed to show the eblors around, I was not happy with it. Honestly, I was quite pissed off.

But there is no use in crying over spilled milk.

I first sent a message to Ley explaining the situation and telling her to not worry. She send back a voicemail asking me if she could help, but I did not want to involve her in this.

After that, I spoke to the immortal living in my soul.

‘What do you think, demon?’

[Unlike you, I like this situation. I think this is a good opportunity for you to broaden your horizons.]

‘Eblors and humans are enemies.’

[And why must it be like that?] The demon asked with a sneer. [Just give it a try. Try to treat the eblros as you treat humans. I assure you that it will help you in the future.]

The demon then fell silent and left me to ponder his words.

At that moment, the secretary of the student assembly, Jazmine Ortos, approached me.

“Jane, here is a summary about the five eblors that came as exchange students. It could be of help to you.”


“Also, I’m sorry. I know that you are not happy with this arrangement, but we think you are the most suitable person for this job. We also considered your sister, but she is younger, and your mother said she was still immature for this job.”

I sighed. “I understand, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy with it.”

“Yeah, I would have been unhappy too if I was in your position.” Jazmine smiled wryly. “Just give it a go and see if it works out, and don’t hesitate to tell me if you need anything. I don’t know if I will be able to help you, but I’ll give it my best.”

I smiled at her gratefully.


“You are welcome. This is my duty.” She winked at me with a playful expression.

“By the way, you asked me to show the campus to the eblors, but I’m a freshman, remember? I don’t think I know the campus that well.”

“Don’t worry about that. Just show them the places you know. We can’t do nothing about the rest.”

I nodded in understanding.

Just then, we arrived where the eblros were waiting for us.

Jazmine’s playful smile disappeared instantly, replaced by an indifferent and ice-cold expression bordering on hostility as she walked over.

“Miss Hyacinth, Miss Lily, this is Jane Walker. I think you already know him. He will be your guide for today.”

“Jane, so you agreed!” Lily exclaimed with an excited expression. “Great! I was afraid they would assign us a boring and iron-faced person who doesn’t know how to hide his thoughts.”

I smiled wryly and nodded.

“I will be in your care.”

Hyacinth stared at me fixedly and nodded.

“Let’s start then. Lead the way.”

“Okay. Please, follow me.”



After we left the student assembly’s office, we began the tour around the campus.

I started by showing them the training grounds, the various arenas, and the canteen. Afterward, I took them to the classrooms and the library.

On the way, I noticed that all the students glared at us as we passed. They did not bother to hide their gazes of disgust, hatred, and hostility. Fortunately, no student took any hostile action against the eblors.

But although the students stopped themselves from attacking, they did not bother to hold back their insults.

Luckily, the eblors did not seem bothered by it. Only Arche reacted occasionally, but he was always stopped by Hyacinth.

Just like that, the tour continued.

I must admit that although I was reluctant to accept this job at the start, I got used to it quickly.

I put the demon’s words into action and took this as an opportunity to learn about the eblors. When my mentality changed, I found it much easier to deal with the eblors.

The eblors seemed to notice it too, because Lily and Hyacinth seemed slightly more open toward me.

During the way, I learned the names of the five eblors. The leaders of the group were the two twin sisters, Hyacinth and Lily Losarig, after them was Arche Verde, the male eblor who Sylvia intimidated at Dayana’s shop, and finally, there were two siblings by the names of Kiria Asor and Ide Asor.

Among the five, Lily was the liveliest. She was constantly asking about the things she found interesting and chatting with me about different topics. At first glance, it seemed like the two of us were good friends.

Unlike Lily, Hyacinth was much calmer. Although she occasionally asked questions too, her words carried a strange feeling of intimidation and distance, as though she was talking to someone below her.

The remaining three, on the other hand, barely spoke. Arche was glaring at me the entire time with a hostile and sneering look, and the sibling Kiria and Ide were more interested in watching the surroundings than listening to my words.

They gave me the impression that they were Hyacinth and Lily’s bodyguards and their job was to protect them.

I organized all that information about the five eblors in my mind while showing them around.

Eventually, I led them to the last place I planned to show them.

It was a garden located on the roof of one of the buildings.

I had visited this garden once before, and the green and leafy space filled with blooming flowers and well-trimmed bushes left an impression on me.

When the eblors saw the garden, they showed positive reactions.

“… What a nice place,” Lily murmured. “This is the nicest place we saw today.”

“Indeed.” Hyacinth nodded while staring at the flowers and trees decorating the garden dazedly.

They closed their eyes and took a deep breath, as though they wanted to imprint the smell of the garden in their lungs, then, they opened their eyes with refreshed expressions.

“I like this place. I will come here more often.” Lily smiled brightly. “Thank you for showing us this place, Jane.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

Lily stared at me and her lips curved up happily.

“You are quite interesting. You don’t seem as hostile toward us as the other humans.”

I was startled and shook my head.

“… Perhaps I’m just good at hiding it.”

“Perhaps.” Lily grinned. “I appreciate it nonetheless.”

“Thank you for showing us around, Jane,” Hyacinth spoke too. “As a last favor, can you take us with the principal? There is something we need to consult with her.”

I was about to nod when the demon suddenly spoke up.

[Boy, at your right.]

I instinctively looked in the direction the demon mentioned, only to see a black-haired girl standing on the fence of the roof with her back toward me.

‘She is… Is she going to jump!?’


I cursed under my breath and rushed toward her.

“Stop!” I shouted.

The girl looked back at me. Her face was expressionless, and her black pupils resembled muddy water as she looked straight into my eyes.

As soon as I saw her eyes, I instinctively realized.

She was not going to stop.

Without moving her gaze away, she took a step forward.

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