Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

Chapter 184 – Manifested Seed (3)

Fourth chapter of the week. The fifth is coming soon...




Ley’s sword was overwhelmingly powerful. It was made with the remaining mental energy of her dreamscape using the method she just learned from me. It made the sword extremely effective when dealing with the manifested seed.

The rootlets and roots surging toward Ley like a wave were sliced apart easily. The sword cut the wave into two, destroying every root in its path.


The manifested seed shrieked in pain. Its cry made the dreamscape shake.

I held my head in pain, but Ley then stood in front of me and looked at me with a tender expression.

“Thank you, brother.”

I forced out a smile.

“It looks like you succeeded.”

“It was thanks to you. Otherwise, the seed would have devoured me.”

I grinned and rubbed her head while Ley just laughed shyly.

At that moment, the manifested seed glared at us.

[[[WHaT dID yOu dO!?]]]

It felt something different from Ley. For some reason, she made it feel threatened.

Ley snorted angrily.

“I learned how to kill you.”

[[[YoU can’T KILL mE! I’M yOU!]]]

“I can’t.”

Taking a step forward, she swung her sword.

In the instant the sword was swung, its length increased greatly, becoming hundreds of meters larger than before.

The sword was like a ray of light cutting through the dreamscape.

The manifested seed cried out. Thousands of roots and rootlets emerged from its body, surging toward the sword and trying to devour it.

But Ley’s sword could not be stopped that easily. It was sharp at an unimaginable degree. As soon as it came into contact with the roots, it cut them without slowing down in the slightest.

The sword cut through the sea of roots as easily as cutting through butter.

The expression on the manifested seed changed. It released even more roots and rootlets as it retreated in a flustered manner.

It eventually managed to escape, but not before losing thousands of roots.

It did not care, though. It could recover its losses easily. In just a few seconds, the remains of these roots would return to it, becoming new roots.

It was the most frightening aspect of the seed. Its nature and frightening vitality made it extremely hard to kill.

But just then, something unexpected happened.

The roots cut by Ley’s sword suddenly turned into sand that gravitated toward the sword.

The sword then started to devour the sand, becoming brighter and brighter as it consumed it.

In just a few seconds, the roots cut by the sword had been devoured completely.

The seed screamed in fear.

[[[WhAT Did yOu dO!?]]]

“I’m just taking back what is mine,” Ley replied indifferently.


“Nothing is impossible.” Ley’s voice was extremely, calm, as though stating something very obvious. “I’m just doing the same thing you did. If you can devour my dreamscape, why can’t I devour you back?”

That was the key to the demon’s technique. The way he devised for Ley to get rid of the seed.

The seed’s nature was overbearing and full of vitality. Trying to eliminate it without interfering directly was very hard.

Thus, he instead opted for a similar method.

Using the nature of the seed against it.

The seed could easily assimilate the mental energy of its hosts, but likewise, it meant that with the correct method, it could be easily assimilated too.

And that was what Ley was doing now.

That sword represented the core of her dreamscape, and using the demon’s technique, it was imbued with the ability to devour what it cut.

Although this method could only work in the dreamscape, it was perfect for dealing with the seed.

“It’s your turn to be devoured,” Ley stated and brandished her sword again.

The seed screamed. It struggled fiercely, attacking Ley with every means at its disposal.

The dreamscape shook violently as giant roots appeared from its depths, piercing Ley from multiple directions.

But every time, Ley’s response was the same.

She swung her sword.

Just that was enough.

Every movement of her sword resulted in a root being severed and devoured. The sword slowly cut through the manifested seed’s dreamscape, devouring it piece by piece.

Every time, the sword glow would become slightly stronger, and the seed would become weaker.

Realizing that its end was coming, the seed’s struggle intensified, but it was futile.

Since the moment Ley opened her eyes, the result had been decided.

The seed’s end could only be being used as nourishment for Ley’s growth.

[It’s amazing.] The demon let out a sigh of praise. [Although I expected this result, it’s way faster than I expected. She is a freak.]

I could not help but let out a proud smile. The demon praising Ley felt as though he was praising me.

By this point, most of the seed had been devoured.

All its roots and rootlets had been absorbed by Ley’s sword, and only its main body remained.

Ley held the sword in her right hand and walked toward the manifestation of the seed leisurely.

“Any last words?” She asked while pressing the tip of the brightly shining sword against the seed’s throat.

The seed raised its head and looked at Ley with its murky and gloomy eyes.

Then, it started to laugh creepily.

[[[It doesn’t matter. I am you, and you are me.]]] The seed’s voice was unusually clear. [[[You did not get rid of me. I just found another way of existing.]]]

Ley sneered.

“Don’t try to scare me. After today, you won’t exist anymore.”

[[[Do you really think so?]]] It chuckled. [[[I was born from you. Even if you devour me, I won’t disappear. I’ll continue living inside you.]]]

Ley furrowed her brows, but after a few seconds, her expression returned to normal.

“If that happens, I will deal with you again.”

[[[You won’t.]]]

Ley frowned and swung her sword.

The head of the seed was separated from its body.

Soon, the remaining of the seed turned into sand and was absorbed by the sword.

Ley let out a relieved sigh.

Finally, this incident had come to an end.


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