Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

Chapter 45 – Killing Spiders

When we exited the mall, what appeared before our eyes was a mix between a city and a desert.

The streets were filled with patches of sand and rocks, and rock pillars grew all over the place, destroying several houses and buildings in the process.

I was already ready for this when I saw the rock pillars inside the mall, but I still was surprised when I saw the tall rock pillars. I could not help but feel as though I was in another world.

Well, dungeons were something like another world in the first place.

But while I was observing the surroundings, my expression froze.

At the same time, I felt my three friends stiffening in fear and disbelief.

The next second–


I heard sounds of vomiting coming from behind me.

I did not turn around to see who was vomiting. In fact, I could not move my gaze away from the scene in front of me.

Bodies, dead bodies, dismembered bodies, crushed bodies.

And spiders. Spiders of all sizes eating flesh and drinking blood as they caught humans and ate them greedily.

Many people were running away in a panic, trying to escape from the spiders while screaming in fear and terror, but the spiders hunted them easily, using their legs to trap them and their maws to tear them apart as though they were bugs.

I somehow forced myself to not vomit and held my spear firmly. That was the only way to stop myself from trembling in fear after seeing the scene in front of me.

This was hell.

True hell.

Even though I had heard screams and cries of terror coming from outside before exiting the mall, I never expected that the situation outside would be this bad.

I had underestimated how horrifying dungeons were.

My first dungeon was a small one, and not many people were trapped in it, so I didn’t really realize why dungeons were considered a catastrophe, and why they, plus the otherworldly invaders, almost drove humankind to extinction a few years ago.

Thus, when I finally realized the true horror of dungeons, I could not stop my body from freezing.

But to my back luck, a group of spiders seemed to have noticed us.

Their four pairs of eyes turned towards us, and their maws clattered excitedly after seeing new prey.

These hungry gazes instantly awakened me.

I felt my back turning cold, and my throat became dry.

“… Run!” I shouted to my three friends.

Then, without checking if they heard me, I started to run.

I ran in the opposite direction of the mall. We needed to escape from the spiders, but returning to the mall was suicide.

We needed to get as far from here as possible.

It seemed like my three friends listened to my words as I could hear them running behind me.

But unfortunately, our escape would not be that easy.


The shrill cry of a spider forced me to look back, only to see a spider as big as the one I just killed chasing after us.

But it was not alone. It was being followed by several smaller spiders!

Luckily, the spiders were not fast, and all of us were Awakened, so the spiders would not catch us soon.

But I don’t know how long we can keep this speed. At the very least, I’m not confident in Karime and Jessica enduring for long.

I quickly racked my brain for a solution, but nothing good came to my mind. The only option seemed to kill them.

‘… We should be able to kill them, though. But–’

I looked at my surroundings at that moment, counting at least twenty spiders with a glance.

These spiders were not chasing us and they instead seemed interested in other prey. But I had the feeling that if we killed the spiders chasing after us, these spiders would rush to kill us crazily.

‘Dammit!’ I cursed in my mind and started looking at my surroundings for a solution. Just then, Andrew shouted and pointed towards my right.


I looked where he was pointing and saw a slope in the distance leading to a small forest.

Furthermore, no spiders could be seen in the forest. Most likely, that place was not part of their territory.

“Go!” I shouted towards the others and started running towards the slope.

The slope was much farther than I thought. It took us almost five minutes to reach it.

By this point, Jessica was already panting heavily, and my other two friends were slightly tired as well.

As for the little girl, I had taken her from Karime again when we started to escape, but she had been silent since a while ago. At some point, I wondered if she had died, but she was still breathing.

As soon as we reached the slope, I threw the girl to the ground and turned around to face the spiders.

‘… I can’t see many spiders nearby. Thank god.’

“Get ready to fight!” I shouted to the others and grabbed my spear firmly. Then, when the big spider was just a few meters away from us, my body shot forward!

My sudden attack surprised the big spider, making it screech and jump agilely aside, but I had predicted its movement and stepped on the ground firmly, changing my direction and following after the spider closely.

My spear was being thrust towards the spider's belly, ready to kill it in one blow.

But at that moment, one of the smallest spiders jumped towards me!

The spider was the size of a house cat, and I could kill it easily. However, I did not dare to receive its attack.

I was sure that its legs and jaws could tear my flesh open easily. Even though it was much smaller than the big spider, it was just as lethal.

But when I was about to avoid the spider, its body suddenly froze.

A layer of ice had appeared on it, freezing its movements.

I was surprised, but my reaction was fast. As soon as I saw the spider being frozen, I swung my spear and cut it into two.

Then, I charged towards the big spider again, but it had already recovered from its surprise. It used its legs like spears and tried to impale me to the ground.

Narrowing my eyes, I skillfully avoided its attacks.

Despite its fearsome appearance, this spider was much slower than the demon, and its movements were much easier to predict. I did not feel any fear when facing it.

After avoiding several of its attacks, I positioned myself below it.

Then, I thrust my spear upwards to its belly and filled it with lightning.

[Lightning Seed]!

In an instant, the spear pierced the spider’s belly and the lightning invaded its body.


The spider screeched in pain and trashed violently, but its struggle was futile. In a few seconds, a burnt smell spread to the surroundings.

Before long, the spider fell to the ground, dead.

I pulled my spear out and turned around. I still needed to kill the other spiders.

But to my surprise, I saw Andrew, Karime, and Jessica killing the last small spider.

All the spiders had been killed.


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