Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

Chapter 93 – Lamia (2)

I stared at the lamia with a solemn expression. I could not understand what went wrong.

"How is she fine with a hole in her heart?"

[Fool. Why did you assume that her vital points are the same as humans? Her heart is not in that place, but a few centimeters below.]

I was stunned before smiling bitterly.

"So I attacked the wrong place, huh."

I guess it shows that I'm still inexperienced.

[Well, the good news is that you managed to get it out of the lake.] The demon chuckled in amusement.

I forced myself to smile as I locked eyes with the lamia.

"Yeah, that is good news."

But in the next second, the smile disappeared from my face.

Because behind the lamia, the lake water started to rise, turning into a wave that crashed towards me.

"Fuck!" I cursed and jumped towards a tree to avoid the wave. Then, I kicked the tree and rushed towards the lamia.

But before I could reach her, the lake water took the form of a whip and attacked me.

I was forced to defend with my spear, but several more water whips appeared behind me.

Meanwhile, the lamia slithered towards me and attacked me with her tail.

I twisted my body in the air and kicked one of the water whips, using the rebound to avoid the rest of the attacks. Then, I filled my spear with lightning and thrust it towards the lamia.

But the lamia was very wary of my lightning. She created a wall of water in front of me, blocking the spear. At the same time, several water currents were shot at me.

I rotated my spear like an umbrella, stopping the water currents. At that moment, the lamia's tail appeared behind one of the water currents, attempting to ambush me.

But I had already noticed this attack. When the tail was about to hit me, I used a hand to grab it and pulled myself towards the lamia.

The lamia was caught by surprise. She created another water wall in front of me, but I thrust my spear into the ground, using it as a pole to vault myself over the wall.

The lamia's eyes opened wide. At this distance, she could not avoid my spear strike.

'I got you!'

But in the last second, the water moved as though it was alive, creating a small layer of defense around the body of the lamia.


The spear hit the lamia, piercing the layer of water and injuring the lamia. Unfortunately, the layer of water plus the lamia's scales reduced the power of my attack, so the injury was not grave.

I was not discouraged, though. The moment my spear pierced the lamia, I used it to discharge a lightning bolt inside the lamia's body, making her scream in pain and stiffening her movements.

Then, I pulled the spear back and thrust it again towards her heart.

But just then, I saw all the water around us turn into a water snake that tried to strangle me.


Helpless, I could only jump away, losing this opportunity to kill the lamia.

When I retreated, the lamia recovered from the lightning and glared at me in rage.


She hissed violently and waved her hand, calling upon the water around her and shooting it towards me.

I jumped aside to avoid the attack while using the trees as footing. I had to be careful to not step on the water, otherwise, the lamia could use it to entangle my feet.

The lamia hissed angrily when I avoided her attack. She manipulated the water to continue attacking me. The water was like battering rams destroying everything in front of it.

With every attack, the nearby trees were torn apart or unrooted from the ground. The destruction caused by the lamia attacks was so shocking that I started to doubt that she was just a tier-four monster.

Fortunately, the lamia's ability to manipulate the water seemed to have a limit. Eventually, the lamia's attacks paused for an instant.

I grasped that short instant and charged towards the lamia again.

I exerted the limits of my speed. At the same, I released [Killing Aura] again, stiffening the lamia's movements for an instant that I used to get as close to her as possible.

However, the lamia was prepared for [Killing Aura] this time. The time she lasted stiffened was not even a third of the previous time.

She then locked eyes with me and swung her tail, forcing me to stop it with my spear. But I did not retreat, instead, I ducked down, kicking the water and continuing towards the lamia.

The lamia tried to entangle my feet with water, but a burst of mana from my legs pushed the water away while increasing my speed. In the next second, I was in front of the lamia.

Then, I thrust my spear towards her heart.

This time, I was sure that I was not going to fail.

But then, the demon's voice sounded in my mind.

[You fell for it.]

Before I could understand what it meant, I saw my spear pass through the lamia harmlessly.

'An illusion!?'

However, I realized it too late.

When I noticed that something was wrong, the lamia grabbed my arm.

Then, using supernatural strength, she swung my body towards the ground.


My body hit the ground violently, and all the air left my lungs. Instinctively, I tried to twist my body to escape the lamia's grip, but then, I felt something entangling my lower body.

The lamia's tail.

'This is bad...!'

[Yes, it's bad. She got you completely.]

'Ugh... Any idea demon?' I asked while grunting in pain.

I could feel my bones creaking as the lamia's tail tightened around me. It became hard to breathe, and my consciousness became faint.

Instinctively, I knew that I would die soon at this rate.

The demon's voice was still as calm as always, though.

[This monster is pretty interesting. A variant able to use illusions, and she used them to fool you completely. Your defeat is not underserved.]

'Bastard!' I cursed the demon fiercely and gritted my teeth. Then, I called upon the lightning within my lightning seed and released it completely.

The violent lightning hit the lamia, making her scream in pain and loosen her tail slightly. Using that opportunity, I used my last bit of strength to thrust my spear toward the lamia's heart.

"Graaaa!!!" The lamia screamed in agony and tightened her tail around me again, but at the same time, I pushed my spear deeper inside her heart.


Our battle became a match to see who was going to die first. Both the lamia and I were trying to kill the other before we died.

Finally, when my consciousness was about to become dark, the lamia's body lost strength.

Both of us fell to the ground and I sighed in relief. I knew that I had won this time.

I could hear the lamia's breathing becoming weaker and weaker until it dissapeared.

Then, my consciousness faded away.

Before fainting, I heard the demon speaking in my mind.

[... It's a shame to let this monster die like this... Right, I still have that, perhaps I can use it. Who knows, the result could be good.]

And I fainted.

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