Cap arrived inside of his apartment and made small talk with his neighbor, Kate. But her real identity was Sharon Carter, grand-niece of Peggy Carter and an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. But Steve doesn't know that, to him, she was just Kate the nurse.

She is a beautiful blonde woman and even with the few instances of conversation they had, Steve found himself attracted to her. Perhaps it was time for him to let go of Peggy, that was the thought that was always spinning in his mind when he sees her.

Before he entered his room, Kate told him that his stereo was on, something he was sure that he didn't use for a while now. He listened from his door and immediately realized that something was wrong.

This caused Steve to cautiously enter his apartment through the window. With silent steps, he walks through his dimly lit apartment and retrieved his shield for protection. He walks towards where the sound was coming from, only to realize that it was Fury who was listening to the music. He was laying down on the couch near the stereo.

Steve's calms down from his battle readied state and said, "I don't remember giving you a key".

"You really think I'd need one?", Fury then seated himself straight and said, "My wife kicked me out".

"Didn't know you were married"

"A lot of things you don't about me"

"I know, Nick. That's the problem", Steve said as he turns on the lights of his apartment. He notices Fury's injuries for the first time, but Fury indicates for him to be silent. Fury turns off the light of the lamp beside him and writes something on his phone, and shows it to Steve; 'EARS EVERYWHERE'.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash", Fury said as he types another text in his phone, 'SHIELD COMPROMISED'.

"Who else knows...about your wife?"

Fury replied by showing him another text, 'YOU AND ME'.

"Just", Fury then stood up from where he was seating and said, "my friends"

"Is that what we are?", Steve said with mild anger in his voice.

"That's up to you", Fury replied.


Suddenly Fury was shot three times and he collapsed in pain. "AH!"

Steve looks out the window for the shooter and he immediately saw two vaguely moving figures in the other building. He then quickly drags Fury to the next room before he lets go of Fury's hand, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. handed him a flash drive, "Don't...trust anyone". Fury said before immediately passing out due to his injuries.

"BANG!", Steve hears someone breaking into his apartment and hears his neighbor calling out to him. "Captain Rogers?", Kate said. With a gun in her hand, she scanned Steve's apartment for hostile threats, "Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD Special Service, Sharon Carter. I'm assigned to protect you".

"On whose order?", Steve asked.

"His", Sharon Carter said as she notices Fury lying on the floor. She then contacts S.H.I.E.L.D. through her radio and said, "Foxtrot is down. He's unresponsive. I need EMTs".

"Do you have a twenty on the shooter?",  the agent in the other line of the radio asked.

"Tell him I'm in pursuit", Steve said as he notices the two shooters running from the scene. He smashes through his window and runs after the running assassins. From what he could see, the two people were wearing military fatigue, a kevlar vest, and a mask to cover their identities. And both of them were incredibly fast, even he a supersoldier was having a hard time trying to catch up to them.

Steve chases them through an office building smashing through the walls as a short cut and when he finally catches up with the 2 assassins he throws his shield at them. But one of the assassins was quick enough to catch the shield with his own bare hands, something Steve was sure no one had done.

The two assassins stare among themselves and nodded. With the shield in hand, the assassin threw it at Steve with greater force than he did previously. But just like the assassin, Steve caught the shield mid-flight.

Steve was wide-eyed by how strong the throw was.

"Who sent y--", Steve was unable to continue his sentence when one of the assassins jumps towards him and delivered a powerful ax kick.


Steve was able to dodge at the last moment and he was shocked at what he saw. The man's kick was powerful enough to puncture a hole in the cement floor. While the first assassin tried to free his leg, the other assassin engage Steve in a hand to hand combat. The moment his opponent punch his shield, Steve knew that both of them weren't ordinary assassins.

"The two of you are enhanced?", Steve muttered in his breath as he dodges another punch in the face. He then countered by slamming his shield in the face of his opponent.


With three clean hits in the face, the assassin staggered to his feet and move backward in a daze. The man had a bloody face, but he soon quickly recovered.

With anger clearly visible in his eyes, the man took out two objects in his back pockets. He then presses a button and the objects enlarge themselves to at least 2 feet long and it then began to release electricity. Zapping sounds could be heard as the man stood up with his new weapon in hand.


"Okay, bring it", Steve said as he readied himself for battle.

Both assassins quickly surrounded Steve, this time they were going to work together to defeat Captain America, but before they could fight a gunshot was heard.


The gunshot was aimed at Steve but luckily he was able to block it using his shield. He looks in the direction of the gunshot and he could see one man wearing the same attire as the people in front of him.


Multiple shots quickly followed, each coming from different directions. From what Steve could see, all the people were probably in the same group due to them wearing the same clothing. He immediately ran back and took cover. Being fired by sniper bullets were no joke. His shield could protect him but that only covered a small part of his body.

The two assassins that he fought seem to have gotten new orders and they immediately threw smoke bombs on the rooftops. The gunshot aimed at Steve continued for a while but once the smoke bombs were thick enough, they stop.

Steve, who was able to take cover in one of the doors connecting the rooftop to the lower floors immediately run towards the smoke once the gunshot ended. He eventually reaches the edge of the building, only to see that no one was there. He looks in the direction where the shooters were previously and he was disappointed.

Somehow all of them had escaped.

Later in the hospital, Steve together with Agent Hill were viewing Fury's operation.

"Is he gonna make it?", Steve asked Hill.

"...I don't know". Hill weakly replied. "Tell me about the shooter".

"It wasn't just one man. Two people were on the rooftop of the opposite building. Both of them were wearing standard military fatigue, a kevlar vest, and a mask to cover their identities...They were good, they clearly had training, but most importantly, they were enhanced. Enhance speed and strength. But the two of them weren't alone, the longer we fought more men seem to arrive. But they were only firing in the distance... It was a good strategy, two go for the kill. While back up shows themselves when necessary. This way, no one would know how many their truth numbers were", Steve replied.

Suddenly they watch in shock as Fury's state deteriorates.

"He's in V-tach!"

"Crash cart coming in!"

"BP is dropping!"

"Defibrillator! Charge to 100!"


"No pulse"

"200, CLEAR!"

The two people watch the doctors as they continue to revive Fury but the machines were still showing them that he was flatlining. Finally, the doctors decided to stop and call the time of death for the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Time of death. 1:03 AM", the doctor stated.


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