Chapter 118: Downfall


Due to the attack of Captain America and his team inside the Triskelion, the air defense of the base was left unattended, due to S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA fighting each other. This made the perfect opportunity for a  Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian Assualt Helicopter to enter S.H.I.E.L.D. airspace. If Alexander Pierce could see the face of the person piloting the chopper then he would be shocked. Not only is Captain America causing troubles in the final stages of his plan, but him knowing that his assassination attempt failed will greatly piss him off. The person piloting the chopper is none other than, Nicholas Joseph Fury himself, the Former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Instead of staying in his base in the dam and supervising the mission there. Fury wanted to get revenge and he wanted to do that on his own. He waited for the Triskelion to be a mess and when he saw that the moment was right, he appeared with an Assualt Chopper armed to the teeth.

While he was flying, Fury contacted someone, "Hello Pierce, I see you're having a bad day".

"...You're still alive... You're a real cockroach you know that Fury"

"It's always nice to hear a friend label you to that of a cockroach", Fury said with sarcasm in his voice.

"You being alive doesn't matter anymore. Project Insight will make sure of that", Pierce replied.

"I don't think so. My team could always pull themselves out of any problematic situation and win"

"Not this--", Pierce was interrupted from his sentence when he saw a helicopter in the distance of his office.

"Pierce, this is my thank you for the 3 sniper bullets you gave. Now, don't be shy and take this, motherf***ker", Fury said as he presses a button inside the chopper. Two missiles were immediately released and they were headed straight to Alexander's office.


Pierce's office was soon engulfed in a fiery explosion, taking with it Alexander Pierce and a few HYDRA agents that were with him.


"Damn it", Bucky said as he received a punch in his stomach. He staggered in his feet and took a few steps back. He powered through the pain and steadied his stance to fight the person in front of him. He adjusted his footing to deliver a kick to his opponent but before he could raise his leg someone punches him in the side of his stomach yet again.

"AH!", Bucky said as he tried to make some distance from the 4 supersoldiers that were fighting him.

Right now, Steve, Bucky, and Romanoff were inside the third and final Helicarrier. Placing the server blades to take control of the Helicarriers were extremely hard to do. The previous 2 Helicarriers only had 3 guards guarding the server blades. But after appearing in the same location in the other two Helicarriers, HYDRA figured out their target. This had prompted the last Helicarrier to send all the supersoldiers that they had. A grand total of 10 supersoldiers greeted them the moment they appeared.

Currently outside the Helicarrier were multiple fighter jets fighting in the air. Loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had taken flight and attacked the Helicarriers but HYDRA also retaliated by sending their own fighter jets. The air space near the Helicarriers was a war zone. HYDRA knew that their only chance of victory is to activate the Helicarriers once it reaches 3000 ft and they were doing everything they can to make sure that the carriers could survive till then.

"Nat!", Steve said to Romanoff who was surrounded by 2 supersoldiers. Romanoff immediately made a ball of electricity and slammed it on the floor. This cause the individuals fighting her to be electrocuted and fall to the ground. Steve finished the job by throwing his shield at two individuals causing them to lose consciousness.

Steve was just in time to retrieve his shield and use it to block a powerful punch headed his way. Romanoff didn't have a clear view of where Bucky was. This was due to him fighting on the lower floor of the server room. To help him, she immediately channeled a huge stream of lighting towards Steve's shield. Steve used this to control the lighting and aimed it towards the 4 supersoldiers fighting Bucky.

Captain American had to stop when a supersoldier came behind him and tried to choke him out. But his assistance to Bucky helped kill 3 out of the 4 supersoldiers fighting his friend. Steve slams the supersoldier choking him from behind near a support pillar and this resulted in him being free.

"Steve!", Romanoff said.

"Go! Place the last blade so that we can get out of here already", Steve replied as he was unable to use his shield when a supersoldier attacks his side. Taking the chance of him being in pain, one supersoldier kicks him in the leg.

"AH!", Steve said as he lost balance due to the pain.

While Steve was fighting, Romanoff immediately runs to where the server blades were stored. She inputted the necessary code to open the container of the server blades and place the one the Fury gave them. She immediately contacted Hill and said, "Charlie lock".

She immediately went to where Steve was only to realized that he was gone. Soon a blue sphere appeared beside her and with it, Bucky carrying a wounded Steve. "You guys gave me enough distance to freely teleport. We better get out of here, this guys ain't friendly company". Romanoff just smiled and she places her hand in Bucky's soldiers.

But before they could teleport a supersoldier suddenly appeared in front of them, in his hand was a grenade that had its pin removed. They couldn't allow him to cause an explosion in fear of Hill losing control of the Helicarrier. While the blue sphere was immediately surrounding them, Romanoff stretches out her hand and release a huge amount of electricity towards the supersoldier.

"AH!", Romanoff shouted as she channeled insane amounts of electricity in an instant. The supersoldier was propelled out of the Helicarrier due to slamming into a window.


If Romanoff's lighting didn't kill him then the grenade exploding in his hand would have surely done the job.

The three of them eventually appeared in the tech room where Hill and Peggy were. Before Hill could make the Helicarriers target each other, the Helicarriers began to automatically assign targets of their own. Targets that Hill didn't know about.

"What is going on?", Steve asked.

"Zero said that he placed something in the algorithm of Project Insight itself. This is probably what he meant", Romanoff said. The Helicarriers were targeting the following people; Octavian Bloom, Banker, Sheikh, Baroness, Daniel Whitehall, and Gideon Malick. All of these people have one thing in common. They were all HYDRA operatives and each of them had the same rank as Alexander Pierce. Killing them would cripple HYDRA's command. This would in turn help S.H.I.E.L.D. clean their mess.


After the Helicarriers killed all the HYDRA Chief Leaders, Hill gained control once again. She immediately assigned the Helicarriers to destroy itself.

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