
Wow, I never thought that I would reach this far. To think that an idea that just appeared at the top of my head would make an interesting story and people would read it is something that blows my mind.

So, I would like to say THANK YOU to all of you who are reading my fanfiction!

Anyway, I won't bore you guys any longer. Enjoy this chapter!!!



"Make sure that you give them food to eat and let them rest. They have been through a lot", Ava said to one of the Chronicoms that was inside the command center of her ship. The Chronicom just nodded and left to do Ava's orders.

Currently, Ava and her crew just finished rescuing a group of people from a Kree detachment, a detachment that Ronan had sent towards a nearby planet to cause death and destruction.

They have been doing this for quite some time now, rescuing people, but the people of Xandar knew nothing of Ava's recent activities.

After Ethan lost consciousness way back in 2008, Ethan had given Ava full control in the space mission. At first, Ethan was worried but Ava did her job properly, she just likes having fun while doing it. Like laughing when she destroys an enemy ship and whatnot.

In the past, Ava had a moderately sized ship, enough to at least house a total of 20 occupants. That ship was decent and had a lot of space due to mostly Phantoms accompanying her. Overall it was a good ship but she likes the ship she currently has now.

Right now, she is in command of a destroyer class spaceship, and to help man the ship the size of that of a destroyer class, Ava had to get some of the Chronicoms to functions as her crew. The previous Phantoms that were accompanying her were kept in a storage seal and the bulk of her fighting force are the Hunters, a group of Chronicoms designed for battle.

The reason she had a destroyer class ship wasn't because of Ethan, it was because of the Nova Empire. The Nova empire gave the ship to her, not in the kindness and generosity of their heart. They gave her the ship in a form of payment. Currently, the Nova Empire and Kree Government signed a peace treaty that ended the 1000 year war that they had. Some of the Kree commanders, particularly the Accusers did not like this. This resulted in a few groups taking the crew under their command and disobeying the Kree Government. Some became warlords for hire and others took over some small-time planet and became its rulers.

But the most troublesome of all the Kree is Ronan. He is a Kree Accuser that did not give a crap about the peace treaty. He continued to show aggression towards planets that were under Xandar's control and killed every living thing he found there. The Nova Empire had demanded the Kree Government to denounce Ronan for his actions so that they could retaliate against him without the fear of them going against the peace treaty.

But every time the Nova Prime demands this on the Kree Government they would just disregard her. This had angered the Nova Prime greatly. She thought of a way to try and help Xandar and this was the moment that all the missions that Ava did on behalf of the Nova Empire became handy. The Nove Prime found Ava and her crew trustworthy enough to do a very sensitive mission.

They couldn't kill Ronan themselves in fear of making their treaty void.  So the Nova Empire hired Ava and her crew to rescue the planets that Ronan attacks and if given the chance, kill Ronan himself. Ava accepted their mission in exchange for a bigger ship. Just as a precaution, the Nova Empire gave a destroyer class ship that wasn't made in Xandar, nor did it have any markings of the Nova Corps. They wanted to make sure that the mission given to Ava was kept under the table. So the ship they gave Ava was secretly bought from the Confederacy.

This way the Nova Empire is free from any connection with Ava's actions in the future. They didn't want the Kree Government to make up any excuse that may spark a war.

Ava just needed to place the group she rescued on an unhostile planet and tell the Nova Empire its location. Which the Nova Empire will pick up in some time.

At first, Ethan wanted to collect the Power Stone but he later found out that even with the Chronicoms. They didn't know where Morag was. Apparently, it was a planet that was dead for thousands of years and that the Chronicoms never even heard of it.

So, Ava's mission was put into place, gain the trust of the Nova Empire that it would be enough to form an alliance in the future. And basing on the scale of the secret mission that Ava was given, Ethan knows that Ava was doing a solid job.

"Excuse me, Ava, it seems you have a message from someone calling himself, Saal. Would you like for me to play it?", a female looking Chronicom named Myrtle said to Ava. For the following years in space, Myrtle became the Chronicom that Ava is closest to the most. For a robot, Myrtle decided to have an extremely beautiful looking face, there has been a number of times were some men who didn't know about her being a machine tried to hit on her. During these times, Ava would just laugh.

"Open the message",  Ava said.


The moment Ava saw the message which was a video recording, she ended the video and promptly deleted it. 2 years back, She had an encounter with Yondu and his Ravagers group. After defeating them in combat, Yondu had suddenly become 'in love' with her. And ever since that day, she had made sure to never even get close with the man. But it seems Yondu could not be deterred and would always find ways to contact her. Sometimes by a live messenger or messages that had a different name written on it. He did this so that Ava wouldn't know that he was the one delivering the message. Just like this current message that Ava had just received and subsequently destroyed.

This has irked Ava greatly. 'Why can't the man take a hint', Ava thought.

"For a woman that should already be married by now, you are picky", Myrtle said to Ava with a neutral robotic tone due to her being a machine.

"Oh my gosh, NO! Not Yondu! I rather be single in my whole entire life than consider Yondu a possible marriage candidate", Ava said with a sigh. Ava likes Myrtle but it was moments like this where Myrtle couldn't understand a social norm that Ava finds annoying most of the time.

"Your species requires you to procreate before you reach a certain age. You are not getting any younger Ava. If you want children, you need to ----",

Ava immediately interrupted her friend and commanded the crew in the command center and said, "Sent course to somewhere! Anywhere but here!".

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