"Captain Ava, we have a transmission that we believe that you would like to hear", a Chronicom hunter said as he strongly knocks on the door of Ava's room. A Chronicom hunter, is the most feared subgroup of the Chronicom race, due to them being a relentless group of soldiers.

"Captain! Wake up, Captain!"

Suddenly out of the door that the Chronicom is knocking on came out the head of Ava. She is phasing through the door and she had an annoyed expression on her face due to being woken up.


The Chronicom still with its robotic-like movements that their race is known for said, "We received a transmission a few minutes ago".



Ava with annoyance and anger on her face, said, "Not important, I'll go back to sleep".

But before Ava could phase back into her room the Chronicom said, " He was talking about Ronan and an orb". Myrtle then put him on hold and that was the moment I was sent to call you.

This statement cause Ava to paused for a brief moment and she muttered under her breath, "Damn it, why does it have to be him".

She then phases back to her room and after a few seconds she opened her door and she could be seen wearing a bathrobe under her pajamas and said, "Let's go to the bridge".

The moment she entered the command center of her warship, she motioned for Mrytle to put Yondu on the line. In one of the main computer screens of the bridge, the image of a smiling Yondu could be seen.


With a visible look of disgust on her face, Ava said, "Yondu".

"I have a  proposition for you. How would you like to earn 500 million units?", Yondu said with a flirting look on his face.

Ava sighed and said, "How many times do I have to make it clear to you! I am not interested!".

"Come now, Ava. Yondu is showing that as a man, he could provide for you and your future fa---"

"SHUT UP, MYRTLE!", Ava shouted.

"Come now Ava, my dear. Ronan happens to be in possession of an orb that contains an Infinity Stone. With your crew and your abilities, we can work together to take out Ronan and when that's finished we can have our honeymoon with the money----

Ava immediately ended the call. There is only one logical move that Ronan would do if he is in a possession of an Infinity Stone. That is to head straight to Xandar and use it to destroy the planet, and Ava knows this. 

"Send course to Xandar now! Contact the Nova Prime and tell her to evacuate her people and have her army ready. Tell her that Ronan is in possession of an Infinity Stone. If it comes from me, she will surely believe it".

Before Ava could leave the room to change what she was wearing, Mrytle stops her and said, "I'll contact Zero while you get change".

"NO!", Ava shouted. She then looks at all the Chronicoms in the bridge and said, "No one is to contact Zero! I started this mission from the very beginning and I am so close to finishing it. No way I will let Zero substitute for me now!".

Myrtle looks at Ava for a brief moment and said, "Are still perhaps angry that you weren't invited to take part in the battle of New York back on your planet?".

"SHUT UP, MYRTLE!", Ava shouted before she returned back to her room and got something more proper to wear.

Meanwhile on Earth:

"How could you do that to me Fury!", Coulson said to the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He then looks at Melinda May and said, "That was the reason why you had a secure line, to update Fury if I was okay?!".

During the time they discovered the secure line, they were busy dealing with HYDRA and after Victoria Hand told them that Melinda wasn't a Hydra Sleeper agent, the team practically just placed that information in the back of their minds. They were too busy making sure that the agency would run smoothly.

"I wanted to work with people I could trust", Fury said in his defense.

"In exchange for my humanity!", Coulson said. He was often a soft-spoken guy, this was one of the rare occasions that Phil Coulson lost his cool. The moment they landed, he was already agitated, once they were inside Fury's office he went ballistic.

It wasn't just Coulson that was mad, the moment Team Coulson entered Fury's office, Captain America, Sam Wilson, and Peggy Carter were there as well. Steve saw the walking, breathing, and living Coulson and this prompted him to be angry at Fury as well. Lucky for Fury, Peggy Carter immediately notice the boiling anger that Steve was having and she was able to calm him down.

"Gentlemen, maybe we can discuss this some other time", Agent Hill stated.

Hearing what Maria said, Phil Coulson tried to calm himself down.

"Before we have learned this new information about  "Inhumans". Which Team Coulson have reported while they were still flying here. The very reason why we are all gathered here today is to investigate this video", Maria said as she clicks something in the tablet she was carrying.

Suddenly a hidden monitor slowly elevated down in the corner of Fury's office. The screen had a paused video which she then clicks to play. The video shows a man who suddenly out of nowhere began to combust. Everyone in the room thought that he was attacked by something and this will cost the man his life. But suddenly the man began to walk while he was on fire. This causes everyone in the room to be shocked. The man was caught on the camera for a few more seconds but before the camera lost sight of him. They saw the man driving a motorcycle which seems to be on fire as well. Everyone became speechless at what they saw.

"Team Coulson was brought in because of Ward's connection to SHADOW. Do you have any clue about this man? Is he perhaps an example of this 'Inhuman'",  Maria asked Ward.

Everyone looks at Ward but he kept his eyes on the image on the screen, "Could be but I'm not sure. Based on what I read about Inhumans, each of them has different powers and that they manifest in different ways. So, I can't be sure". Ward pauses for a while and took out his phone, "Alfred, connect to S.H.I.E.L.D. servers and see if we have information in this man in the screen in front of me".

"A moment sir", Alfred replied.

After a few moments of waiting, Alfred said that SHADOW does have information regarding this man. Fury was somewhat disappointed in this. Not that he didn't care who the man was, Fury was disappointed that SHADOW could still hack S.H.I.E.L.D. After the events of HYDRA taking over, one of the main things he did was to strengthen the cybersecurity of the agency and it seems it still failed. SHADOW is still inside their system. He was disappointed about this but he didn't show it on his face.

"Talk to me. What do we have on him?", Ward asked.

"Only a warning sir. If you want more information, you must go to Zero and asked him yourself. Aside from the warning, no information is found", Alfred replied.

"You're an A.I. just like Jarvis correct?", Steve asked.

"Yes, Mr. Rogers but I am more advance than Jarvis", Alfred stated to Steve.

"Do you mind telling us what is exactly written in the warning?"

"Of course. The warning talks about not engaging that person. Any wound that is inflicted on you could be fatal and extremely hard to heal", Alfred said.

"Why?", Ward asked.

"That is all the information I have sir. Nothing more", Alfred replied.

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