Chapter 135: Investigation-II

Police Sergeant William J. Burns is a tall man, 6'4" in height with a solid physique, he is currently driving his car to go home after working all day. He had a bald head and a nicely trimmed beard, the man has Latin African American descent. He is 42 years old and a father of a set of twin girls.  Due to him finding the location of multiple drug dens and other illegal locations pertaining to gangs in the City of Los Angeles, he had become a well-known police officer in the city. And because of his work, he is currently being processed to be promoted to a Lieutenant or a possible Captain. A piece of news that had greatly made the man and his wife happy.

His wife is a school teacher and currently, they were having financial problems. One of his daughters had recently got sick and he had to loan money to pay for medical bills. His eventual promotion is something he greatly welcomes due to the increase in pay.

But despite all his success, he knew that all the achievements that he is currently enjoying are not because of his own actions. One night after a long day at work, while his kids and his wife were already asleep, he decided to get a smoke. It was a habit that his wife greatly hated, so he was always careful when he wanted to get a smoke just to relax.

When he went outside of his house with a cigarette in his mouth, he realized he forgot to get a lighter, and this was the moment that he saw a monster. At that moment he thought he was going to die, he saw a walking skeleton, wearing biker clothes but the most important thing was that the creature was on fire. Despite this, his clothes did not burn. He had a long steel chain wrapped in his body but the scariest thing about him is the hallow look of the eyes of the burning skull that was staring at him. Even till now, he would on occasion have nightmares about it.

It took him a few moments to gain his bearings back, he immediately remembers to protect his family. He decided to run to his house so that he could get his gun. But before he could do that, the monster talked and called him by his name.

He then slowly saw the monster changed form to that of a human, an act that greatly shock him.

"Hello, Sergeant Burns. I have been watching you for a while now?", the monster now turned man said to him.

Sergeant Burns looks at the eyes of the man and said, "Why? Who are you?".

"For a while now, I have heard great things about you. While cops rarely visit the worst neighborhoods in the city, you would occasionally roam around those parts and help people. Plus, I realized that you are not like most cops here"

Still scared at the possibility of the man endangering his family, Burns' asked, "What do you mean?".

"I know someone who says that you are a clean cop. I need someone like you", the man said.

"Why? What do you want from me?"

"On occasion, I will be dropping some documents here in your house. I would greatly like for you to use them to imprison people", the man said. He then turned around and wielded the chains that were wrapped in his body and looks at him, "I sure hope you will not tell people about my existence". Then he suddenly began to combust and return back to his monstrous form, "Me showing you my face is an act of good faith for our eventual cooperation".

Just like him, his chains began to be engulfed in flames, he then controls the chains to make a circular motion in front of him. For a while, Sergeant Burns was clueless about what he was doing, but it became clear that the circle he was making was a portal of some sort. For the last time, the monster looks at him and said, "I hope to be seeing you some time in the future, Sergeant Burns".

The monster then went inside the portal and left him alone in the back of his house. Even though the monster left, his heart was still pounding due to fear. He looks around the surroundings and thought that maybe he was delusional or something. He wonders if it was because of stress or perhaps he was still dreaming.


He slapped his face to see it if would hurt but unfortunately, it did meaning whatever he witness today was real and not just his mind playing tricks on him. He then went towards the area where the monster was standing and he touches the nearest wall to it. He felt the fading warmness of the wood, a clear sign that the burning skeleton was here.

"Fuck", he said as he went into his kitchen and shakingly took a lighter, and smoke his cigarette.

And that was how it all began, after a few days, he got his first tip about a drug dealer who has pounds of drugs in his possession. After that, he also was given tips about shipments of both trafficked and illegal substances.

It was during these times that rumors began to spread in the city. About a monster who seems to burning. He would often be seen in the more problematic parts of the city.

People were still skeptical about it, believing it to be only made up. But people online were beginning to post stories about how they encountered the monster, be it briefly. Some people even stated that it was a hero.

Hero? Sergeant Burns wasn't sure about that. Sure the man was helping him and the government clean house but the monster, a hero? He wasn't sure about that. He hates to admit it but he was still scared about the man. His opinion was the same with the likes of the 'Thor' and the 'Hulk'. Beings with powers are dangerous to have, even as an ally.



Before he could even exit his car, he could see his sweet little girls running towards him and calling his name. He hugs both of them and carried them inside the house.


"Target has arrived", Ward said through his earpiece as he looks at the house of Sergeant Burns through a binocular.

After figuring out their game plan, Team Coulson immediately found the address of Sergeant Burns and Agent Melinda May, Grant Ward, and Skye was sent to act as surveillance. Skye was only allowed to shadow the two veteran operatives while Ward and May takes lead.

"How long does surveillance take?", Skye asked.

"It depends bu---"

But before Ward could continue talking, Skye looks at Agent May and asked again, "How long does surveillance take?".

Agent May for a brief moment looks at Ward but she immediately answered Skye, "It depends. Most of the time it's boring work but I believe that it shouldn't take us a few days. It has been two weeks since he last filed a tip, will stay here for a couple of days and see if we can get anything valuable. If we still find nothing by then, we will regroup and think of other methods".

"Okay", Skye said as she took out a revised S.H.I.E.L.D. manual and began to read it. After a few hours of no movement, something happened when 1:03 am struck. Ward was the one assigned to watch the Burn's residence and he saw a fiery-like glow in the back of their house.

"May, May", Ward said as he tried waking up Agent May while his eyesight never leaving the Burns' residence.

Agent May and subsequent Skye also woke up.

"Something is happening there", Ward said. Suddenly the fiery glow began to disappear.

"Are we too late?", Skye asked May.

But before Agent May could answer, Ward said, "Perhaps not, I'll check it out".

Ward then opened the nearest window to him and quietly leap out of it.

For a while, Skye looks at the opened window but said nothing.

"You should forgive him. He was only putting your best interest at heart", Agent May said.

With a furrowed brow, Skye tried to open her mouth to respond but decided against it. She looks at her feet and began to be in deep thought. It was at this moment, Ward return and said, "Where in luck. We have a lead".


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