"How long will you sleep?!", A frustrated Grant screams at the sleeping body of Ethan. It has been nearly 6 months since Ethan had been in a comatose like state. Everyone thought that he would wake up immediately, especially Grant. Since Ethan was not around he had been the one tasked to be disguised as him. Due to the help of Alfred and Howard, he had made himself a decent substitute, but he still could not wait for the time he stops acting as Ethan. All the paperwork, as well as the number of interviews that he did, were quite daunting on the man.

"Screaming at him won't wake him up", Barnes said as he makes himself a cup of tea.

"Yes, you shouldn't let yourself dwell in something you cannot fix", The Ancient One said as he handed Barnes a container of honey.

"Easy for you guys to say. I'm so tired of dealing with all the interviews in my schedule", Grant said, defeated. He then went to the table where Barnes and The Ancient One were making tea.

"You're acting as Ethan, the CEO of the company. You do know that you can cancel all the interview, right?", Barnes said as he stirs his tea.

"I know I can, but both Alfred and Howard advised me not to cancel a huge majority of sir Ethan's schedule, they want me to basically keep Ethan's routine as much as possible", Grant said dejected, he then looks at the time and sighed.

Grant made multiple hand signs and he hit his palm on the floor beside him, resulting in a huge puff of smoke to appear.

A small version of Catherine came out of the smoke.

"Good morning Ancient One, Grant, and Barnes", Catherine said as she bows her head to greet each person in the room.

"You can go ahead, Catherine", the Ancient One said.

"Okay", Catherine said as she crawls on the floor all the way to Ethan's chest. She then expanded herself as she devours every inch of Ethan's body. Every day for the past  6 months Catherine had been giving Ethan the nutrients that his body needed to survive, with this method Cathrine is also removing every waste material that the body makes on a regular basis. This is the method why Ethan is in Kamar Taj, and not in the med bay of the Lighthouse.

"Have you already found him?", Grant asked the Ancient One with hope in his voice.

"Not yet. There are multiple dimensions in the universe that finding one man can be incredibly hard, even for me", the Ancient One said.

"Will you try again today?", Barnes asked.

"Yes, after Catherine is done then I will try again", the Ancient One said as she drinks her tea.


"Ah, shit...where the fuck am I this time?", Ethan said as he stared at his surroundings. For the past  6 months, unbeknownst to Ethan since he doesn't know the time, he had been stuck in a dark void, or should I say his astral self had been stuck.

Him trying to absorb the power of the cosmic cube somehow pushed his astral self throughout different dimension, that was his theory at least.

The first dimension he was in, was in a dark void. The dark void reminded Ethan of the first thing he saw after his death. But this time the dark void was devoid of anything flying in it. The only reason Ethan could see anything in there was that there were 3 smalls lights that were flickering from time to time. He tries floating towards the light, but the 3 lights would always seem to move farther as he went closer towards it.

He thought that he would be stuck there forever, destined to float towards the light for all eternity. When suddenly he heard 3 different voices in his surroundings, he checked his surroundings but there was no one there. Only darkness was around him. The moment when he looks back at the 3 small lights, they became gigantic. So much light to spread throughout the area causing the darkness to move back away. The light was so strong that he had to cover his eyes.

That next time he opened his eyes he was no longer in the void, but in a place that can only be described as gloomy. There was a light-fog in his surroundings, the further he looked he saw multiple mountains in the area. The more he watched, the more he realized that the entire place was devoid of life. Even the mountains that were further from his view doesn't have green patches in them, they were completely barren.

Ethan tried gathering nature energy from his surroundings but to no avail.

"Ah, f*ck...I hope the Ancient One finds me", Ethan said as he picks a random direction to float to.

The more he moves forward the thicker the fog became. Even he, an Astral Projection felt an incredible chill in his surroundings.

He stops floating when he spotted a skeleton. The skeleton upon its death was wearing a beautiful detailed white or silverish colored armor with a long blue cape.

"hmmm....this seems familiar to me.." Ethan said as he hovers over the skeleton. He eventually decided to move forward and see if something was out there. He could see more skeletons the farther he goes, it was obvious now that a battle had taken place here in the past.

This intrigued Ethan more, and then suddenly he saw something in the distance. It was a faint golden glow. He went towards it and he was shocked when he discovered what the golden light was about.

Everything made sense now, the skeletons, the gloomy atmosphere of the area.

He now knew where he was, he was in Hel and the golden glow was nothing more than numerous chains used to bind one individual. Only the head of the person wasn't bound by any chains. The person in front of me is the oldest child of King Odin, The Goddess of Death, Hela Odinsdottir.

"My, my, now tell. How did a mortal manage to enter Hel?", Hela said as she eyed Ethan.



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