CHAPTER 74: Howard’s gift

"Impossible, there was no report of Howard ever finishing or perfecting the Arc Reactor but if he did, why would he give it to you and not us, SHIELD, an organization that he helped built from the ground up?", Fury said still not believing that the Arc Reactor I gave to Tony actually came from Howard.

This is where I lie a bit, "True, this Arc Reactor did not originate from Howard but he did give me the initial plans for the design. A couple of days before he died, he did told me to at least share the technology with his son in the future if I ever finish the device", I said to Fury. I lied because I needed an excuse on how I was able to make this technology.

I then gave my attention to Tony and said to him, "I just never thought that I will give it to you to save your life. Life works in a mysterious way, I suppose".

"You still haven't answered my question though, why did Howard give you the design? How did you and Howard even meet?", Fury asked.

"Oh, same as you, I just showed myself to him and eventually we became friends", I said with amusement.

"You and I are not friends", Fury stated.

"Oh well that's sad, cause if we were then I'll probably give you some of my toys", Zero sarcastically replied to Fury.

Throughout the entire time, Tony just looks at the Arc Reactor that he was holding in his hand and he said with a solemn voice, "Even in death, he still thinks he's better than me".

"I not sure about that", Zero said to Tony.

"Well, I don't see any more reason why I should stay here," Zero stated.

He then walks towards Phil Coulson and fixes his tie and he said to him, "So, you must be the Phil I keep hearing about, you have a stellar record I might add". Zero looks at Phil and he said to him, "We'll see each other again, amidst thunder and rain". Zero then walks out of the room, while the men that were standing beside the unconscious agents disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"How the f*ck did they do that?", Tony said as he tried to think of any scientific reason how that was possible. The masked man just became more mysterious in his eyes.

Romanoff immediately went towards the unconscious agents and check if they were all right.

Both Fury and Coulson were in deep thought.

Fury was thinking about how did Zero knew of Coulson as well as his records. Did the man had a mole inside of SHIELD or did he hack SHIELD servers to get that information. Both scenarios are something he doesn't like. Suddenly he received a message on his phone, the message came from Zero. The message was the location where Zero placed some of his agents. Fury sent the coordinates to SHIELD Headquarters to have them pick up those agents.

While Coulson was confused about what the masked man had said. We will again meet 'amidst thunder and rain?' He was now wondering what those words mean.

Fury stood up from his seat and ordered both Romanoff and Coulson to never speak of this to anyone. He looks at Tony indicating if he understood what he meant, Tony just replied with a  smile on his face.

"You can look him up, but I assure you that you won't find any records about the man cause even we can't", Fury stated to Tony.

He was about to leave the room when he looked back and said to Tony, "All of your father's possessions back when he was still with SHIELD will be given to you within the hour". Fury and Romanoff soon left. Fury return to SHIELD, while Romanoff left to maintain his cover as an assistant to the new CEO of Stark Industries; Pepper Potts.

"Make yourself at home", Tony said to Coulson as he went to his basement laboratory.

Coulson who had a deadpan expression on his face was the only one left due to him needing to wait for SHIELD agents to pick up the agents the Zero knockout; like those agents in the balcony.


Tony was inside of his basement laboratory and he was studying the Arc Reactor that Zero gave to him.

"Analysis Complete. This newer version of the Arc Reactor will work and fix your problem, sir. I am now beginning the process of analyzing what element this reactor is using", Jarvis said to Tony.

"Thank You, Jarvis", Tony said as he looks at the screen in front of him. Since death was no longer a problem he decided to design a newer Iron Man suit.

Suddenly he received a call from an unknown number.

"Hey, Tony, how you doing? I double-cycle", Ivan said.

"You what", Tony immediately realized who was calling him and he was slightly shock caused the last time he met Vanko he was in prison. A prison that he should be still in.

"You told me double cycle's more power. Good advice"

"You sound pretty sprightly for a man who is suppose to be in prison, Heck I thought you would be dead by now", Tony replied.

"You too", Vanko said.

Tony mutes his speakers and he said to Jarvis, "Trace him".

"Yes, sir", Jarvis replied.

"Now, the true history of Stark name will be written," Vanko said on the line.

"Jarvis, where is he", Tony said.

"Accessing the Oracle grid. Eastern Seaboard", Jarvis replied. Jarvis was tracking where Vanko was calling, he was checking which telephone towers the call was bouncing from.

"What your father did to my family over 40 years ago, I will do to you in 40 minutes"

"Sounds good. Let's get together and hash it out", Tony said as he waited for Jarvis to track Vanko.

"Tri-State area. Manhattan and outlying boroughs", Jarvis said as he was nearly able to pinpoint the location.

"I hope you're ready", those were the last words of Vanko as he ended the call

"Trace Incomplete, sir", Jarvis said as he was unable to get the precise location of Vanko.

Tony was in deep thought as he tried to analyze what Vanko meant by that. Only after a few minutes did Tony realized that Vanko was going to attack the Stark Expo.


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