"Fury is now forcing us to follow through with his plan, The Avenger's Initiative", Gideon Malick said to the people on the screen.

Right now, the high-ranking members of Hydra were currently discussing what to do about 'The Avenger's Initiative' that Fury has reinstated, be it in a forceful manner.

Upon finishing his meeting with Fury along with the members of the World Security Council, Gideon Malick contacted the high-ranking members of Hydra so that they could decide on the right course of action to take. Fury, having his own group of skilled individuals who will work for him is not an idea that Hydra likes.

"I thought that plan was scrap", Von Strucker stated.

"It would seem someone is not doing their jobs properly", Daniel Whitehall said to the group.

With an annoyed look on his face, Alexander Pierce said, "Perhaps we can use this to our advantage?".

"hmmm...In what way?", Octavian Bloom asked Alexander Pierce.

"Perhaps we would be given an opportunity to eliminate all of the members of Fury's team", Alexander stated.

"Perhaps? Maybe? So much speculation", Von Strucker said with annoyance.

"Who are the members that Fury has in his team?", Whitehall asked.

"Based on what Sitwell has told me. Fury has recruited Captain Rogers, Tony Starks, as well Dr. Banner", Alexander said.

"The Hulk? He is willing to recruit that creature? This has become more interesting", Whitehall said.

"More like problematic", Gideon Malick stated.

There was a moment of silence, then Daniel Whitehall spoke, "Let Gideon handled this. You are currently an advisor to Fury. Find a way to eliminate the threat. You can even use Loki as an excuse but you need to do that as quickly as possible".

Gideon Malick had a fierce look in his eyes, but he said nothing.

After that, the members discuss among themselves some updates in their plans, particularly, Project Insight. They were hoping that perhaps they can fast-track that project due to the circumstances that they are facing now.


"I gave you enough time to think, I need answers", Ethan said to the Ancient One.

Right now, the two individuals were drinking tea and were discussing something that would change a major aspect of being a Master of Mystic Arts. The day that Ethan met Fury, he went straight to Kamar Taj afterward to talk to the Ancient One.

The Ancient One did not reply, but instead, she drank her tea in silence.

"The time for secrecy is over. The Masters of the Mystic Arts must now show themselves to the world", Ethan said.

"What you are asking me is not something I can easily agree to", the Ancient One replied.

With a determined look on Ethan's face, he said, "With the Chitauri Invasion in earth's doorsteps, the Master's must now show themselves to the world. This is the best chance to show yourselves. The people of the world will be grateful TO YOU!".

The Ancient One finish drinking her tea and she said, "Even if I agree, I can't allow all the Masters to go with you. Loki plans to use the Tesseract to open a tear in space so that his army could enter. That may weaken the integrity of the barriers of the Sanctums".

"All I want is for the Masters to be seen saving this planet. A few will suffice", Ethan responded.

"I'll think about it", the Ancient One said.

Ethan looks at her for a while and then he eventually left Kamar Taj and returned to the Lighthouse.


"Father, if there is a way to travel between worlds without the Bifrost. Why did you not tell me?", Thor asked his father.

"There are a great many things I do not tell you", Odin responded.

Both father and son walked into the palace until they reach a room that has a locked door. Odin raised the Gungnir that he was carrying and the door opened and he said, "And there are some things I wish I did not know of".

Inside the room, there was a huge cylinder container. It contained something that made it glow in a purple color.

"You speak of Dark Energy? You can harness it?", Thor asked his father as he saw what was inside the container.

"Yes, but not without a cost", Odin said as he looks at the container.

"Father your health---"

"To both of us", Odin said as he interrupted his son.

Odin raised Gungnir in his hand as he harnesses the power of the Dark Energy and he said to the Prince of Asgard, "I will transport you to Midgard. Retrieve the Tesseract at all cost. Only with its power can we rebuild the Bifrost. BRING IT AND LOKI HOME!".

Thor bowed to his king and said in a determined voice," I will".

"So be it," Odin said with Dark Energy coursing to his very being and as he teleported Thor to Midgard.

Meanwhile on Earth, Loki was fighting Tony Stark and Captain America in Germany.


A powerful beam hits a forest not far from Germany. If one has looked closely enough, the beam was carrying a man with a hammer in his hand.


Thor lost consciousness when he crashlanded. Traveling using dark energy is something that he won't recommend to anyone. The pain that was coursing through his body because of the dark energy is the most painful thing that he has ever experienced in his life.

Meanwhile, in Asgard, Lady Sif is seen running to the rainbow bridge. She was going towards the only man that could tell her what she wanted to know.

"The All-father lives, he is weak but he is under Eir's care now", Lady Sif said to Heimdall.

"I know Lady Sif", Heimdall responded.

"....Then tell me what of Thor", Sif asked the guardian of Asgard.


"Did he survive the journey to Midgard?"


"Heimdall does Thor still live", Sif asked with concern in her voice.

"Yes, Lady Sif. Prince Thor is alive...and he's in a mood", Heimdall responded.


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