"How did that appear there?", Tony asked Jarvis.

"Base on some video footage that I can find, sir. Those men and that slug appeared after a huge smoke was seen in that location", Jarvis replied.

"What do you think?", Ethan said through the communication line that he had established between Tony and Jarvis.

"Showoff", Tony said as he once again engages the Chitauris that were coming towards him.

Ethan made a clone of himself and he said to him, "Find a place to hide and control the Phantoms". The clone nodded in response and immediately teleported out of the area.

In the corner of the building, a swarm of Chitauris was flying towards him. All of them were aiming at the group of people and slug that he had summoned. Then suddenly one of the Phantoms jump to clash with them and when he was within range, it self-destructed.


A strong heatwave could be felt in the surroundings due to the explosion. The windows of the surrounding buildings were destroyed due to the strong blast that was released.

"Okay, maybe don't self-destruct. We don't want the entire Manhattan Area to burst into flames. Go, and stick to hand-to-hand combat and some D-rank jutsus", Ethan said as his Phantoms disperse.

"Catherine, I need you to heal all the injured people you can find. Also, attach yourself with the avengers and heal them mid-combat", Ethan said to the slug that he was standing on.

"On it", Catherine responded. Slowly the gigantic form of Catherine began to separate itself into smaller pieces and climbed down the building, leaving Ethan alone on the rooftop.

Ethan looks at the STARK Tower and he said, "Let's see how you react Loki".

In the city, people were in a state of disbelief and fear when aliens suddenly appeared and they were raining lasers beams at them. Multiple small fires were happening throughout the entire city, people were running for their lives.

They were once thought to be fiction but now a reality. On this day, the entire human race knew the existence of aliens and with it fear of the unknown. Multiple videos began to be uploaded online, people showing proof of aliens, this immediately gathered the attention of News media Nationwide. Some people uploaded videos for their loved ones to see, they weren't optimistic about their chances of living through this event. So, they have uploaded to the internet their final messages.

"Daddy!", a little girl shouted as she saw her father being hit by a laser beam that burned his leg off.

"Run Sweety! Run!", the father said as he tried to push her daughter away, but the little girl was too afraid to start running and just cried in place. The father looks behind him and he saw a group of aliens walking towards them, and he knew that he and her daughter were about to die. He crawled to his daughter and said, "Close your eyes, sweety. Everything will be okay". The moment the little girl closed her eyes the father gave her a tight hug and he also proceeded to close his. Even if how cruel it was, he had already accepted his and his' daughter's fate. He just was just now waiting for death's final embrace.




After a while, the father was quite confused when it took too long for the aliens to kill him and his daughter. He slowly opened his eyes and what he saw confused him. In front of him was a group of people wearing robe-like attires and on their wrists were a circular symbol that rotated on itself.

"Go and take him to a hospital", a man said to the other people that were with him.

One person responded by saying, "Yes, Master Kaecilius". The person then opened a portal and teleported the father and daughter to the nearest hospital in the city. After doing that he immediately returned to the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the Phantoms were doing so much damage that Loki could see them destroying his army. And this made the God of Mischief annoyed and pissed that his spear began to glow and he shouted in the air, "More! Give me more men!".

Somehow the Chitauris were able to hear what Loki said, this resulted in more Chitauris and more Levithans appearing out of the portal. So, numerous were their numbers that even Tony was scared when he saw this.

"LOKI! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it", an angry Thor said to his brother as he flew towards him.

Loki with a smug look on his face replied, "You can't. There is no stopping it...There is only the war".

With a determined look on Thor's face, he replied, "So be it". With Mjolnir in hand, Thor engages his brother in close quarters combat. As both brothers fought against each other, this was the moment that a Quinjet appeared in STARK Tower. The people inside were Barton, Romanoff, and Steve. Barton prepared to fire the guns at Loki but was suddenly stopped by the swarms of Chitauri coming his way.


"Shit!", Barton said as the Chitauri was able to hit one of their engines. He immediately maneuvers the jet to land somewhere in the city.

"Hang on!", Barton said to the other people in the jet.

"Swish....bang...(crash landing sound)"

The landing was rough but everyone got out of the jet and Barton said, "Everybody okay?".

"I'm fine", Romanoff responded.

"I'm fine but my arm was hit during the landing", Steve said as he felt the pain coming from one of his arms. Then suddenly in the distance, they saw a gigantic slug moving towards them. Barton immediately took out one of his arrows from his quiver and aimed it at the creature approaching them. He was about to fire when the creature began to talk.

"Wait, I'm an ally", the slug said. This flabbergasted the 3 individuals.

"..What are you?..", Steve asked still unsure about what to feel about a talking slug.

"Are you an alien?", Barton asked still with his arrow ready to fire at a moment's notice.

"Zero sent me", the slug said.

"Zero? Why does that sound familiar?", Rogers asked as he looks at the two people with him.

"That name is briefly mentioned in the reports about the events of New Mexico", Romanoff said.

"Why are you here?", Barton asked.

"Zero sent me here in this city to heal people", the slug said.

"You can heal people?", Rogers asked.

"Yes, right now multiple parts of me are scattered inside the city. I have been healing countless people nonstop since the Chitauris attack", the slug said.

With a furrowed brows, Steve asked, "What do you mean, 'multiple parts of you'?".

"It's better to show you so that you can understand", the slug said. Then the people were shocked when the slug divided itself into 3 parts. Each was probably barely a foot long.

"That's interesting", Barton commented.

The slug saw that Captain Rogers had a hurt arm so it crawled towards it. The captain allowed the creature to approach him. The creature began to release a greenish glow when it was on top of the area that was injured.

After a quick heal, the creature looks at Captain Rogers and asked, "How does it feel?".

"It doesn't hurt anymore", Steve responded.


"Do you have a name?", Steve asked.

"My father named me, Catherine", the slug replied. Catherine then looks at the other two people and said, "You should carry one part of me. With this, I can heal you if you get injured".

The 3 people look at each other and agreed to Catherine's proposal after a while of silent thinking.


The three people look above and they saw the Leviathans releasing Chitauris inside of the buildings of Manhattan. Captain America had a worried look on his face, the people inside of the building were easy pickings for the Chitauri army.

Steve activated his communicator and said to Tony, "Stark we need--" but he immediately stops talking when he saw multiple individuals seemingly running on the side of the buildings killing the Chitauris that were there.

"Who are they?", Cap asked to no in particular.

Catherine heard what he said, so she answered, "Those are the Phantoms. You can say that's Zero's personal army".

"Zero has an army?", Barton commented.

"You can say that. Zero summoned them here to help in the invasion, but I think even Zero didn't consider the number of Chitauri's going through the portal", Catherine responded.

Steve looks at the Phantoms and he said, "Will take all the help we can get. Will talk to this Zero later."


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