CHAPTER 92: Aftermath-I

"Are we alone in this universe? NO! The attack in New York had answered that. We would have never thought that this question would be answered in the most brutal way possible. Aliens invaded our planet and we were nearly brought to our knees. Our government didn't save us, instead, these people and this creature did", the news reporter said as he showed the footage of the Avengers, a slug that healed people, men that could walk in the side of the walls, and people wearing robe-like attires.

"Now, on behalf of the human race, I 'thank' these people and this creature for the help they gave us in our hour of need. But this event had just opened more questions, questions we never ever dream would pop in our head. Who are these people? What is this slug? Who sanctioned the Avengers? Right now the human race is in a state of panic and fear. For we are outgunned and vulnerable to threats we never thought possible.", the reporter then became quiet and looks straight into the camera with a determined look in his eyes and said, "I am asking the government to tell the truth to the people for this is our world to----"

"Jarvis shut it down", Tony said. Right now he is driving his car and he had placed his phone in the car dash holder. Every news station had been talking about the attack in New York and at this moment, he had enough of hearing the same news.

"Yes sir", Jarvis replied.

Tony was meeting up with the team to say farewell to Thor. After Zero left, Thor was pissed and he placed his anger on Catherine. The Asgardian prince demanded Catherine to tell him where Zero is, but the slug creature didn't care about his anger and demands. Thor even hit Catherine with a powerful lightning bolt to show his point, but Catherine just tanked the hit. When everyone saw that they were greatly impressed.

After tanking that hit, Catherine said that she will heal more people before leaving the rest to the human doctors. Then she vanishes in a puff of smoke.

Tony arrived at his destination and he saw the rest of the Avengers plus Loki there. Thor's brother still had handcuffs on, as wells a device covering his mouth so that he won't talk.

"Cat got your tongue", Tony said to Loki. Loki just responded by giving Tony an annoyed look in his eyes.

"Thank you, friends, and I promise you that my brother will answer for all the crimes that he had committed. Both in Asgard and on Earth", he then activated the power of the mini Tesseract Zero gave him to teleport Loki and him back to Asgard.

After that was done, the rest of the group soon separated and went their own merry way...for now.


Thor and Loki appeared in a newly build observatory. What was waiting for them were King Odin, Queen Frigga, and a group of Asgardian soldiers ready for battle at a moment's notice.

The moment Thor removed the device that was covering Loki's mouth, Loki said, "Did you miss me?". Thor had an annoyed look on his face when he heard this.

Loki was then brought into an empty room in the palace where he and Queen Frigga had a conversation.

"I knew you would return to us", Queen Frigga said as she hugs her son. Loki just remained stoic and unresponsive.

Suddenly the mother and son moment was ended by King Odin when he entered the room and said in a commanding voice, "Enough".

King Odin looks at his wife and said, "I will speak with the prisoner, alone".

Before Queen Frigga left the room, she looks at her son and said, "Be Strong". She was then accompanied by two Asgardian soldiers as she exited the room.

"I don't really see what all the fuss is about", Loki said to his father. King Odin remained quiet, and Loki continued, "I intended to rule the earth with the same firm hand with which you rule all the nine realms. To show humanity the same MERCY you've granted your opponents and if given the chance, I might have even stolen a mortal infant and raised it as my own".

King Odin said with a disappointed look on his face, "Frigga clings to you like the mother of a drowned child, but she is too late to save you. The boy I knew is DEAD. What remains is a creature I do not recognize".

King Odin looks at Loki in hush silence, then he turned his back and slowly walks out of the room. But before he exited the door King Odin said, "Frigga is why you still live, but this was the last time you will ever see her. Spend the rest of your wicked days in the dungeons...Loki...Laufeyson".

Even if Loki won't say it, but he was internally shocked at what King Odin said.

Meanwhile, Thor and Heimdall were having their own conversation on the newly built observatory. An observatory that still needed one important thing to become operational.

"I could not get the Tesseract. Zero prevented me from bringing it to Asgard", Thor said as he handed Heimdall the smaller version.

Heimdall took it and he inspected the smaller Tesseract and said, "Do not worry about it, Prince Thor. The energy contained here will just be enough to fix the Bifrost. This is better than nothing".

Heimdall then uses the energy that the smaller version of the Tesseract contained and channel its powers in the rainbow bridge, and the newly made observatory. Suddenly a beam of energy seems to connect to Asgard and the observatory. Thor used his hand arm to cover his eyes from the bright light, that was being produced.

After a while, the light diminished and he looks at Heimdall and asked, "Is it fix?".

"Yes, the Bifrost is now fully operational", Heimdall responded as he took his sword and placed it in the middle of the observatory.

"I will immediately gather the Asgardian army. It is time to return peace in the nine realms. Our absence had placed the nine realms in a state of war. I will not allow that to continue", Thor said as he walks out of the building. But then before he totally exited the building he looks back at Heimdall and asked, "Can you find Zero?".

Heimdall looks at the Prince of Asgard and said, "I cannot. I have tried to look for him since the time he took the Tesseract but wherever he teleported, my eyes cannot see him".

Thor was quite shocked by this news. Never had there been a time that Heimdall could not see anyone. He thanks the Guardian of Asgard and left the observatory and returned to the palace to assemble the army.


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