High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 139 - 139: The Ultimate Showdown

Chapter 139: Chapter 139: The Ultimate Showdown

Reaching the top sixteen, every contestant was exceptional, with a high probability of becoming advanced or even top-tier Source Martial Artists in the future.

For example, Yang Hong and Wu Luo, if not overshadowed by Li Yuan's brilliance, could have played out a legendary 'Twin Stars Rivalry' among Kunlun Martial Arts University's freshmen.

But without a doubt, even among the top sixteen, there were standouts. Tantai Feng was in a league of his own, and his overwhelming performance in the first match of the top sixteen validated this point.

Li Yuan, Gaurav, Yu Ming, and Guan Ying were recognized as the most powerful contenders for the top four. This was evident from their total scores in the second round, all exceeding 90 points.

However, most spectators did not expect that Li Yuan and Gaurav would meet in the first match of the top sixteen.

"What's going on?"

"With their strength, they should at least face each other in the top eight. How are they meeting in the first match of the fourth round? Is this targeting someone?"

"The organizers are from China."

"Are they targeting Gaurav?" The tens of thousands of spectators on the viewing platform discussed heatedly. Most of them had not paid attention to the schedule beforehand.

Moreover, the 136 elite students who advanced to the third round, even if they knew their schedules, wouldn't leak the information.

... "Gaurav!"

"Defeat that chinese."

"Li Yuan!!" The vast viewing platform erupted with cheers. Whether from China or India, both sides were cheering enthusiastically.

"Gaurav is the strongest."

"Li Yuan, beat him up!"

"Li Yuan!!" On the viewing screen, an overwhelming number of comments flooded in, with both sides' support nearly equal.

In terms of the number of spectators, only India could match China.

Nearly 300,000 spectators from one side and over 200,000 from the other filled most of the viewing platform.

For whatever reason, the confrontation between the two ignited the atmosphere to its peak.

Even Yu Ming and Guan Ying were staring wide-eyed at the two on the stage.

Even Tantai Feng, who appeared to be meditating, opened his eyes slightly to watch secretly.

Everyone knew.

Li Yuan vs. Gaurav, this battle would definitely be a pinnacle showdown in the ten-school freshman competition.


The atmosphere outside the ring was explosive, but the two on the stage remained calm.

"Li Yuan, I didn't expect to meet you so soon."

"You're strong, but I will win," Gaurav, with his dark skin and ordinary appearance, smiled confidently, his eyes filled with determination.

"Certain of victory?"

Li Yuan smiled. "I think so too. I don't want to miss out on the rare treasures."

Reaching the top sixteen already guaranteed a reward of 20 million Blue Star Coins.

And according to the schedule, if they could win against each other, their next opponent in the top eight would be weak, hardly a threat.

Once they reached the top four, they would be rewarded with rare treasures.

For martial arts geniuses like them, this was a tremendous allure.

Both were filled with a strong desire to win.

Both could sense each other's strong fighting spirit and said no more.

The next moment, the battle exploded!

"Boom!" Gaurav charged fiercely, reaching his top speed, his dark armor making him a shadowy blur, ferociously attacking Li Yuan.


Li Yuan gripped his spear with both hands, spreading his legs apart, and leaned forward, assuming a defensive stance.


Gaurav roared, closing in with his spear thrusting like a venomous snake, swirling like a water vortex, whistling as it pierced forward.

The spear shadows shifted, eerily unpredictable, creating dozens of afterimages, making it hard to discern which was the true spearhead.

It completely enveloped Li Yuan.

This one move could instantly kill any opponent below the fourth stage.

Seeing this, many chinese spectators couldn't help but exclaim.

Gaurav's first strike was too fierce.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Tear!" Li Yuan's footwork shifted as he retreated rapidly, his spear dancing in his hands, creating dazzling arcs around him, forming a large spear circle that completely covered himself.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The two spears clashed in mid-air like lightning, countless shadows intersecting, moving so fast that it appeared to many spectators as if five or six spears were colliding.

"Stars are round."

"Spear tip tracing circles." Li Yuan remained calm, his spear moving steadily. Though it seemed like he was frantically defending against Gaurav's attacks, in reality, whether thrusting, blocking, or slashing, Li Yuan's spear maintained a circular range.

Within this range, no matter how wildly Gaurav attacked, he couldn't break through.


"Just as I expected, as long as I fully defend, Gaurav cannot budge me." Li Yuan remained tranquil, his mind at peace.

He had already planned to win even with an aggressive stance against Gaurav.

But that wasn't his goal; his real target was Tantai Feng.

Gaurav? To Li Yuan, he was just another stepping stone.

If he couldn't withstand Gaurav, how could he face Tantai Feng's blades?

"Bang! Bang~" Gaurav thrust and slashed repeatedly. His combat style was the opposite of Kimura Tatsuo's.

He pursued ferocious attacks, overwhelming his opponents with absolute power and speed.

Against his schoolmates, this approach was always successful.

But against Li Yuan, all his attacks were in vain.

"They say prolonged defense leads to loss."

"How can he defend to this extent?" Gaurav couldn't believe it, his heart sinking.

Attack! He had attacked to the limit, but still couldn't break through Li Yuan's defense.

"Comfortable!" Li Yuan's defense grew more relaxed.

In this moment, amidst the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators, in this unique environment, Li Yuan felt he was getting closer to fully grasping that special essence.

... On the viewing platform, tens of thousands of students from various martial arts universities were stunned by the duel.

Previously, both Gaurav and Li Yuan had swept through the second round, with no one able to withstand their strikes. Now, facing each other, they fought fiercely.

One's spear technique was ferocious and fierce, truly embodying the spear as the king of the battlefield.

The other defended entirely, like an unshakable mountain, blocking wave after wave of attacks.

"Gaurav !!"

"He's forcing Li Yuan to defend, strong!" The Indian spectators cheered excitedly.

"Li Yuan!"

"Li Yuan!"

"Every battle, as long as Li Yuan defends, once he counterattacks, he easily defeats his opponent." The chinese spectators firmly believed this.


"Gaurav will lose," an advanced Source Martial Artist teacher said softly from the higher viewing platform. "Prolonged defense leads to loss. In a spear duel, the attacker usually has the advantage, but he can't break Li Yuan's defense."

"Li Yuan's skill level is significantly higher," other teachers commented.

"Stars are round."

"Li Yuan's spear technique truly embodies the essence of the Starry Spear Technique. This progress is terrifying."


"His defensive spear technique gives an unbreakable illusion. The data says he reached the fourth stage in March this year? That's outrageous." These teachers, at least possessing micro-level skills, many at the fifth stage, had seen countless spear techniques and quickly grasped the reality on stage.

"Li Yuan's spear."

"Star essence?" Li Yang, as Li Yuan's teacher, was incredulous. "His spear technique has improved significantly?"

Previously, he had determined that Li Yuan couldn't win because on September 30th, after teaching him, he felt Li Yuan was far from the mental profundity.

How long has it been? A week!

"He is a true combat genius. The more he fights and faces pressure, the more potential he unleashes," Dean Xu whispered. "Li Yang, you've found a gem. Your student is an unbelievable spear genius."

"He has grasped the essence of the stars. Given time, he will undoubtedly reach the mental profundity."

"If before there was no hope against Tantai Feng, now... there's a thirty percent chance," Dean Xu affirmed.

"Thirty percent?" Li Yang nodded slightly.

He knew Dean Xu was a high-level fifth stage expert, close to becoming a flying martial artist.

His judgment was more precise.

"Almost won," Dean Xu suddenly said.

Not far away.

"Gaurav," the black-robed elder 'Bhaskar' watching the intense duel on stage sighed. "What a pity to meet Li Yuan."

As "Gaurav's teacher, a top-tier Source Martial Artist, he saw Li Yuan's terrifying skill.

That unshakable defense.

The spear's roundness, stable as a mountain, was too steady, completely countering Gaurav.

The outcome of the offense-defense switch often depended on strength.

"He's losing." The black-robed elder Bhaskar felt helpless. If Gaurav had faced Yu Ming or Guan Ying, he had a chance.

But facing Li Yuan.

"This Li Yuan, even against Tantai Feng, has a chance to win," Ba Qiang sighed.


"Gaurav is losing," some contestants in the preparation area also noticed.

"This spear technique?" Tantai Feng, unknowingly, had opened his eyes, a glint in them. "Star essence?"


"Kunlun Martial Arts University has such a master? Finally, not a waste of my time."

Li Yuan's appearance excited Tantai Feng, more anticipation for a strong opponent than worry.


On the stage, Gaurav grew more panicked as he fought, his anxiety increasing as he saw Li Yuan defending more calmly.

Li Yuan began to counterattack!

No! It wasn't Li Yuan counterattacking, but his spear technique's natural transition between defense and attack.

The core of the Starry Spear Technique wasn't rigid defense but using defense as offense.

But even a casual defensive counterattack from Li Yuan left Gaurav more and more desperate.

"I must win." Gaurav gritted his teeth, still attacking relentlessly, hoping for a breakthrough.

But as time passed, his stamina waned.

As the attacker, his stamina drained faster, his spear speed unknowingly slowing down.


"Poof!" As if telepathically, or subconsciously, after blocking Gaurav's attack once more, Li Yuan's spear shifted and thrust forward.

From defense to offense!


This thrust, Li Yuan exerted more power than ever before, tapping into his body's most subtle forces.

The situation shifted in an instant.

The spear's speed soared to terrifying levels.


A spear pierced the air, and the next second, Gaurav's figure blurred.

"Impressive," Gaurav mouthed, his figure completely dissipating.

One strike!

Gaurav, defeated!

"The essence of the stars." Li Yuan stood still with his spear, murmuring, "In defense, unshakable, like the vast earth."

"In offense, like a star's explosion, unstoppable."

After the battle with Gaurav, Li Yuan's understanding of the star essence deepened further.

He glanced at his Divine Palace panel:

Skill Realm: Spear Technique (Stage Four, 85%), Movement Technique (Stage Four, 73%), Fist Technique (Stage Four, 86%)

... Li Yuan secured the second spot in the top eight.

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