High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 147 - 147: The Formation of the Star Path and the Prototype of the Cultivation Technique

Chapter 147: Chapter 147: The Formation of the Star Path and the Prototype of the Cultivation Technique

In the Divine Palace.

"Going upstairs?" Li Yuan hesitated. Although he received such guidance, his consciousness still dared not take action.

Li Yuan hadn't forgotten that the first time he tried to go upstairs recklessly, he almost shattered his consciousness.

"Let's first see if there's any difference from the previous two times when the source energy entered the body," Li Yuan thought.

He tried to invoke the 'golden mist' that might exist on the second floor. But this time, there was no reaction!

"Let's give it a try." Li Yuan's consciousness stepped onto the white jade stairs.

As expected.

"Boom!!" It was as if a terrifyingly powerful hammer smashed his head, causing Li Yuan's entire consciousness to explode.

Even though he was prepared, Li Yuan still felt overwhelmed. This time, the oppressive impact was much stronger than the first time.

It seemed that the impact of the white jade stairs was based on the level of Li Yuan's mental strength—the stronger the mental power, the stronger the impact.

Fortunately, Li Yuan had become much stronger now, with his mental strength and willpower significantly enhanced, barely keeping his consciousness intact.

"Continue." Li Yuan's consciousness continued to climb the stairs.

"Rumble~" Waves of oppressive force came crashing like rolling stones.

"Hold on," Li Yuan roared in his heart, taking one step at a time with great difficulty.

The higher he went, the harder it became, causing intense pain in his consciousness, as if it were about to collapse.

However, compared to the pain of Hundred Marrow Spirit Withering, this was nothing.

After more than ten minutes.


Even Li Yuan's strong consciousness seemed about to dissipate under the continuous impact, held together only by his powerful will.


Bang~ Li Yuan's consciousness stepped over the white jade stairs and reached a higher level of the Divine Palace.

Maybe it was the second floor.


As soon as he stepped in, the unprecedented pressure vanished without a trace.

"If I hadn't honed my consciousness through the visualization method, it would have been difficult to overcome the obstacle of the white jade stairs," Li Yuan realized.

The Divine Palace was indeed an incredible opportunity. Both the visualization method and the palace panel were extremely special.

However, without effort, relying solely on the Divine Palace would yield minimal results and might even block one at the first level.


"What is on the second floor of the Divine Palace?" Li Yuan looked around.

This floor's layout was not much different from the first floor. In the center of the hall, there was also a jade platform.

Its shape was similar to the Great Sun Jade Platform on the first floor but intertwined with gold and black.

"Another jade platform?" Li Yuan pondered, "Am I supposed to gather my consciousness on this platform too?"

After observing for a while, Li Yuan confirmed that this floor had no stairs leading to a higher level of the Divine Palace and no other objects, just the intertwined black and gold jade platform.

"Only this," Li Yuan had no choice but to gather his consciousness on the platform.

The next moment.

"Boom!" Li Yuan's consciousness surged into it like a tide, unable to stop the process.

Quickly, the scene around his consciousness in the Divine Palace changed.

His consciousness was in a boundless dark space.

This dark space, he had been here twice.

No, to be precise.

This mysterious space was no longer purely dark. In Li Yuan's vision, hundreds of thousands of stars were faintly glowing.

Numerous stars formed a peculiar trajectory, giving this dark space a faint light.

"The second time I entered, I recorded these star trajectories. They haven't disappeared?" Li Yuan wondered, "What is this dark space?"

This third entry differed from the previous two times in that Li Yuan's consciousness remained absolutely clear.

As time passed, Li Yuan's consciousness remained trapped in the dark space, unable to escape.


Buzz~ In the dark space, purple streams emitting strange light appeared, coming from the depths of the dark space.

They floated towards Li Yuan's consciousness.

"What is this?" Li Yuan noticed from afar, feeling a peculiar energy from these purple streams.

Full of vitality and temptation.


Before Li Yuan could think more, the first purple stream shot towards his consciousness, merging directly.


"Huh?" Li Yuan's consciousness's view of the 'dark space' changed.

"What's that?"

"Stars?" Li Yuan quickly 'saw' it. The dark space seemed endless, but within it, under the darkness, countless stars existed.

One after another, countless stars, certainly more than a billion.

They didn't emit any light, so Li Yuan couldn't see them before.

It was the purple mist that gave Li Yuan a transcendent 'perspective' ability, allowing him to overlook and observe most of the dark space.

"Dark space."

"Infinite stars." Li Yuan realized. At the same time, he noticed that among the billions of stars, a few were not purely dark. Their surfaces seemed to glow faintly.

The light was very weak.

Without the purple mist, Li Yuan couldn't 'see' these faint lights, but now he saw them clearly.

"These few stars seem to be exceptions?" Li Yuan thought.

He recalled Dean Hai mentioning the body as a universe and the saying of billions of dead stars.

How similar it was to the current scene.

Could it be that the few faintly glowing stars were his body's 'life stars'?

So what should he do?

At this moment.

"Seek the subtle, merge the two, essence of the sun and moon, the beginning of the spirit foundation..." The ancient vast voice he had heard many times echoed in the dark space again.


The voice was faint yet seemed to contain special magic, influencing Li Yuan.

"Seek the faint light of the stars, merge the god and stars into one..." Li Yuan gradually understood.

It seemed to be an unconscious action.

Or perhaps it was the ancient voice's subtle guidance.

Wow~ Li Yuan's consciousness instantly dispersed, as if splitting into countless parts.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Thousands upon thousands of thoughts rapidly crossed the vast dark space, sensing the death and faint light of countless stars... each thought reached a star emitting faint light.

The next moment, countless thoughts directly merged into these stars, imprinting themselves.



The entire dark space shook violently. In the next moment, countless stars in the dark space began to glow...

Originally, only thousands of stars were lit, but the number quickly soared.

Three thousand, five thousand, nine thousand, twenty thousand... rapidly increasing.

As many thoughts as Li Yuan's consciousness dispersed, as many stars were lit.


If someone could observe the entire dark space, they would be shocked to find that among the tens of thousands of lit stars, a significant portion formed trajectories, connecting with each other.

Giving a sense of 'perfection.'

"Rumble~" When a large number of stars on a star track were fully lit, it seemed to trigger a special power.

The stars on the star track began to move.

Like celestial bodies!

They truly 'came to life.'


In the underground martial arts room.


Sitting cross-legged, Li Yuan's body, from the finest layer composed of countless flesh and blood, began to emit tiny lights.

These lights were imperceptible and invisible to the naked eye.

But they connected, forming a 'blood vessel' in another dimension, running from Li Yuan's limbs, waist, abdomen, and brain, creating a complete cycle.

When this cycle formed, like an ecosystem, it began to evolve autonomously.

Buzz~ Buzz~ Buzz~

Strange energy began to permeate Li Yuan's body along the countless 'lights.'

It was source energy!!!

Wow~ This strange energy, along the light trajectory, rapidly infiltrated every part of Li Yuan's deep body.

This extremely pure source energy, without any impurities, was quickly absorbed by Li Yuan's muscles and bones.

Promoting Li Yuan's body to undergo transformation.

Rapidly enhancing.

Even as the source energy operated, a small amount of it gradually merged into the light trajectory, not fully absorbed by Li Yuan.

If a flying martial artist were present, they would surely see with their strong mental power.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Yuan.

Unknowingly, his body's inner wall had countless life stars lit, forming a high-level technique prototype, operating autonomously!!

This news, if spread, would shock the entire human civilization.

Because, typically, one must reach a physical quality level of 20 to fully light life stars, forming a complete 'star trajectory' and truly operate the source energy technique.

This had been a rule for hundreds of years.

But today.

This rule was completely broken by Li Yuan!!

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