High Martial Arts Era

Chapter 150 - 150: Martial Arts Celestial

Chapter 150: Chapter 150: Martial Arts Celestial

"The Star Earth Essence Crystal is indeed a great natural treasure, but it shouldn't have such a significant effect," said Dean Hai, slightly puzzled. "He didn't just go from level 10 to 11, but from level 14 to 15."

"In terms of physical fitness alone, his punching power increased by over 4000 kilograms in a month."

"Has he left the school this month?" Dean Hai asked, his mind racing with thoughts.

"No, since the Ten Schools Freshman Battle ended, Li Yuan has been staying in the school for training," replied Li Yang. "He undergoes practical training every day and attends general courses, all of which can be tracked."

Li Yang understood Dean Hai's doubt—he was suspecting that Li Yuan had some other fortuitous encounter. But in reality, there was none.

"Moreover, I test his physical fitness every week," Li Yang added. "After using the Star Earth Essence Crystal, his improvement has significantly increased."

"The progress is very stable," Li Yang confirmed. "It's all documented."

"Good," Dean Hai finally let go of his last bit of doubt and smiled. "It seems that the Star Earth Essence Crystal was indeed the right choice for him."

"We also underestimated his rate of progress," Dean Hai said lightly.

"You are wise, Dean," Li Yang said with a smile, though he was silently thinking, we? It was obviously you who underestimated him.

"But now, what should we do?" Li Yang asked.

"It's still too dangerous to go to the Bright Ruins Astral Realm now," Dean Hai said softly. "Let's stick to the original plan and go in a month."

"In nearly two months, his strength should improve even more, enhancing his self-protection capabilities."

"By the way, the school will have a holiday in December, right?" Dean Hai asked.

"Yes," Li Yang nodded.

Ordinary universities have summer and winter vacations, but martial arts universities have completely different holiday schedules. They take a half-month break at the end of June and the end of December each year, allowing students to return home, offsetting the normal university holiday schedules.

"Just in time for him to visit home before venturing into the Astral Realm," Dean Hai said.

"Yes," Li Yang nodded, understanding the Dean's intention.

Venturing into the Astral Realm and practical assessments are entirely different. Practical assessments, although dangerous, usually have a mortality rate of around 1%, sometimes even lower, with cumulative casualty rates being higher. For top talents like Li Yuan, the mortality rate is even lower.

The most crucial thing is that all 'unexpected factors' can be eliminated. In the Astral Realm, although the school will take some protective measures, unforeseen circumstances cannot be avoided, such as suddenly encountering a second-level alien or a flying creature. These situations have historically occurred.

Letting Li Yuan go home first is, in a sense, a 'farewell.' He might die out there this time. After all, Li Yuan is only 18 years old.

"Two more things," Dean Hai said lightly. "First, have Li Yuan come to see me tomorrow."

"Second, notify the Starlight Martial Hall that Li Yuan has reached level 15, and have them deliver the Source Power Battle Suit as soon as possible."

"Yes," Li Yang nodded.

That night.

While watching the news, Li Yuan received a message from Li Yang.

"Dean Hai wants to see me tomorrow, possibly to guide my training and discuss the Astral Realm expedition?" Li Yuan thought as he looked at the message from Li Yang. "I don't even have to apply myself?"

According to Kunlun Martial University's regulations, before the senior year, regardless of physical fitness level, students are not required to venture into the Astral Realm. However, if one's physical fitness reaches level 15, they can apply to enter the Astral Realm, whether they are a freshman, sophomore, or junior.

Putting down his smart wristwatch, Li Yuan continued watching the 'Astral Realm Channel' on the light screen projection.

"According to statistics, the recent Astral Realm attack on Jiangcheng City has resulted in at least 284 deaths..."

"In Shizhou, over the past seven days, the Astral Realm attack by the Fish Spirit Tribe has caused at least 800 deaths..."

"According to our reporter's on-site investigation, from today onwards, the Jiangbei Provincial Military, Starlight Martial Hall, and Starry Sky Martial Hall will conduct joint operations along the Xiang River..." News after news was broadcasted on the projection.

All were about Jiangbei Province and the Fish Spirit Tribe.

Since his conversation with Wan Qinghe, Li Yuan had been paying close attention to news about Jiangbei Province, especially Jiangcheng City. Yesterday, Jiangbei Province once again faced a large-scale attack.

By today, the situation was basically under control.

"So many casualties," Li Yuan frowned. "Is the Fish Spirit Tribe really that hard to eliminate?"

The Fish Spirit Astral Realm was like a sore on Jiangbei Province, not fatal, but it occasionally flared up, causing panic and harm to the people of Jiangbei Province.


"My uncle and aunt live in the Starlight South Lake District, so they're not greatly affected," Li Yuan thought.

The next day, November 17th.

At 2 PM, Li Yuan followed Li Yang to Dean Hai's villa.

This was Li Yuan's first visit. The previous meetings with Dean Hai were all in the Black Dragon Building.

However, as soon as he jumped off the aircraft, Li Yuan was stunned.

Outside the villa, on the lush green lawn, Dean Hai was wearing casual clothes and sunglasses, leisurely lying on a deck chair, fishing.

A large sunshade was propped up high. Beside him were several service personnel waiting, with a variety of exquisite food carefully prepared on the table.

In a word, luxurious!

With Dean Hai's naturally young and handsome appearance, he looked just like a wealthy young master.

"Dean, Li Yuan is here," Li Yang stepped forward and said.


"Li Yuan, Li Yang, sit down," Dean Hai said with a faint smile, pointing to the two chairs beside him.

Li Yang and Li Yuan sat down and looked at Dean Hai.

Dean Hai then put down the fishing rod.

"Li Yuan, do you like fishing?" Dean Hai asked.

"I've tried," Li Yuan replied honestly.

Apart from learning a bit from his uncle in June, Li Yuan had never really learned to fish.

"Do you know what is most important in fishing?" Dean Hai asked with a half-smile.

Li Yuan thought for a moment. "Patience?"


"It's that the pond must have fish," Dean Hai smiled. "If there are no fish, no matter how hard you try, it's useless. For example, in some fishing grounds, it may seem like there are many fish, but the owner deliberately makes the center of the fishing ground deep and uses heavy bait to attract all the fish there. In that case, you definitely won't catch anything by the shore."

Li Yuan was dumbfounded.

"The 'Concentration' technique I gave you last time, how do you feel about it?" Dean Hai shifted the topic.

"I practiced it, but it feels average," Li Yuan said.

On other issues, he could be vague, but when it came to cultivation, which concerns his own interests, he had to answer seriously.

"Mm? It's a mental secret technique meant to hone willpower, helping martial artists better resist mental attacks," Dean Hai said. "In the Astral Realm, dangers are everywhere, and the enemy's methods are unpredictable. Mental attacks are common."

"But your mental strength is strong, so its effect might not be significant. Still, it's good to practice it when you have time. It will be somewhat beneficial."

"Yes," Li Yuan nodded.

"I heard from Dean Li that your spear technique has reached the fourth-grade limit?" Dean Hai asked.

"Almost," Li Yuan smiled.

In reality, from the Divine Palace panel, Li Yuan's spear technique and boxing technique had both reached fourth-grade 99%. Only his movement technique was slightly slower, at fourth-grade 96%, but it would also reach the limit within half a month.

"Reaching the fourth-grade limit, mastering every subtle strength in the body, the next step is to achieve the fifth-grade unity of man and nature," Dean Hai smiled.

Li Yuan's eyes lit up, listening intently.

He understood that Dean Hai called him today to give him guidance on his skills.

"The term 'unity of man and nature,' in ancient times, was a mysterious concept pursued by many martial arts masters, similar to the Taoist Golden Core Path or the Buddhist Relic Theory. It sounds mysterious, but in essence, it's about the word 'natural'," Dean Hai smiled.

Natural? Li Yuan pondered.

"Human strength is limited. We introduce source power into our bodies, tempering our physique and skills, making our strength and speed stronger. But even for flying martial artists and those beyond that level, their sprint speed can reach dozens of times the speed of sound or even faster. Their bodies can enter space. One punch can shatter a mountain," Dean Hai sighed. "It sounds strong, but compared to the vast natural world, what is it?"

"Just within our Seven Star Sea, the distance between us and the Soaring Star is over a billion kilometers. Without using star bridges or the Astral Realm, communication between us is extremely difficult."

"The operation of the heavens, the universe, we may seem strong individually, but in this vast world, we are just slightly stronger ants. The unity of man and nature requires us to use our weak 'mental spirit' to sense the countless mysteries of the world's operations," Dean Hai said.

"To grasp even a bit of its laws."

"Just like technology, weak beings can control powerful weapons. Our evolution as martial artists is similar. We must strive to explore the mysteries of nature."

"By borrowing the power of nature, we can become stronger, both in spirit and body," Dean Hai smiled. "Otherwise, do you think just relying on cultivation methods, one can quickly make a flying martial artist's body that strong?"

Li Yuan pondered.

"These are to give you a concept," Dean Hai smiled. "The best way to break through is still to follow the original path."

"The original path?" Li Yuan was puzzled.

"The natural laws are elusive," Dean Hai smiled. "Do you think I am too extravagant?"

"No, the Dean has made great contributions to our human civilization. This is nothing," Li Yuan shook his head.

"That is true," Dean Hai smiled. "Over the years, I've paid over ten billion in taxes, not through business or rent within the civilization, but from fighting and killing in the Astral Realm."

"Impressive," Li Yuan sincerely said.

Paying taxes of over ten billion, how much did he actually earn? It's unimaginable. These treasures and wealth, even under Dean Hai's name, are in a sense part of human civilization.

"I seem to be enjoying myself."

"Well, I am indeed enjoying myself," Dean Hai said leisurely, "but I am also cultivating, refining my mind and comprehending the Dao."

Li Yuan was puzzled. This realm was too far from him.

"When you truly reach the fifth-grade level, you will gradually understand what I mean," Dean Hai smiled. "Next."

"Learn a third-grade spear technique 'Star Intent' from the Martial Arts Network."

"This technique is an extension of the 'Starry Spear Technique,' and it will help you break through to the fifth-grade level."

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