High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

The Deal; Naughty Net Runner

"We're here, this bunker is located on the outskirts of the city, it belongs to a friend of mine who is abroad... I guess you could use it momentarily for whatever you have planned" Yuriko told us.

The whole entourage stepped out of the limousine and found this massive mansion surrounded by vegetable life, it wasn't abandoned, and there were servants and maids all over, this is clearly a top dog who owns this mansion.

"Who is this person?" I asked with curiosity, it is always nice to know the background of influential figures.

"His wife is an actress and he is a businessman, they're currently living in Germany but they come back for holidays, His surname is Furuoishi... Furuoishi Akira" she stated, I don't know this person at all.

'Rich people... having this mansion for holidays...' But my plan is to own the place, not to be just allowed to use it momentarily.

"Takagi-sama..." the servants greet Yuriko before bowing towards us as well; we were allowed inside. A butler took the lead and introduced himself as Yuuji-san. Saya, Lucy and I were awed at the decorations inside as Yuriko spoke to the man nonchalantly.

"Furuoishi-sama told us of your predicament" He began, I was talking to Saya while the girl shamelessly criticised the toppings, furniture and decorations as if she had the money to afford any of them, this lass... her parents are rich, not she.

She quickly got into an argument with Lucy, which helped me since I can pay more attention to whatever Yuriko and the butler are speaking.

"Thanks, Yuuji-san, this is my nephew, my daughter and their friend... he is the one that shall borrow your premises for a limited time, likely for a school project," Yuriko said, making me deadpan.

What sort of school project requires a bloody bullet-proof bunker?

"I see, how creative kids are nowadays~"

'You believe her?!'

"Yuuji-san, more or less how much would this whole complex cost?" It was Lucy who asked him, this girl... I regarded her solemnly and she sent a hidden glint my way along with a smirk, it is as if we're in the same symphony at all times.

The man smirked for some reason as if he was thinking that we're so broke we can't afford it in our lifetimes.

"That would be around three billion yen, young miss~, about thirty million dollars."

'Holy... I didn't expect him to say a number greater than what I have in my bank account...' I looked towards Lucy and she nodded confidently. She can give me more...?!

Nevertheless, that's too much, I wonder if we can get something more affordable for a better price? I only need the bunker, not the gigantic mansion that comes along with it. If we take the mansion away the price is likely to decrease by more than 50%.

We were led to the bunker, it was a massive underground bullet-proof complex, yes, this is exactly what I desire.

"Is this what you need?" Saya asked me with her arms crossed, suspicious, the more she and Yuriko looked at the place and my odds, the more they wondered what I'm planning to do.

In the beginning, I thought of having just a place where I could train my shooting, but... Lucy has broadened my horizons.

I could make this into my safe haven for the catastrophe... I don't know what's awaiting, but having such a massive bunker would be ideal. It still needs surface security enhancements. However, we have plenty of money to spend. And if it ends up being prosecuted then at least we're going to be in prison by the time the catastrophe begins... trust me, prison will be safer than the streets.

"Yes, it works... but, Yuriko, could you come with me for a minute" I pulled my confused busty aunt's wrists to the side. Lucy followed behind and Saya felt frustrated that I wasn't telling her so... I rolled my eyes and pulled her in as well.

"I want to buy this," I said solemnly.


It wasn't only Yuriko, Takagi too splurted in amusement as if mocking me.

"..." Why is she laughing?

"I like you Brand-kun, but I can't possibly buy this for you... if you want a gift from obasan then ask for something else" she patted my head as if I were a kid.

This woman... and why are you calling yourself obasan? with that body, I hardly believe you're above thirty.

I took out my phone where it was shown my account balance and she gasped, looking at me with eyes wide like saucers. I didn't show it to Saya though.

"T-This is a joke?" Yuriko asked, her amused tone gone, this is serious.

"No-! Oi!"

She immediately pulled me by the ear to the side, far away from everyone else.

"What is the meaning of this Brand!? where did all this money come from?!"

"I can explain you lat-"

"Explain to me now! I WANT TO KNOW NOW!"

She released me, held her waist and stepped tapping her foot, if she had a rod nearby, she'd be hella intimidating. Alas, I already studied you enough even with what we have experienced together, aunt~

"Well, Lucy said she's a hacker..." I began and I once again got my ear pulled... this time into another room. Yuriko made sure that no one is hearing and spoke to me again in yelling whispers.

"Are you kidding me?! this is two billion, Brand! TWO BILLION! what sort of hacker can steal all this money?! she must've been on some country's most wanted list!" Yuriko was hectic, maybe even scared for my sake, I know how impactful it is, my reaction was the same when Lucy did it, in fact... I'm still thinking the police are going to show up in front of my apartment with ten convoys and rabid dogs, but so far nothing has happened.

And if it happened, I trust I can get Lucy and me away with the system. Therefore, intending to calm Yuriko down, I executed my plan.

I embraced her and put my face in her soft springy cleavage, for some reason this calmed her down... maybe she's like Shizuka and likes having her breasts massaged.

"Yuriko, I can't tell you everything but you need to trust me... once I'm ready to tell you, I will... I need this place it is important" I gave her the 'look'.

Do you know that bullshit look women have to make men do whatever they want? well... they are also susceptible to it when someone cute does it to them.

And right now, I'm cute to Yuriko... I noticed since we were in the car... this woman doesn't just pull anyone to hug her, it is me...

"..." It seemed to be effective, she looked at me aghast, rubbing my cheeks.

"If you want to begin supporting me from now on like my aunt... unlike them who abandoned me, then... I need you to trust me" I know I'm scum... even going as far as to use the word 'aunt' because I knew it was going to impact her, and it did.

"Brand-kun..." She hugged me tightly, as I expected, I tried to remove my head but she pulled me into her breasts again, really this woman... is going to kill me of suffocation one day.

"But you need to tell me... alright? you definitely need to tell me... what shady business are you in?"

"It is not some shady business, if I tell you now, you won't believe me. I need time before a year goes through, I will have told you, trust me on this, aunt? it is not drugs, terrorism or anything like that" I rubbed my cheeks on her breasts and felt something hard, oh?~

She pushed me away, blushing.

The two of us glared at one another for a while, did she just get excited?

"N-Naughty brat, I will remember this" she whispered to me, harrumphing and showing me a facette that I only saw on Saya, so this is where the tsundere behaviour came from?

Yuriko made her way to the butler while I pulled Saya and Lucy aside to listen.

"Yuuji-san, I have a proposal for Furoishi. Please, send him this in my stead" she began whispering in the butler's ears and his eyes opened like saucers the next second, he nodded towards her and began leading us back to the surface.

"Hey, Brand... what's the secretism!?" Saya was starting to get irritated so I pulled her aside.

"How about you and I have a date after this?" I asked her suddenly and heard a twitching tongue to my side, it was Lucy, what's her deal?

"Huh?" Saya was confused as to why I was pulling her on a date all of the sudden, I have some time before my workout with Shizuka, in fact... I hope I can use this in my favour.

"A date..." I repeated myself as we left the mansion.

"But you will explain things to me, don't you?"

I promised her, not everything but at least I will tell her a part of it. Saya is a genius, perhaps among everyone, she's the one more likely to take things rationally if I show her facts, will I do it now? not... but if I see a compromise from her, I will consider it.

As we walked back to the Limousine I pulled Lucy aside.

"Thank you".

"You're welcome, Choom~ willing to admit who is the younger one now?~"

"No, but... I can accept us as twins".

"Fair enough... so..."


"When are you taking me out?" She said, twirling her beautiful hair in a way that captivated me.

"..." I lifted up my eyebrows in surprise, not expecting Lucy to want a date.

So far she has been nothing but a lil' bitch to me, but... she wants a date all of the sudden?

I smell something shady.

"I will tell you later".

Boarding up the mansion with Yuriko and Saya, we left the mansion.

Yuriko hugged me one last time before leaving us in front of my apartment, I took Saya with me and gave Yuriko a kiss on the cheek, she told me that she'd give me a call if there was a deal for me to put the money in and I accepted.

If she manages to crack up this deal, I know I can trust Yuriko.

Things are slowly falling into place.

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