High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

The Goddess of Luck & Causality, Sonasha

I was still coming to terms with the reality in front of me, I was somehow transported to my previous life to a new body that resembled the same body that I had at this age, only... different conditions, if I had to notice something different, it would be some Asian features in my face.

Moreover, why does this washroom smell so good?

My head is hurting a little as if memories are coming back to me in shards or fragments, clashing with the memories of my previous life that I carried with me, it took some time before this pain subsided.

Let me read what this letter from Sonasha says... I still don't understand why it says that it is from a thousand years ago.

When I clicked the button 'yes' the text began showing itself on the screen.


"Uh?" I expected it to be a whole text, like a regular letter, instead, the text kept appearing in fragments.

"Sonasha?" I asked loudly as if anyone could hear me.

[Yes, it is me~]

"Isn't this supposed to be a message from a thousand years ago?" I asked incredulously, if this is a written letter, why is she answering my questions?!

[Yes, this message should have been from several hours ago; I merely took a little longer than I expected to hug you and cuddle you~ you see, it has been something that I desired to do for a while... nevertheless, you should be able to read this message from the moment you land in the Earth where you're to live until you accomplish your first mission]

This time the answer confused me, 'Several hours? were you expecting to cuddle me for a few hours and ended up doing it for a thousand years?!'

[Sorry, I couldn't help myself... you're the one that has my blessing after all~ I don't want to waste your time, dear. So, read well... through the council of gods I was tasked to find the one that could accomplish this mission, to get rid of the infection. As the Goddess of Luck and Causality, the one that I choose would be the one able to save this world from its doom, you are the one that popped up from this selection, I had expected it to be your father but, no... it was you~ Your mission is simple, through the assistance of the laws of fate I have placed you a year prior to the catastrophe... I have placed your soul in an appropriate husk that would allow you to accomplish this mission as well. You were given the tool that shall make your journey through this catastrophe possible, it is the Gacha System~]

'Gacha? why a Gacha...?' Nothing is making much sense, I had been to japan several times in my life and well, Gachas are certainly addictive, but even I with my 'luck' found it hard to play that game with satisfactory results.

I'd rather play a casino slot for a day than a single gacha roll.

[This Gacha is connected to my universal flow of Causality... it will allow you to get access to items, weapons and assistance regardless of the timeline. Everything in your disposition in order to accomplish this task, sadly... it is not a power that I can use recurrently so you will be limited to how many times you can use it depending on your 'gacha points'. Nevertheless, I hope that my blessing will allow you to obtain the best results with it~]

"I have a ques-"

[You must be having questions, let me see... the first one: How can I 'talk' to you like this? suffice to say that I'm lucky enough to guess what you're thinking~]

"Ridiculous..."  I doubted it, instead, I believe she was talking to me in real-time.

[Right?~ you must be quite knowledgeable on how luck works, but my dear... you're nowhere near being able to grasp the comprehension of causality which I reign]

I don't know why I feel like she's boasting.


[Are you going to ask why I behave as if I know you for a long time?~]

"No, not at all~," I said crossing my arms and expecting her to commit a blunder if this message is really from a thousand years ago.

[Stop lying, booo~, I will get angry with you if you lie to me, dear~]

"There is no way you're guessing all this!" I called it, such a response wouldn't be possible if she's not here actively talking to me!

[Fufufu~ I merely guessed that you'd try to trick me, you're such a shrewd naughty boy, Brand~]


[I can't tell you yet, who I am to you... but we will see each other again, dear... you have a battlefield to go to and... I have mine, once we both catch a breath, perhaps then we will see each other again~ the system will give you all the information you need, I hope that we can see each other again and I can cuddle you for a whole day, maybe more... until then, survive, my beloved...]

The message ended up leaving me with more questions than answers, Sonasha, who exactly are you?

I don't know what to think about this, I'm suddenly the chosen one in some sort of reality or game that I'm unaware of, my luck has always been abnormal, so is it because of her after all?

She said she expected my father to be the one that came instead of me, could it be that she blessed my father in reality and I merely inherited it?

There are many conjectures in my head but as the memories from this life keep getting lucid, my attention drifts away from Sonasha and back to my memories.

My name is Brand Mercer, but this reality is completely different. This time, I'm not abandoned, well... at least not completely.

This time I have a family and also, oh... I understand now.

Yes, there is someone else in this massive house living with me.

A carer, a beautiful blonde lady who was tasked to take care of me but in reality, well... it feels more like I'm taking care of her.

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