Highschool DxD: Nibelungenlied

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

As my life slowly faded away no matter how much I tried to stop it from doing so my life flashed briefly before my eyes.

My name is Peter Parker.

Yeah, I know.

But I am in no way related to the web-slinging superhero Spider-man.

Who is my own personal all time number one hero by the way.

Superman and Batman don't have shit on the friendly neighborhood wall crawler in my book.

But it looks like I'm getting off topic. So let's get back to it.

There is nothing really special about me.

I am 22 years old, and a college student.

My interests include reading, anime, manga, and videogames.

I have a few close friends, and have a nice family.

Really, there is nothing extraordinary about me.

Which actually makes me feel a bit sad when I actually think about it. 

Especially given that I am dying at this moment.

How you ask?

Why, I'm drowning.

I was walking home from my part-time job in a rainstorm. While doing so I passed by a river-bank, and as I did I noticed a little girl was flailing about calling out for help.

Not even thinking about abandoning the kid and with no one else around I made the only decision I could.

I moved toward the water and dove in. I then swam out to her and pulled her safely to the shoreline.

But as soon as I got her safe a massive swell of water raced down the river before I could get out, and so here I am.

In the darkness and murkiness, getting embraced by death.

Well I guess things could be worse.

I could be dying by choking on a piece of meat or slipping on a banana peel. Now those would be really embarrassing ways to die. But at least the way I am going out is because I saved the life of another.

A fact which I take comfort in.

Putting a smile on my face I felt the current pull me under even deeper as my vision became darker and darker, until finally everything became pitch-black.

Signaling the end of my life.

But little did I know that my death was really only a beginning.

The beginning to a whole adventure for me.

My eyes shooting open I found myself floating in a pitch-black void.

But that only lasted for a moment before a pillar of light appeared and a woman started descending towards me.

Looking at her I find myself captivated by her beauty.

Crystal-blue eyes, long golden-blonde hair, pure porcelain skin, and a nice figure covered in a pure-white dress. No matter how I look at it she's a knockout.

I moved to speak, but as I did so I found no words coming out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry, but you aren't able to speak here." The woman told me. Giving me a soft smile as she did so. "This is the plane between life and death. Neither the land of the living nor the dead. A place where souls crossover." She explained.

As she did so I realized I really am dead.

While I processed this information the woman reached me and then enveloped my body in a hug.

But it's not sexual in any way. Rather, it's how a mother would hug there child.

It feels nice.

"Be at ease. I understand what you must be feeling right now." The woman told me.

Her words soothed my emotional turmoil, bringing a soft smile to my face. I can't explain why but it just does.

A few minutes passed before the woman released from her embrace. Smiling at me after she did so.

"There we go." She said. "Now then onto the important things. Seeing as we don't have much time. You Peter Parker showed great courage in the actions leading to your death. To sacrifice your life for another even unintentionally is a great deed. One that will not go unrewarded. Which is why I have appeared before you. To give you back that which you have lost. Your life."

As the woman spoke to me my eyes widened.

She is basically saying I am going to get reincarnated like those protagonists in the Japanese light novels and manga I read.

As if reading my thoughts the woman nodded.

"Yes, what are thinking is correct. You will be given a new life in a new world." She explained to me. "As for what world you will be going too it is one you know quite well, and one you will definitely enjoy." She explained.

Giggling a bit after she did so.

"Well now I think that's it. So then it's time to send you off." The woman said. "Good luck, and try and enjoy your second life to its fullest." She told me.

After she did so the woman parted from me and a pillar of light enveloped my entire body.

It then sucked me in, sending my soul towards my new world where I would start my second life.

To say this is all insane is an understatement.

But I am not going to complain one bit.

Since this has always been a closeted dream of mine.

Now it is finally coming true.

So look out new world, here I come.

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