His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 157: Will never go hungry as long as I am here

"She left too easily." Ame Onna, the rain spirit, covers her mouth and laughs. Her eyes curve into crescent moons. "Master, this place has good energy. You will recover quickly at this place."

Left? Ryou, the rain god, gazes at the door. It's true that this place has good energy. However, locations like this are not rare in this country. The reason why he came here is that something dragged him here. Currently, this place is missing that thing.

"It's an honour to serve our master." Sosuri, a dwarf inugami in disguise, gives a heavy nod. "She must have realized it."

"I think that she will come back." Gama, the boy with his head inside a paper bag, says softly, "I felt special energy from her."

"I also felt it." Kozo, the old man in a pristine black suit, opens his eyes slightly. "It's not the energy of this world."

"I didn't feel anything like that." Ame Onna tilts her head, scratching her chin. "Maybe I didn't pay attention."

"This is enough." Sosuri claps his hands. "Our work isn't done. We must set up the place for the visitors. I can sense that our master will become a popular god here."

Ryou doesn't say a word. His four servants resume working again. While waiting for the person to come back in silence, he lies down on Rie's bed and closes his eyes. There's a faint scent of death in the room. How long has it been since someone died here? A few weeks? 

Unless a higher will is involved, she shouldn't be alive. 

There's a knock. Ame Onna enters the room. "Master, the woman is back."

"See that she's treated with respect.." Ryou's voice is as smooth as honey. "I will return in a while."


Though this is her house, it doesn't feel like one.

The living room is completely different. It's a traditional style sitting room. Even the colour of the walls has changed. There's a painting of a blue dragon on the wall and incense burning in the corner. The dwarf man is dressed in a dark green robe. But he looks more human than he did earlier. 

"It took so much money to renovate this place." And these gods could do it in one day. Ari lets out an exasperated sigh. She can't say how unfair this is. 

"Mother, don't worry," Cina whispers to her. "I will kick them out of this place if they don't listen to polite words."

Rilyah shakes her head. This tree god only knows how to use violence. 

The woman returns with some tea and snacks. Ari scrutinizes her. The woman looks to be around thirty-five. Her dark hair is matted to her head and tied into a bun. Whenever the woman smiles, her eyes would curve into crescent moons that give a soothing feeling. Ari doesn't touch the teacup or eat the snack, although the scent is testing her resolve. 

Ari places her hand on her belly. Whenever she is nervous, she finds herself doing that. Something is definitely wrong with her. Even if she's pregnant, she shouldn't be craving food every minute. This is puzzling her.

"I am Ame Onna." The woman introduces herself to the group and bows her head slightly. "I am Master Ryou's servant."

"Sosuri." The dwarf utters quietly, not bothering to pay respect to Ari or her group. "I am the head servant."

The other two are missing. Ari clasps her hands together. "I am Takayama Ari, the owner of this house."

"Rilyah, the third moon of Iravan." Rilyah adds when the servants of the rain god look at her with confusion, "It's a distant world."

"I am the god of trees and land." Cina sneers at them. He's waiting for his mother to say something about the take over of the house. He will make sure to torture these people before he kicks them out of this place. "Cina."

"I am Takayama Ai." Ai smiles at Ame Onna and Sosuri. "I am not a god."

Ari glances at the boy beside him. Instead of using his father's or brother's surname, he has taken her surname. Her heart warms at the thought that there's one more Takayama in her family. He's truly her son. 

"Ah!" Cina furrows his brows. "I am also Takayama Cina."

"Takayama Rilyah," Rilyah utters with a straight face. In this world, women would often change their surnames to their husband's after they get married. She finds that practice a little sweet. If Ai is a Takayama now, she's going to be a Takayama anyway. 

Okay, there are too many Takayama now. Ari sighs. "Where's your master?"

"He will come to see you in a while," Ame Onna informs her while taking a short glance at Ai. He's a part human and many other things. She peeks at Rilyah, the third moon. There's certain energy coming from the girl with clear eyes. The tree god is not to be estimated either. So, they are from a different world except for Takayama Ari. 

The door is slid open. Dressed in a marvellous navy robe with golden embroidery, the rain god walks into the room. He doesn't look like a homeless cosplayer anymore. His silver hair is tied neatly. His skin is clear and bright. Sosuri and Ame Onna bow to their master. He takes a seat in front of Ari and gives her a bright smile. "You made me wait a lot."

"I went out to eat," Ari blurts out, dazed by his appearance. She curses herself mentally. In front of Adira, this guy falls short. Then again, she's a little partial to Adira's appearance because she loves him. "Who are you exactly?"

"I am one of the faces of the rain god." Ryou tells her with a calm and composed voice, "You can call me Ryou."

His servants peer at him nervously. Why is their master telling a commoner to call him by his name? She's nothing compared to him.

"Why should I call you by your name?" Ari smirks at him. Is she an idiot? She's not putting her leg in a mess without finding out what's going on.

In human history, there is some legendary figure who asked what was in a name. Ari can answer it pretty well. Names hold power, especially true names. Ryou isn't this god's true name, but she can try finding it out if she wants. She chuckles when Ryou frowns at her. "Lord, I don't dare to."

"You are carrying children of darkness" -- His gaze falls on her belly --"one of the faces of darkness -- Even if they are half-humans, they have tremendous energy. You will attract creatures who are born from darkness and light."

Ari purses her lips. Is that why this god is here? 

"What is your intention?" Cina glares at the god. "Look, leave this property. My mother doesn't want you here. Aren't you ashamed of taking a mortal's house like this?"

Ryou studies the tree god. "You don't have your memories with you."

"H-How?" Cina points his finger at him. "You are not strong."

"I am closely related to the water god." Ryou reveals to them slowly, "Gods of this world are indeed different from yours, but we aren't useless. All the faces of the gods are in fact one at the core. We follow different wills of the supreme one. You are no different… if you want, I can bring back those memories."

"What, no!" Rilyah grabs Cina's collar and pulls him back to her. "Don't bring his memories back. He will kill all of us."

"I will never do that." Cina scowls at her darkly. "You, Ai, and Mother are my family."

"You are saying that now." Rilyah creases her forehead. "Listen, I will allow you to hang out with demons. Don't ask for your memories again."

"But I wanted to know how I was in the past." Having fun with demons isn't as important as his memories. Cina turns to his Mother. "Mother, do you not want me to remember?"

Ari doesn't answer him. She questions the rain god, "Can you really bring back his memories?"

Nothing is free. Everything comes with a price. If he can truly bring back Cina's memories, then he can also help Adira. But why would this rain god help her? 

"I told you that I would pay you the rent." The rain god beams at her. "You will never go hungry as long as I am here." 

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