His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 82: Karma also follows Gods

Prince Tristan visits Ari every day to play with her. Since Ari likes playing with Prince Tristan, nobody stops him from coming. Ari's family don't accept the engagement or deny it. They quietly observe the prince. As the prince gets more close to her, he also begins to grow on her family.

In the enemy country, a certain boy's mood becomes worse day by day. At a young age when other boys his age are laughing and playing, he often sits by the window with a faraway gaze and darkness looming around him. No matter how many lamps are light, the darkness seems to follow the boy. The sky above the palace is always filled with black clouds. People can't enter the dismal space around him.

The country famous for its beautiful summer days become more famous for its dismal and cold weather. The empress dies because of pneumonia. The emperor wonders if the boy is a reincarnation of a demon. Whenever he visits his son, his legs would shake before he could enter the 10 meters radius of dismal area around the boy. Forget about scolding the boy. The emperor can't even get close to him or even look directly into his eyes.

At the age of 5, Adira Nilsen Kahn gets tested for magic. As per everyone's expectation, he is found to have an extreme affinity for magic. The boy has an extremely strong affinity with darkness. In this world, there are only a handful of people who has an affinity with dark magic.

For some reason, nobody is surprised.

The emperor is overjoyed. Out of all of his sons, only Adira has the affinity with darkness. He is born to be the ruler who will extend their empire. The boy is chosen as the crown prince right away. The emperor hires the best tutors to groom him as a future ruler. But, all the tutors run away after 5 minutes of interaction.

In Country A, Prince Tristan turns 11. He is sent away to be trained at the elite academy specifically for soul magicians located in a wild. The soul magic cannot be learned at the capital. 8 years old Ari cries a lot when Tristan leaves. She gets a fever and spends a few days on the bed. Everyone in the Ashbourne family loses their sleep.

Adira's mood becomes worse. There are hailstorms all over the capital. The emperor is tired. At this rate, everyone will die from illnesses due to unpredictable weather in the capital of Country Z. He writes a letter to his son. He promises to give him anything as long as he cheers up a little and studies magic.

In Country A, Ari's mood brightens up when she receives a letter from Tristan.

In Country Z, the heaviness in Adira's heart reduces a bit. He sighs and accepts the emperor's humble offer.

At the age of 10, Ari is trying hard to perform her first spell. She has some affinity with air. She is homeschooled. The best air magic tutors of Country A comes to teach her.

At the age of 11, he leaves the capital to train as a dark magician in the country C. There is only one academy for dark magic in the world. He comes back after obtaining his degree and license at the age of 13. 2 years are minimum years required to be spent at the academy to obtain a degree in dark magic and a license to perform dark magic anywhere in the world.


God 2: Can you explain why his mood is linked to hers? He is unhappy when she's happy. He's also unhappy when she's unhappy.

God 1: That's why you are single.

God 2: I won't be single for long. Mirinae asked me on a second date. Did you hear me? SHE.ASKED.ME.

God 1: I heard you. I will wait and see how your spine is dug out and tied around your neck to choke you to death. Oh, right! You are immortal. You can't die.

God 2: You are a ray of sunshine. Your positive talk lifts my mood.

God 1: Karma also follows Gods. Remember that.

God 2: And Gods chase Karma to kill her.

God 1: Nobody never caught her though.

God 2: She's quick on her feet.

God 1: I heard that she is quite a sadist. Horrible things happen to people who are caught by her.

God 2: Anyone who ticks her off is raped by her sadistically. Don't talk about her. She might be listening.

Karma: Too late.

Both gods turn around in horror. They let out a breath of relief. They are the only one in the room.

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