His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 95: How to divorce a god?

After the last Renasir of Iravan sacrificed herself, the gods come back to the world. The thirteen gods are united and the world was fixed again. It could never go back to the way it was. The dark ehr is restored. The cursed sea is no longer cursed, though the sea is still filled with dangerous monsters. The cursed children find a place in the new world. The world could never forget the sacrifice of the last Renasir.

However, only a few know that the Renasir is alive and back in Iravan.

Far from the kingdom of Noras, a dark castle is situated in the midst of the dark realm. For mysterious reasons, the sky is full of dark clouds. A gloomy mood pervades in the air. The dark creatures are afraid of going near the castle. 

"What happened now?" Looking through the telescope, Mirinae frowns. "It's only been two months since they came back. Are they going through a marital discord already?" 

"Yes, I saw them arguing in the garden around a week ago," Raya, the goddess of wisdom, answers her with a playful tone. "I couldn't listen in, Mother. The dark god has a soundproof barrier around the castle."

"I wonder what they are fighting about." Mirinae looks at the castle thoughtfully. "They didn't hold a wedding either."

"I heard whispers." Riha, the goddess of prosperity, says with a soft voice, "The Dark God's bride doesn't want to get married to him."

"Really?" Mirinae scrunches her brows. "They are united after such a long time. Why would she do that?"

"I don't know." Riha picks up the piece of cake and takes a bite. "That's where the whispers ended."

"I worked so hard for this." Mirinae complains to her daughters, "Why are they like this now? His dark mood affects the entire world. Everyone is wishing that someone would go to him and tell him to keep his depressing thoughts to himself."

If one powerful god is upset, it disturbs all the realms. 

"Can't you ask God Noras to do something?" Raya asks her. 

"Noras is busy with something." Mirinae leans against the window, depressed. Since she's the goddess of night, stars, and wishes, she gets affected by the dark god's mood a lot. "Belan became a barren land when Cina's daughter died. Cina is trying to restore his realm. They still haven't figured out how she died. Does anyone of you know something?"

Her two daughters shake their heads. Mirinae looks at the third moon goddess, Ril'Yah. "Do you know anything?"

The third moon, Ril'Yah, gives her a sly smile. 

"You are not going to tell me." Mirinae turns her eyes back toward the castle. Her third daughter never tells the secrets. It is annoying sometimes. Most of her problems could be solved in a minute if her third daughter opens her mouth.

The night is falling. Ril'Yah and her sisters disappear from the room. A small moon along with two crescent moons appear in the sky. Mirinae stares at Ril'Yah at the sky.  "Don't mess with Cina."

The third moon remains silent.


She sits on the bed and stares at the glint of moonlight on the glass of the window. The world has surely changed a lot. Her body is also different. She doesn't have the same powers that she once had. She wouldn't be able to do much if she had them anyway. 

The door opens slightly and mogrok peeks at her. "Master, are you upset?"

"I am not your master any more." She snaps at the three-eyed pig. It's the truth. Mogrok is the Dark God's spirit beast since she returned her heart to the dark god. However, that dark god has become heartless since he got his heart back. 

"Don't say that, Master." Mogrok hops toward her. "You will always be my master."

"Then, why didn't you take my side?" She stands up and puts her hands on her hips. "In this entire castle, nobody takes my side."

Other than her and Adira, only Mogrok and a few servants are allowed to stay in the castle. The servants don't dare to speak when the dark god and his bride are arguing. Poor Mogrok has a say, but… 

"Master, I am always on your side." Mogrok raises his hands and scratches his head. "But I can't fight the will of the dark god."

"Tsk!" She clicks her tongue. "Damn god! Damn castle! Damn him!"

"Um… you shouldn't be cursing…" Mogrok closes his mouth when she glares at him. But it's not even his fault. Why is she mad at him when it's the Dark God's fault? 

"Cursing? I haven't even started. Mogrok, I have always been behaving because he was innocent back then." Ari crosses her arms and yells loudly,  "I am not carrying his heart anymore. So, I have to listen to him all the time. I should stay in the castle and learn from him. I should not go where I want to go. I should let him feed me as if I am an infant. Am I a child? Do I have no hands? There's a limit to pampering someone."

Mogrok sighs. The first reason why they are arguing is that the dark god pampers his bride too much. To be honest, he's doing everything that she used to do for him. He has turned into her slave. That makes her unhappy instead.

When she hears nothing from the dark god, she becomes furious. "Damn you, Adira! Are you ignoring me now? I will go to Ilucia. I don't need your permission."

And that is the second reason. She insists on going to Ilucia, the academy, to learn magic. Obviously, the dark god is against this. He wants to teach her magic, but she keeps refusing to accept him as her teacher. She isn't allowing to let him sleep with her either. Since she continues to hurt his ego by refusing to learn magic from him, he has started to ignore her.

"Master, our dark god is a better teacher than any teacher at Ilucia." Mogrok tries to reason with her. He hasn't been able to get enough sleep since they started fighting. Like a child who is watching his parents arguing day and night, he is highly distressed. "You should let him teach you."

"Why should I?" Ari huffs at him. "Mogrok, I always wanted to go to Ilucia. I don't want to give up like Deia. After having children, she's caught up with her married life. I don't want to become like her."

She turns her head toward the door and speaks aloud, "All I want is to attend Ilucia before I marry a hard-headed stupid god who doesn't even know the difference between pampering a wife and a child."

Ari has no idea how many women would die to be in her position. A beautiful god is at her feet, but she would rather go to an academy to learn magic. Even Goddess Ea, the wife of God Noras, is not pampered the way Ari is. 

"All he knows now is how to ignore me." She kicks the bed. "I should have never come with him. He should have continued living the life of a widower. Why does he even want to have a wedding again? Screw it! Where do I apply for a divorce in this world? I want to know how to divorce a god."

Mogrok trembles he feels an intense pressure rising in the castle. The dark god's mood has worsened. 

"Can anyone hear me? I am being held here without my wishes," Ari shouts from the window. "Oii moons, you can hear me for sure. Tell your mother to contact the authorities. I have complaints against my husband who --" A hand covers her mouth and drags her away from the window. She looks at the spot where Mogrok was. The door is already closed and Mogrok is gone. She bites the hand with all of her strength. 

"Don't hurt your teeth." He lets go of her. "Ari, you are not strong like before. You shouldn't scream loudly and hurt your throat."

Unbelievable! Ari turns around and looks at the most beautiful face in this world -- long dark hair, same enchanting dark eyes, and perfectly kissable lips. But she's too angry to get tempted by his intoxicating gaze. "I didn't know that I could hurt my throat by screaming."

"You used to get sick," He grumbles, unhappy by her attitude toward him. Though her soul has been healed, she is still inside a mortal body. A mortal woman can get hurt easily. He can't let her continue to live the way she once did. 

But this is the fearless woman who didn't think for a second before dying for his sake. 

"I don't get sick anymore." Ari pulls up her sleeves. Today is going to be the day. Whether it's by hook or crook, she will convince this man. "If you love me, let me attend Ilucia."

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