His Highness’ Secret Accountant

Chapter 86

As the sun was going down little by little, it created a beautiful sunset.

Ayla kept her head down while holding the meringue cookie she received as a participation prize, as she failed to win 1st place, with both hands.

She was the one who discovered the event and suggested it, so she couldn't blame Louis.

She thought he dropped it intentionally, but if she asked, she knew she was the one who was going to be embarrassed, so she kept silent and walked around the plaza as if nothing had happened.

In the awkward silence, Louis cleared his throat and spoke.

"Ahem, what I meant earlier…"

"Gosh, how could we move something so tiny? Whoever organized such a brazen event is really unprofessional!"

Louis hesitated as he looked at Ayla, who was pretending to be cool as if nothing had happened.


It looked like he had something to say. For example, something like a confession? A confession. That's right, no matter what they say, it was time for a love confession.

‘I hate this awkwardness to death.'

A confession at the Spring Flower Festival, the embodiment of romantic. It was once one of her dreams. But everything changed and everything got messed up. In any case, it didn't make sense to accept his love confession, as she said before. No, maybe it didn't make sense to fall in love with anyone. That's it.

Ayla quickly changed the subject as she tried to look away from Louis' affectionate gaze.

"I'm… I think I'm hungry!"

"You're not hungry, are you?"

"Yeah. Extremely hungry. I'm craving food today? Haha."

"Alright. Let's go eat. My Young Lady shouldn't be hungry."

Despite Ayla's awkward reaction, he didn't seem to be displeased.

Louis grinned and stepped forward. Holding Ayla's hand tightly.


As they entered a restaurant after walking for a while, she saw a familiar silhouette in the distance.

"Young Lady!!!"


The person who came running from a distance was Lily.

Taken aback by the unexpected meeting, Ayla and Louis couldn't take their wide-open eyes off of Lily.

"Lily, you… How? Didn't you say you were helping at the banquet hall today?"

"They told me to work only until the banquet started. Hehe. But how did you come out? And you two… Ah! Prince, how have you been!! It's been a while."

Upon finding Louis, Lily bowed and gave her greetings.

Soon after, Louis waved his hand lightly with an awkward smile.

Cautiously bringing Lily, who looked at her with a suspicious look, to her side, Ayla whispered quietly.

"His Highness secretly allowed me to come out of the palace… You must keep it a secret. Lily."

"Oh?! Don't worry, Young Lady! Then when do you have to go back?"

"I must return by midnight."

Lily let out a small, ‘Ah…', at Ayla's secret.

Soon, Lily grinned and naturally crossed her arms with Ayla's.

Louis' blue eyes shook at Lily's sudden action.

Unconcerned, Lily said, ‘Then let's play around together!'

Louis nodded reluctantly as Ayla glanced at him as if asking for permission.


Louis quietly pulled Lily's arm while Ayla was distracted by the dessert.

As he brought his finger up to his mouth, Lily nodded quietly and took a step back, behind Ayla.

"I have something to give to Ayla, but… Can you give us a moment, Lily?"

Lily's face seemed to harden for a moment at Louis' words, and then she smiled brightly.

Lily, who seemed to have thought of something, whispered to Louis.

"I… I know a good place to confess. I'll take the Young Lady there first."

"Can you really do that?"

"Of course! Wait for me to come pick you up. Prince."

Shortly after, Louis nodded and smiled, satisfied.


‘Where is this place… I have to go back now.'

Leaving Louis behind, who said he had to stop by somewhere, she followed Lily to this place, as she walked stubbornly saying she knew a good scenic spot.

She followed her, but she couldn't figure out where they were.

Even the plaza, surrounded by tall cherry trees and lit up with colorful lights, was not visible from here.

In the quiet forest, only the chirping sound of the grass bugs was heard, and she couldn't feel a single presence.

After walking in the forest for a while, they arrived at a place with a large pond.

The round moonlight shone over the large pond, creating a beautiful sight.

"Lily, where are we?"

"The most beautiful place in the Stellen Kingdom. Hehe."

Lily, who laughed immaturely, suddenly grabbed her stomach and grimaced, and Ayla's face filled with worry.

"Lily, what's wrong?"

"Ah, my belly… Hehe."

Ayla burst out laughing as she looked at Lily, who was talking while sticking out her tongue, embarrassed.

Ayla watched silently as Lily gradually moved away, after blushing and saying she would be back in a moment with an embarrassed expression.


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