History’s Number 1 Founder

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: First Lottery Chance

Translator: Sparrow_  Editor: Sparrow_, Yuui

“System has operated for one full month, lottery system is officially opened!”

Hearing the system notification sound, Lin Feng blanked for a moment before feeling the impulse to cover his face in tears.

He’d almost forgotten that there was still a lottery system and that the novice gift had even given a lottery chance.

Lin Feng looked back at the old peach tree at the village entrance. Stone Village’s villagers had already gradually started to return to the village. Looking at Xiao Budian amongst the crowd, Lin Feng silently prayed, “Good disciple since you’re a MC level character. you shouldn’t die that easily right? Hold on for a bit, master will come back quickly to save you.”

Distancing himself from the old peach tree, Lin Feng eagerly opened the lottery system.

As he entered the lottery system, three images appeared in Lin Feng’s mind.

A die, a wheel, and one more which was misty and covered by a cloud of fog.

Lin Feng tried clicking it but that cloud of misty fog cannot be chosen. Maybe, that option hadn’t been unlocked yet.

As for the wheel and the die, they were two different lottery methods. The spinning wheel was like the slot machines or the turntables back on Earth. A circle of completely different images which represented different items. If Lin Feng spins the wheel, then he would get whatever it lands on.

Lin Feng took a look. The wheel had a total of 18 slots, of which 16 had items while two were empty.

16 items: 3 types of tao technique manuals, 3 types of elixirs and panaceas, 3 magic items, 3 kinds of talismans, 3 types of skills, and 1 mysterious box with a question mark on it.

The level of the 3 types of tao techniques on the wheel were all inferior to the Nine Heavens Thunder Technique. Clearly, they did not appeal to Lin Feng.

The medicines were simply ordinary. They can’t make Lin Feng’s level soar and reach the point where he could fight Foundation Establishment level opponents.

Magic items, talismans, skills… Lin Feng looked around but there was nothing that could help him deal with that old peach tree.

Lin Feng left the wheel lottery system, and went into the dice lottery system.

Three dice quietly lay on top of a light disk. The edges of the light disk were surrounded by a circle of images. Unlike the wheel, each image had been labelled with a number, from 1 to 18.

There were a total of 16 images, the numbers 12 and 14 are empty.

Lin Feng already understood how the dice lottery system worked: He would roll the dice, and the sum of the numbers would decide his rewards.

If the sum was 12 or 14, then he would leave empty-handed.

Just like the wheel lottery system, the dice system also had 16 items. They were also three tao techniques, medicines, magic items, talismans, and skills each, in addition to a mysterious chest with a question mark.

The 16 items waiting to be chosen were randomly chosen, and the items in the wheel system and the dice system were independent.

Lin Feng stared at the items of the dice system. When he saw the magic item corresponding to number 13, the Dark Thunder Sky Piercing Awl, his eyes instantly lit up.

This Dark Thunder Sky Piercing Awl was actually a Foundation Establishment level magic item.

In the Heaven Primal great world, only great Primordial Spirit cultivators could create magic treasures. On the other hand, cultivators below the Primordial Spirit could only create magic items. Based on the creator’s level, magic items were classified as Nascent Soul level magic items, Aurous Core level magic items, Foundation Establishment level magic items and Qi Disciple level magic items.

The 3 magic items from the wheel system and the other two from the dice system were all Qi Disciple level magic items.

These items were definitely suitable for Lin Feng who was only at Qi Disciple level 4. However, they were completely useless in dealing with the Foundation Establishment level old peach tree.

However, it was a different story with the Dark Thunder Sky Piercing Awl, this Foundation Establishment level magic item. It was a nearly god-like existence for Qi Disciple level cultivators and it would provide Lin Feng with the strength to fight against the old peach tree.

The chest with a question mark contained an unknown item. It could be a special prize or it might even be a bullsh*t item

Lin Feng took a deep breath, muttering in his heart, “Dark Thunder Sky Piercing Awl, Dark Thunder Sky Piercing Awl… 13, 13!”

Focusing for a long time, Lin Feng started the lottery.


The three dice spun together on the light disk. Very soon one of the dice stopped: a big 6.

Lin Feng nervously stared at the two remaining dice, secretly cursing the system in his heart. The three dice actually didn’t stop together, purposely hanging one’s appetite.

Soon, the second dice also stopped.


Lin Feng slightly relaxed in his heart, and then tightened again.

The first two dice were 6 plus 5, 11 points. This means that Lin Feng does have a chance to get the 13 point Dark Thunder Sky Piercing Awl.

But likewise, he could also get the empty spaces at 12 and 14.

“2! 2! 2!”

Lin Feng felt his entire self becoming silly, holding his breath, not daring to even take a big breath as he stared closely at the last die.

As his mind was highly focused, Lin Feng felt the movement of the die becoming slow.

The force of the die became increasingly smaller, gradually showing traces that it was stopping.

Lin Feng was entirely red from holding his breath, seeing the die land on the light disk, the side facing up was terribly a “6”!

“No, move a bit, move a bit again!” Lin Feng anxiously cried in his heart.

6+5+6, 17. What it corresponds to is a bottle of the most regular Energy Gathering Pellet. At the moment, it was completely useless for Lin Feng.

Seemingly hearing Lin Feng’s thoughts, the die really jumped again.

“2”, this time the side facing upwards is exactly the “2” that Lin Feng wished for.

Lin Feng’s face just revealed a smile, and then it abruptly froze.

Under his gaze the die still did not completely settle, lightly rolling a bit and revealing a bright red dot!

6+5… +1, 12…


12, there’s nothing…

Right when Lin Feng’s mood fell to the bottom from the clouds, the die shook, flipping to the side one last time. The number turned from a 1 into a 4.

This time it was completely settled, the number of the third die was 4.

Lin Feng blinked his eyes, looking towards the item corresponding to 15.

A mysterious chest with a question mark quietly lay there.

Lin Feng opened the mysterious chest hesitantly. A light golden sword with a scabbard appeared in his vision. Even though the sword had yet to be pulled out of the scabbard, Lin Feng could clearly feel the terrifying power within.

The Northern Aurora Sword, a Foundation Establishment level magic item.

It was part of a pair with another Foundation Establishment magic item: the Southern Aurora Sword. When the two swords combine, one could gain an Aurous Core level magic item the Polar Magnetic Tao Sword.

Lin Feng stared at the Northern Aurora Sword and let out a long breath after a long time. His entire body actually felt exhausted.

Even though they were both Foundation Establishment magic items, the Northern Aurora Sword’s power was a level higher than the Dark Thunder Sky Piercing Awl.

Exiting the system, Lin Feng’s consciousness returned to his body. Staring at the longsword in his hand emitting a faint lightning glow and magnetic force, Lin Feng grinned and laughed. Pulling the sword out of the scabbard, a bright lightning flash appeared. With a casual flick, a far-away rock was blown up

“The first lottery chance. My luck’s not bad.” Lin Feng put the Northern Aurora Sword away, the wild joy in his heart gradually calming down. Once again, his mind calmly thought, “Even though I’ve gained a Foundation Establishment level magic item, my own level is still just Qi Disciple level 4, I actually can’t completely exert the full strength of this magical item.

Lin Feng’s started to calculate the cards in his hands.

Nine Heavens Thunder Summoning had impressive power, but it’s usage conditions were too stringent. It’s suitable for ambushing but not head-on fighting. Moreover using it once required the consumption of 10 thunder crystals. Currently, Lin Feng didn’t have any extra points to exchange for crystals.

The Northern Aurora Sword was powerful, but Lin Feng’s current level was unable to exert all of its power.

The old peach tree was most likely at the Foundation Establishment level. Relying on the magic item which he cannot fully control, Lin Feng just barely had the strength to fight the old peach tree. If they really went all out, he probably wouldn’t be the old peach tree’s opponent.

Unfortunately his time was limited, and nobody knows when the old peach tree would strike out again. She was right at the Stone Village’s entrance and was too big of a threat towards Xiao Budian and co. Furthermore, nobody else besides Lin Feng had realized her danger.

The majority of people even treated the old peach tree as the village’s protector. If Lin Feng runs over to warn them, he would be seen with hostility.

“Those two Yu family cultivators were wandering around in these deep mountains looking for Xiao Budian’s location. They should also have companions and superiors. Maybe there’s a Foundation Establishment expert amongst them.” Lin Feng pondered in his heart, “If I can draw over Yu family’s experts and have both sides get hurt in a fight with the old peach tree, then there will be a turning point for the situation.”

“But who knows when I’ll be able to find them, there might not be enough time.”

Lin Feng was in the middle of thinking when he sensed something. A powerful mana fluctuation travelled over from far away, somebody was approaching his side at a very rapid speed.

Voices of people talking faintly travelled into his ears.

“Junior apprentice sister, you should have long gone to that Xiao family to break the engagement.”

“Now isn’t too late either.”

Just as they finished speaking, three white-clothed people carrying a sword on their backs had already appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Among the three, there was an old person. The old person was wreathed in smiles and brimmed with energy and vitality. His eyes were slightly small but a sharp light would occasionally flashed across them.

Yet, it was exactly this plain and ordinary old man, whose entire body was releasing a powerful mana fluctuation as deep as the sea.

The characteristical mana fluctuation of Foundation Establishment level truth cultivators.

This was the first true Foundation Establishment cultivator that he’s seen after coming to this world, but Lin Feng did not have the time to pay attention to him.

Right now his entire attention was focused on that girl by the old person’s side.

Lin Feng’s face revealed a warm smile as bright as the sun, numerous thoughts flashing across in his heart.

“Breaking off an engagement? If I didn’t hear wrong, the topic they were just talking about, is the legendary marriage annulment?”

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