History’s Number 1 Founder

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Come to Master!

Translator: Sparrow_  Editor: Sparrow_, Yuui


The old elder’s gaze hesitantly shifted between Lin Feng and Xiao Budian.

“Xiao Budian, hurry up and come to master’s embrace!” Lin Feng loudly cried in his heart.

However, on the surface, he looked indifferently towards Xiao Budian and asked calmly, “Master left a talisman with you. Did you use it?”

Xiao Budian turned slightly red and he scratched his head in embarrassment, “I used it. I tried to look for it but I couldn’t find it.”

Lin Feng laughed coldly, “No worries. I left it with you to protect you. Master returned again because I sensed the change in your talisman.”

Xiao Budian smiled, “Thank you Mr Taoist for getting rid of the old peach tree and saving everybody.”

Lin Feng lightly smiled. He took out another talisman and handed it to Xiao Budian, “Keep it safe and be careful in the future. Master still has things to do so we’ll split here. We’ll meet again if fate allows.”

The exchanged thunder crystals have already been exhausted. Just this talisman alone will not be able to activate the Nine Heaven Thunder Summoning but this didn’t stop Lin Feng from his act.

Finishing his words, Lin Feng straightened his clothes and got up. He kept the Northern Aurora Sword and headed towards the door.

Xiao Budian nodded his head innocently, but the old elder stared blankly. He thought Lin Feng would revisit the issue and take in Xiao Budian as his disciple.

The old man wanted Lin Feng to take Xiao Budian as his disciple. However, he was also afraid of leaking Xiao Budian’s background. He was in the middle of contemplating but he never expected that Lin Feng would just get up and leave.

Lin Feng maintained a poker face as he walked out to the village entrance. The Stone Village villagers all made way for him with reverence and gratitude.

“1, 2, 3…” Lin Feng walked while silently counting in his heart. Of course he couldn’t just walk away. If not, why would he have worked so hard?

When you’re acting, you need to fully immerse yourself in the role. Playing the role of a sage-like master, Lin Feng needed to have the airs of a sage-like master.

Often, people will not value things which are obtained too easily. It is also the same when it comes to masters and disciples. If Lin Feng appeared to be too passionate and interested, the old elder and Xiao Budian might have doubts. On the other hand, if Lin Feng played hard to get, they might actually actively seek him out.

Sure enough, by the time Lin Feng counted to “10”, he heard the elder calling out, “Sir Taoist, please wait!”

“Excellent!” Lin Feng laughed in his heart without changing his facial expression. He turned around but did not speak. Instead, he calmly looked at the old elder.

It’s clear that the old man made up his mind. He held Xiao Budian’s hand as he walked over, humbly but solemnly saying, “This child has had many hardships since he was born. Being able to gain Sir Taoist’s favour is his good fortune. Sir Taoist, please have mercy and take in this child.”

Lin Feng knew that this was the right time to display his magnanimity so he didn’t create any difficulties and said calmly, “It’s not a matter of favouring and taking mercy. Being able to continue our master-disciple relationship makes me very happy. However, that still requires this child to make up his own mind.”

After the old elder contemplated, he said to the surrounding villagers, “Everyone, please go home. Over the past few days, we have had been a chain of major events. I believe that all of our families are in a mess. Why don’t you all go home to settle down and rest.”

Though the villagers found it odd, they left under the behest of the elder. As they left, they profusely thanked Lin Feng.

After a moment, only Lin Feng, the old elder and Xiao Budian remained in the yard. The old elder bowed and said, “There are some secrets I have not revealed. If Sir Taoist allows it, I would like to invite you to enter into the house to speak.”

Lin Feng nodded his head. The three people entered the stone house and sat down. The old elder looked at Xiao Budian affectionately, “Xiao Budian, are you willing to take Sir Taoist as your master?”

Xiao Budian’s dark eyes lit up like they were glowing and looked at Lin Feng, “Can I learn great skills like Sir Taoist?”

Lin Feng lightly smiled, “There are even greater ones.”

Xiao Budian repeatedly nodded his head with a face full of anticipation, “Wow… I’m willing! I’m willing!”

Lin Feng put away his smile and said slowly, “However, Master will not stay here for long. If you want to be my disciple, you’ll have to leave the village with Master.”

Hearing this, Xiao Budian immediately started to hesitate and looked anxiously between Lin Feng and the old elder.

The old elder gave a dry cough and said with a serious face, “Xiao Budian, aren’t you always asking me where your father and mother went?”

Blinking his eyes, Xiao Budian said, “I have a slight impression in my mind but I’m always unable to remember it. Grandpa, you’re finally willing to tell me?”

The elder nodded his head and then looked towards Lin Feng, “Allow me to tell Sir Taoist. This child… His background is very special, it might even bring you trouble in the future. He… He comes from the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty and is also related to the Yu family of the Great Qin Dynasty.”

Lin Feng’s heart jumped slightly. The dynasties of this Heaven Primal world are different from those of Earth’s history. Here in the Heaven Primal World, the kings who qualify to rule a country are all powerful cultivators.

The supposed royal family of a dynasty should instead be called extremely powerful cultivator clans. Such clans are strong enough to compete with great sects.

Lin Feng knew that this is the last test of the old man. Regardless of the difficulty, he will not give up on Xiao Budian, this disciple.

Are you joking? In front of Xiao Budian, this kind of MC level character, who cares if you’re a 10 thousand year sect or a thousand year dynasty? They’re all just stepping stones. The path may be bumpy, but the future was destined to be bright.

Furthermore, the ultimate goal of Lin Feng’s Super Founder System was to establish history’s number 1 sect. To complete this task, he’ll naturally have to collide with the current forces of the world.

Lin Feng’s eyes turned serious. The corners of his lips drew up to form a light smile but he did not speak.

His change in expression made it clear to the old elder: He knows the gravity of the situation, but he remains confident and unafraid.

Sure enough, the old elder let out a breath of relief and said with a smile, “That was stupid of me. Sir Taoist, please do not be offended.” As he spoke, he looked towards Xiao Budian, “This child has great origins, but he has had many hardships…”

Naturally, Xiao Budian was not his real name. In truth, he’s Shi Tianhao from Great Qin dynasty’s royal family. Even though he was not part of the main bloodline, he was still of nobility.

Shi Tianhao’s grandfather and father were both great cultivators of very high levels. Shi Tianhao was especially extraordinary, as he was born in the Foundation Establishment stage. When he was a baby, he’d already crossed a threshold which the majority of living things would not overcome even if they tried for their entire lives.

Normal martial artists who were able to guide qi into their bodies are Qi Disciple cultivators. Qi Disciple cultivators advance to the Foundation Establishment stage when they forge their Tao root.

There was also a distinction between Tao roots. The Tao technique a cultivator practices and his innate talent would affect the Tao root’s grade. A Tao root would usually be classified as mortal class, spirit class, earth class and heaven class.

Not only does the quality of one’s Tao root causes a difference in strength among cultivators at the same level, it would also determine one’s future prospect in cultivation.

Not only was Shi Tianhao born with a Tao root, his Tao root was the incredibly rare ultimate Tao root that is above heaven class Tao roots.

While listening, the expression on Lin Feng’s face didn’t change. But in his heart, he was actually bursting with joy, “a bone root of 10, a bone root of 10…”

As he listened, Lin Feng started to get a bit confused. With such amazing talent, Xiao Budian should be treated like a treasure. Why did he get left here?

The old elder’s following explanation solved Lin Feng’s question.

It turned out that Xiao Budian’s natural born Tao root was not exhibited at the moment he was born. His parents only discovered it when his grandfather had gone missing in a dangerous place. Xiao Budian’s parents were anxious to save his grandfather so they were forced to place Xiao Budian, who was not even half-a-year old, in a different family.

This was when Shi Tianhao faced a series of unfortunate events. This other family also had a little prodigy. His name was Shi Tianyi and he was a few years older than Xiao Budian. He was born with two pupils in each eye and he saw that Xiao Budian actually possessed a ultimate Tao root.

In the end, Shi Tianyi’s mother plotted against Xiao Budian. She found a person to use a spell and rob Xiao Budian’s ultimate Tao root. She then transplanted it onto her son, Shi Tianyi.

By the time Xiao Budian’s parents returned, it was already too late. The ultimate Tao root had already completely fused with Shi Tianyi, They would need to kill Shi Tianyi in order to take it back. This was something that the royal family (the Shi family) could not accept.

As a result, Xiao Budian’s parents created a big uproar and fought their way out of Great Qin’s imperial capital. To save the dying Xiao Budian, they were forced to go to a dangerous place to look for medicine.

When the old elder was young, he explored the world and learned some basic Tao techniques. In one of his adventures, he befriended Xiao Budian’s father. Even though today their levels were as far apart as the difference between the sky and the earth, their friendship still existed. Thus, Xiao Budian was temporarily placed at the old elder’s house.

However, the old elder had not heard a word from Xiao Budian’s parents since they went out to look for medicine three years ago.

The old elder let out a sigh, “Before the old tree demon caused trouble, there were also Yu family’s people. The Yu family is the family of Shi Tianyi’s maternal grandfather. Who knew that they would actually be so cruel. They did not stop after robbing Xiao Budian’s ultimate Tao root, they also wanted to finish him off.

The Yu family was ranked among the Great Qin dynasty’s 4 great clans and was also a powerful cultivator clan. Strong people appear in the clan every generation. The two people who came were their lowest grade servants.

As he finishing speaking, the old elder fell into silence and anxiously looked at Lin Feng. In turn, Lin Feng was observing Xiao Budian.

In the process of the old elder’s explanation, Xiao Budian was first shocked, but then after a moment his entire body shook. His gaze was filled with confusion then with sadness. Tears profusely flowed from his eyes.

“Grandpa, I remember, I remember now…” Xiao Budian’s face was filled with tears. He was born with a Tao root and developed his intelligence far earlier than normal children. As a result, he knew everything about his bitter childhood experience. It was exactly because it was too miserable, that he chose to purposely forget about it.

The old elder repeatedly sighed. Lin Feng calmly stared at Xiao Budian and asked, “You’ve remember the matters from your past. What are your thoughts?”

“I am very pained. Father… Mother, where are you guys?” Xiao Budian continuously shed tears.

Lin Feng nodded his head and thought, “What a kind child.” He then opened his mouth and said, “You have lost your ultimate Tao root. Don’t you hate your clan brother, Shi Tianyi? He was already born with dual pupils and now after obtaining your ultimate Tao root. Now, even other prodigies would probably have difficulties trying to catch up with his greatness.”

Xiao Budian gradually calmed down. Wiping his tears, he said, “Isn’t it just a Tao root? The ultimate stage is not appointed, it is carved by one’s own footsteps. I will wait for him at Primordial Soul stage!”

Lin Feng smiled. Xiao Budian felt blessed and he immediately got down on his knees, “Master, please take me in and teach me Tao techniques.”

At this moment the system notification sound rang in his mind. To Lin Feng, it sounded like the voice of a goddess.

“Congratulations on taking in your first disciple, Shi Tianhao.”

“Host has obtained reward: One lottery chance and 500 trading points.”

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