Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 01: Esmeralda Twist

In December 1977, heavy snow fell throughout the day and only stopped by evening, making the night even colder.

This was an old orphanage located in the capital of England, London. The benevolent glow of the high and mighty never reached this orphanage, but fortunately, some kind-hearted people occasionally made donations. Because of this, the children here could receive some old clothes to keep warm. Luckily, there weren't too many children here; otherwise, there wouldn't be enough to go around.

Mrs. Nancy, who had been busy all day, was just about to say goodbye to Sister Mary, the head of the orphanage. She had come to volunteer and take care of the children. She wasn't wealthy, so she couldn't afford to help the children live better lives. However, kind-hearted Mrs. Nancy always took the time to look after the children, which was the only thing she could do.

"This winter is really tough. Thankfully, the donations we received will help the children get through it," Mrs. Nancy said to Mary.

The slightly plump Sister Mary crossed herself before replying, "I always believe that God will look after His children. I hope all the orphans here will find a good home, be cared for by loving parents, and live in warm houses."

"You are always so kind..." Mrs. Nancy, about to leave the orphanage, was attracted by a small cardboard box at the entrance. "What's that?"

Following the direction of Mrs. Nancy's pointing finger, Sister Mary also saw the small box. Mary walked over, opened the box, and looked inside. "Oh my God, it's a baby."

Mary cautiously touched the baby. The winter was very cold, and the little baby's body was already somewhat stiff. Mary quickly picked the baby up and hurried indoors. "Help me, Nancy! She's still alive."

Hearing Mary's words, Nancy swiftly picked up the cardboard box from the ground and followed Mary back inside. Maybe it was because the inside was no longer so cold, or maybe it was due to the two women's sincere prayers and careful rescue efforts. In any case, the baby slowly recovered.

"Look," Mrs. Nancy said, handing a small piece of paper she found in the box to Mary. The handwriting on the paper was delicate, probably written by a woman. It read: Esmeralda Twist, born on the evening of October 7, 1977.

"Poor little Esmeralda. She's only two months old and already abandoned by her parents," Nancy said, feeling a pang of sympathy.

As Mrs. Mary was wiping the baby's body, she looked up at Nancy and said, "Maybe her parents had some difficulties..."

Before Sister Mary could finish, Nancy interrupted her, "That still doesn't justify what they did. It's just... it's just too heartless! She almost died!"

"Sigh..." Sister Mary let out a long sigh.

Spring passed and autumn came, the seasons changed, and time slipped by unnoticed. In the blink of an eye, it was already the summer of 1989.

The orphanage was still the same orphanage, only it looked even more dilapidated. Sister Mary had become a gaunt middle-aged woman. The baby from back then was now twelve years old. Sister Mary usually called her Eda, while the other children in the orphanage secretly called her "monster."

The sky was overcast, making the atmosphere feel oppressive. Eda frowned and shut the window, pretending that this would keep out the damp, muggy air.

Eda was not tall and looked somewhat frail, likely due to poor nutrition. Her golden hair had lost its luster, her skin was a bit pale, but her beautiful eyes shone like emeralds.

She was wearing an oversized old shirt paired with baggy, faded old jeans, and slippers. Even so, anyone who saw Eda would think she was a beautiful girl.

"The weather in the British Empire is just awful!" Eda muttered to herself, complaining as she flopped onto her bed without any regard for her appearance. Eda was a transmigrator, having become the new Eda after the original "Eda" soul dissipated. As for why the original Eda's soul dissipated, it's a long story about a child without a mother.

After being picked up by Sister Mary, the original Eda lived in the orphanage, just like the other children. However, unlike them, the original Eda was adopted twice. Yet, strange things always happened around Eda, which frightened her adoptive families. As a result, both families made the same decision—to send Eda back to the orphanage.

Having been abandoned at birth and then twice more due to these incidents, the original Eda didn't understand what was happening around her, but she grew to hate herself and this ability.

She began to change. The once well-behaved and sensible girl became unruly and violent, often clashing with the other children in the orphanage.

When Eda was ten years old, she was harassed and cornered by some local thugs one night while she was out. The ability she loathed and suppressed for so long erupted with enormous and terrifying energy when her life was threatened, protecting her.

Eda was saved.


Like a walking corpse, she returned to the orphanage and collapsed onto her bed, unconscious. It was at this moment that the transmigrator's soul took over, becoming the new Esmeralda Twist.

For the next three days, this body mechanically performed the daily tasks of a normal person, maintaining its normal functions. During these three days, the new soul gradually absorbed the original Eda's memories, as if watching a first-person movie. Various setbacks and misfortunes spanned a short ten-year life.

Having accepted these memories and fully taken control of the body, Eda still found it hard to believe. She was a young person from the 21st century, bedridden for a long time but unable to withstand the call of illness. Now, she had unexpectedly come to the British Isles in the 1980s, becoming a girl in an orphanage!

Revived from death, did god send her back in the 80s to become another person, gaining a new shot at life? This is the wonder of fate, the gentle lift of the skirt of the goddess of destiny!

Living in a strange body and in a strange place made Eda feel very uncomfortable. She had thought about going back, but the timelines didn't match up at all. Her original body was already dead, and if she went back and ended up in her final resting place, that small box, what would she do? Moreover, Eda had no way to return; she couldn't just die again, right? Such a risky endeavor with no certainty of success was not something Eda wanted to pursue.

So, she resigned herself to her situation, telling herself to make the best of it.

After overcoming the initial discomfort and getting used to life in the orphanage, Eda started her new life. Though it was poor, at least she was free from the torment of illness. As for the children in the orphanage, they were not very friendly to Eda. Although the original Eda had fought with them, she was still a girl and often lost more than she won. So, the brats would bully this "monster" to assert their dominance.

However, after Eda's arrival, she proactively taught the two ringleaders a lesson, and they soon stopped bothering her. Eda didn't hold any grudges against the other children; her future didn't lie in this orphanage.

Eda had more important things to do. For a poor person from an orphanage, there were only two ways to change their life. One was written in the law books and wasn't worth mentioning; the other was to study hard and get an education.

Fortunately, Eda's mind in this life was very sharp. Though not quite photographic, she was still the exemplary child in other people's eyes. Eda also took on some odd jobs in her spare time to earn and save some money since the orphanage was extremely poor.

As for the ability the original Eda had always hated, Eda didn't know what it was either, but that didn't stop her from tentatively trying to use it. Eda saw it as a trump card that could secure her life and future, especially since this power had indeed protected her at a critical moment.

Thus, Eda spent two orderly years at the orphanage.

Toot! Toot! Toot!
The strange sound coming from the window caught Eda's attention. She looked up to see a gray owl pecking at the window, mimicking the action of a person knocking.

Owls weren't uncommon in this country; at least Eda often saw them. However, its human-like actions amused her. Eda jumped out of bed and opened the window to let the owl in.

The gray owl flew in, circled the small room twice, and then landed steadily on the desk. It proudly extended its leg towards Eda, on which a letter was tied. Eda reached out and untied the letter from the owl's leg, then broke her remaining piece of bread into crumbs and placed them in front of it.

After receiving the bread crumbs, the gray owl dropped its arrogance, essentially saying: Arrogance? What's that? Can it be eaten? Owls never serve unless there's food and lodging!

Ignoring the owl that had thrown away its dignity, Eda examined the letter. The envelope was made of heavy parchment, and the address was written in emerald green ink, with no stamp affixed.

Eda turned the envelope over, and there was a wax seal, an emblem of a shield with a large letter "H" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake. Eda's hand began to tremble slightly. These four animals and this emblem brought a rush of familiarity.

Eda pulled out the letter and began to read:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(International Confederation of Wizards, Supreme Mugwump, Order of Merlin, First Class, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot)

Dear Miss Twist,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

The term begins on September 1st.

Due to your special circumstances, a representative from Hogwarts will visit you to answer any questions you may have and to provide appropriate assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"S..so the god didn't send me back in time to the 80s.. but I got transmigrated inside the Harry Potter novel..?"

Eda collapsed onto her bed, muttering to herself, "This could be deadly..."


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