Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 15: Punishment


The voices of a man and a woman came through; the students naturally recognized them as belonging to Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall.

When the two houses first clashed, someone had already run to inform the professors, so McGonagall and Snape arrived quickly. With the presence of the two professors, the students naturally stopped fighting.

A few students who were still caught up in the fight were restrained by their peers and stopped as well. The students who had stopped fighting naturally separated into two groups, not daring to look up at their respective house heads.

However, this made Eda stand out even more because she hadn't noticed the arrival of the professors and was still beating up Avery. Avery could only cover his head, letting Eda's punches rain down on him.

"Stop it, Eda! Don't hit him anymore!" the twins said, rushing forward to pull the relentless Eda away.

"Let go of me, you two!" Eda struggled, kicking her legs, trying to break free from the Weasley brothers. "Let go! If I don't teach this brat a lesson today, he'll think we're easy to mess with..."

"Calm down, Eda, calm down. It's over. Professor McGonagall is here," said the twins, dragging Eda away.

At this point, Eda finally noticed the approaching Professors McGonagall and Snape. She stopped struggling, signaling the twins to let her go, indicating she wouldn't fight anymore.

The twins, having just witnessed Eda's frenzy in the crowd, didn't dare to release her, fearing she might make a surprise attack. Instead, they continued to drag Eda away faster and farther.

They only dared to let go of Eda when they had retreated to where Lee Jordan, Angelina, and Alicia were standing. Now that they were far enough from the Slytherin students, even if Eda lost her temper and wanted to fight again, they could easily stop her in time.

Professor McGonagall and Snape first checked on the condition of the students. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, except for Cody Avery. He was the most miserable one present, having been beaten almost the entire time by Eda. If the professors hadn't arrived in time, Eda might have beaten him to the point where even Mrs. Avery wouldn't recognize him.

Afterward, the two professors started to understand the cause and course of events. The students from both houses began to accuse each other, but due to the professors' presence, their language was restrained, preventing a second conflict. After questioning a few students, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape got a clear understanding of the whole situation.

Professor Snape's originally sallow face now looked as black as the bottom of a pot. He didn't even want to look at his Slytherin students, who not only fought but also lost! It was so disgraceful! As Snape's face grew darker, the Slytherin students trembled, looking like frightened little chicks.

Professor McGonagall, with a similarly stern expression, glared at her Gryffindor students. The Gryffindors looked in better shape than the Slytherins, which made McGonagall's harsh expression slightly soften. Although they broke the school rules, at least Gryffindor won the fight!

"This isn't over. I'm going to tell my father!" Cody Avery, bruised and bloodied, said viciously. He had just been helped up by other Slytherins and still had bloodstains on his face, looking extremely pathetic.

Hearing this, Eda, who had just calmed down, couldn't help but lose her temper again. She was about to step forward but was quickly grabbed around the waist by George. Angelina and Alicia gently soothed Eda, trying to calm her down.

"Shut up!" Professor Snape said. "Take him to the infirmary! Are you going to keep making a fool of yourself here?"

A student supporting Avery quickly helped him leave. Avery continued to talk as he left, but the person next to him couldn't stand it anymore and quickly covered his mouth to stop him.

Eda's strength was ultimately no match for George's, so she could only watch helplessly as the babbling Avery left. Unable to move, Eda resorted to some verbal shots: "So this is the noble Avery, just a crybaby who runs to daddy... Avery, you looked just like a weaning baby!"

"Enough, Miss Twist!" Professor McGonagall said sternly, her face dark.

Hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Eda finally calmed down. George, feeling her stop struggling, let go of his hold. Now that the adrenaline rush had subsided, Eda felt the pain all over her body. She lowered her head in silence, thinking to herself: This is bad, I've completely destroyed my good girl image with Professor McGonagall...

Originally, Professor McGonagall intended to give Eda a thorough scolding, but seeing Eda standing there with her head down, she didn't have the heart to say those harsh words.

"Gryffindor and Slytherin will each lose fifty points!" Professor McGonagall announced loudly. She had already understood the whole situation. Although students from both houses had different stories, two things were certain: Cody Avery's nasty mouth had started the conflict, but Eda was the first to actually throw a punch. So, Professor McGonagall decided to penalize both houses equally.

"I think that's not enough, Professor McGonagall," Snape said. "Although the incident started because of Avery, he has already received his due punishment. Some people need to learn how to control their temper instead of throwing punches like a Muggle..."

Although Snape didn't like Avery and thought that getting beaten up was entirely his own fault, he still believed Eda deserved the appropriate punishment. Otherwise, it would be too unfair.

Anything that involves unfairness, even if it's a good deed, will ultimately turn into something bad.

Everyone was used to Snape's words; it would be surprising if he didn't defend Slytherin. Moreover, everyone knew how much Snape disliked Eda.

Eda kept her head down, rubbing her right wrist. She didn't say anything. She had indeed hit someone, breaking school rules. There was no excuse; she had done it.

Professor McGonagall looked at Eda's bruised mouth and torn robe, which had footprints on it. She no longer looked fierce but rather pitiful, as if she were the one who had been beaten and bullied.

Wasn't this how she lived in the orphanage? Professor McGonagall thought to herself.

"Miss Twist, you will serve a half-month detention as punishment for hitting someone, starting tomorrow night," Professor McGonagall announced loudly. "Mr. Cody Avery, for his insolent remarks and provoking a fellow student, will serve five days of detention, starting once he leaves the infirmary!"

After Professor McGonagall announced the punishment, she left immediately. She hoped this penalty would clear Eda's head a bit and stop her from acting impulsively.

Professor Snape, with a grim expression, had some different opinions on the decision, but he didn't argue with Professor McGonagall in front of the students. He glanced at Eda, who was surrounded by the crowd, and left without saying anything further.

Due to the fight, the flying class couldn't continue. After the two professors issued the punishments and left, everyone returned to the castle.

"I think you need to go to the infirmary, Eda," Angelina said as she supported Eda.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just a bit tired, thanks to Fred and George," Eda smiled reassuringly at Angelina.

"I really didn't expect you to be so fierce in a fight!" George said, patting Eda on the shoulder.

"Especially those first few moves, they were so cool!" Fred added, giving her a pat as well.

The twins were quite heavy-handed, making Eda roll her eyes in pain. The more she thought about it, the more she felt it wasn't worth it. The points deduction and detention, on top of ruining her image, really made her feel she had gotten the short end of the stick.

The twin brothers and Lee Jordan walked a couple of steps behind the girls, bragging to each other about how brave they had been in the fight and how many Slytherins they had knocked down. Boys are always like that, a bit proud and vain, especially in front of girls.

Eda didn't know if Lee Jordan's record was as grand as he boasted, because Lee Jordan didn't walk through the crowd to Eda's side. If the record of Lee Jordan and the Weasley brothers is as good as they boasted, then all the people from the two houses present just now are not enough to beat the three of them.
Obviously, the wizards are not good at math and they boast too much.

The six people walked into the castle talking and laughing, but when they passed the scoreboard showing the scores of the four houses, the mood of the six people suddenly dropped.

No one was happy when they saw that there were a lot of missing red gems.

Eda secretly calculated in her heart: If there is a next time, I must fight hard first. Anyway, I will lose points, and if I win hard, I will feel less distressed when I face the deducted points.


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