Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 100 – Casualties of the Trial

I spent the night in the infirmary while Madam Pomfrey fixed me up, although she did mention I should not stress my legs for the upcoming month or so. Not that I would have the necessary energy, as simply standing or walking felt like straining me from all my powers. What I was worried about was the fact Quincy didn't appear before me through the night, and I was already thinking about what may have happened. The moment the sun was up, so was I, ready to return to the Common Room, but the Headmaster's appearance stopped me from leaving.

"Follow me."

His voice was just as cold as before; this time, he didn't even try to ask me what happened. I mean, he had to see everything as they were all observing it, but he never asked me why we did what we did. Not that he could, as Lord Voldemort himself asked me to spark a conflict and give them a reason to kick off a war. According to him, what happened in the 2nd Trial was going as HE had planned.

Entering the Great Hall, I was surprised that it was already filled, with the different headmasters and teachers sitting on a podium. At the same time, the tables were now laid out horizontally, filled with students. I let out a relaxed sigh, seeing Quincy sit at the one smaller table, facing the teachers directly. While she sat on its right side, next to Victor, Fleur was occupying the left end of it, looking like someone who slept not a moment since yesterday.

Walking by the tables, I saw many eyes directed at me, some fearful, some in awe. When I met with the eyes of those who helped us a lot since Quincy's kidnapping, I gave them a slight nod and smile before sitting down between Victor and Quincy.

"All good?" I asked her quietly, and she slipped her hand into mine, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Murderer." Fleur mumbled, looking at me before turning towards Victor. "You too calm, he murd-"

"The competition was dangerous. Always." He answered without looking at either of us, sitting still, and I was not in the mood to entertain Fleur, especially when I watched the three Headmasters standing straight, silencing the crowd.

"Now that everybody is here, we are going to commence a public review of the previous event, where two Champions lost their lives." The one who was speaking was Snape; his voice carried throughout the Great Hall, reaching everyone at once, "First, Martyn Poliakoff, the student of Durmstrang."

"His death was his own doing." Karkaroff remarked calmly, and it surprised me a bit as I expected him to be angry and vindictive. "He failed to capitalize on his advantage and paid the price for his stupidity. Everyone knew that the Triwizard Tournament was dangerous. Lives have been lost in it since its inception."

"Two in the same Trial is still too much. Deaths in the competition were still a rare occurrence whenever it happened."

"Well, if you thought about interjecting," Karkaroff countered Flamel as if he was waiting for it to happen, "Let's talk about the beast you provided! What was its problem? I know about Cerberi; I even raised one myself! I never saw them act anything like that... did you do something to it?"

"Why would I do anything to my own pet? I wanted to ask the same... what happened to our Fluffy to go that berserk? I want its body back so we can investigate it carefully!"

Oh boy... was this it? I couldn't help but look at Quincy, who thought the same, squeezing my fingers even stronger than before as we listened. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I glanced at our friends, telling them with my eyes to be ready if anything happened.

"We are doing just right that." Snape differed, joining the discussion and taking the side of Karkaroff. "That Cerberus wasn't behaving like its kind should. As we all watched, it wasn't the work of a spell, but it could-"

"Nobody wants to talk Celine?!" The scream-like shout came from none other but Fleur as she stood up, slamming her hands on the table, "About the murderer?!"

"Calme-toi! Ne perds pas ton sang-froid! Personne n'a oublié sa mort, mais ce n'est pas le moment d'agir ainsi! Assieds-toi!1Calm down! Don't lose your cool! Nobody forgot her death, but this is not the time to act like this! Sit down!" Flamel shot back, ordering Fleur to do something, but she resisted, staying standing.

"Son meurtrier est ici! Punissez-le! Il l'a fait exploser, je la vois encore devant mes yeux, déchirée en morceaux! Il doit être puni!2Her murderer is right here! Punish him! He exploded her, I still see her body before my eyes, torn to shreds! He needs to be punished!"

"Assieds-toi, maintenant! Je ne le dirai pas deux fois!3Sit down, now! I won't say it again!"

This time, it seemed to work as she sat back, breathing heavily, seething and trembling in place.

"It seems you can barely contain your own pupils, Master Alchemist." Karkaroff chuckled, sarcastically smirking while speaking, but Flamel wasn't interested in a verbal battle.

"She saw her friend die. It is a human reaction, one you know nothing of, Headmaster Karkaroff. Or should I say, Death Eater Karkaroff?"

"Hmph! What a lame and cheap way to try and besmirch my words, especially when I lost a student myself! It is the Triwizard Tournament! Is your school too weak to accept losses? No wonder your people lack talent when you are caressing only weak wizards and witches! Cuddling your students cost them their lives!"

"Are you sure you want to say that to me right now?"

The way Flamel shot back was threatening not just in tone but by action because he already had his wand between his fingers. The 'weird' thing was that our Headmaster wasn't stepping in to diffuse the situation. Instead, he was letting it continue. Of course, it was perfectly reasonable for us, who were in the know. This was their ultimate goal.

"The problems rose from the fact that the beast was tampered with." Severus spoke up in the end, but not to ease the tension but to throw more oil onto the fire.

"It could have been only one of your factions... the fact that only one school has both Champions living..." Flamel was not backing down. It seemed that both sides were ready, and this was an avalanche that couldn't be stopped, not even by a wizard.

"You want to tell us that we outplayed the greatest alchemist of all times and poisoned your Cerberus?" Karkaroff asked with a peal of mocking laughter.


Flamel's answer was like a signal as I felt a tremor run through me... no, not just me, through everybody who was present. I didn't need to think too hard as Snape pulled out his wand, pointing it at Flamel.

"What did you do?!"

"Disabled the protection around Hogwarts." Was his answer, along with a spell flying directly at Snape.

I didn't have time to watch the duel as I was pushed down by Victor, who raised a shield charm, blocking a spell from Fleur.

"Traitor!" She screamed, but Victor shook her head.

"I am not backstabber, Fleur Delacour. If fight, fight with honor."

By the time I got back to my feet, total chaos reigned over the Great Hall. The Headmasters were dueling, their spells crashing through the windows, smashing them apart while the teachers were rushing out as shouting could be heard from the grounds itself... we were under attack. I caught a glimpse of our group scurrying out, heading to the route we previously talked about, led by none other than Professor Lockhart. While Victor fought with Fleur, trying not to hurt her, Quincy pulled me away as we slinked towards the exit.

"To the Room!" She whispered hurriedly, "Get the vial and escape! It is too valuable to leave it behind... I wouldn't have hidden it if I knew this would happen first thing in the morning!"

"Agreed!" I nodded, noticing her pressing a potion into my hand. It was the invisibility one we made for the Trial.

"I only used one! I knew it would come in handy!" She winked at me as we drank it simultaneously and held each other's hands, disappearing.

Now I understood why Madam Pomfrey urged me not to stress my legs. Every step I took on the stairs was painful, and both of them felt heavy as if they were made of iron.

"...!" Quincy stopped me, and it took me a moment to notice why. Others were already there, coming from a different wing. "Dumbledore... and I think the other one is called Lupin." She said, not with words but by writing into my palm.

Peeking over the edge of the corridor, we saw the two wizards. They were so hurried that they didn't even look around or use spells, only focusing on summoning the Room of Requirements and entering it. We waited a little before going after them, and it was my first time seeing the room like a labyrinth where an endless amount of 'stuff' was cluttered, reaching far up to the ceiling. Bags, old furniture, backpacks, and who knows what else littered the landscape wherever one looked.

"It's in the same shape as when I came hiding the potion!" She wrote hastily, "Are they looking for something here?"

"Most likely! We don't have time! Where did you hide it?"

"In plain sight!"

Although I couldn't see or hear her, I felt her tug me along, and we only took two steps toward a cabinet right next to the door. Pulling out its first drawer, there it was, wrapped in an old sock.

"That... that is kinda genius." I wrote with amazement as my first thought would have been to go and start searching deep in this labyrinth.

"Thank you~! Now let's go! I don't want to be here when they return!"

I couldn't have agreed more. When we were out, we broke into a rush, heading downstairs and looking out the windows; I could see the battle going on everywhere around the castle grounds. I saw Death Eaters apparating in, fighting against the wizards of the Order who now were wreaking havoc everywhere. I even noticed the Black brothers chasing a rat... or was that our Professor? Or did their dog-like instinct kick in?

By the time we got to the hidden corridor, it was wide open, signaling us that the others entered it already. With the potion wearing off, we could see and hear each other once again, and she immediately noticed my pained look.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's fine, just my legs... I can keep up, don't worry! Let's go; we have to escape!" I chuckled, dusting off my palms on my thighs.

"I will miss the school..." She whispered, taking a last look, and I couldn't help but feel guilty... which quickly disappeared when she kissed my face. "But as long as I am with you, every place will be just as much fun!"

Chapter 100! Woohoo~

Also, Merry Christmas in advance! Speaking of Christmas, I'd like to notify you all that next week, there will be only two chapters on the Thursday and Friday spots as I am taking a small break to enjoy Christmas and rest. I hope you all understand that! Thank you for reading!

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