Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 125 – Count Volgonid

Descending down the well was weird. At first, we could still see well, but the light disappeared very quickly from around us after the first two meters. It was then that I heard Herpo's voice echoing within me.

"Focus on your blood and call it forth into your eyes. But don't let it gain control! It is you who own it and not vice versa."

"It wouldn't hurt Quincy... Would it?" I asked him, and his answer was simple.

"Depends on your focus. As I said... control it. Then no, it won't hurt those who you care about, only your enemies."

With a deep breath, I tried to concentrate, and after a few moments, I could see again when I reopened my eyes. It wasn't like it was perfectly clear, not at all. Think of it like looking at a black-and-white, fuzzy image... but I could see the walls of the well and make out the chain I was holding.

"Oh, we are close to the bottom!" I exclaimed after I looked down and let the chain go, landing on my feet.

"Hoot!" Said Quincy, and weirdly, I think I understood her question.

"I think it's the basilisk blood doing its thing." I answered, subconsciously licking my lips. "Weird..."

Down here, everything was dry. This either meant there was never water here, or it dried up a long time ago. Anyway... Box... Grindelwald said there would be a box here. No matter where I looked, I couldn't see one, but it could also be because I wasn't proficient in using this sight of mine... ah, whatever!

"Close your eyes, don't get blinded!" I whispered, taking out my wand and waving it once, "Lumos!"

"Much better!" Moaned Quincy, turning back into a human, squinting as we stood at the bottom of the well. "Woah..."

"Yeah... I agree... Woah..."

There was a human-sized hole in the wall that I couldn't see before. It was hidden with unnatural darkness that not even our magic could light up. Looking at it, the stone at the edge of it wasn't roughly carved out or natural looking; it was perfectly arched, and the walls were smooth, without any edges. It was man-made.

"What is this?"

The moment I raised my wand, pointing towards the corridor, both of our blood froze because something was rushing towards us with a low screech. The first to act was not me but Quincy, as I was just thinking about changing the spell when her wand shot out bright, orange flames, catching the monster in a blast. With a bone-chilling cry, it turned to ash in an instant, and we were left standing there, hearing our heartbeat so loudly I mistook it for a war drum.

"That was an undead. Most likely a ghoul." Herpo commented, and although I never saw one, I agreed. That thing didn't look human anymore; instead, it looked like a mix of a skinny gargoyle and a mummy.

"Who doth dare maketh a clamor in mine abode?"

Now that voice... and that speech... that was new. And scary. We looked at each other in a slight panic as I increased the light's intensity at the end of my wand, resulting in another annoyed, low groan.

"Cease thine contraption, mortal offspring, lest I rend thy cranium asunder!"

"Yeah, no." I answered quickly. I couldn't see the origin of the voice, but I was sure it was coming from the end of the tunnel. We just... couldn't see it, not even in the light.

"So be it, then I must needs compel thee to depart hence, thou witless human spawn."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing as the darkness itself began changing until it finally turned into a human figure, a few meters away from us with blood-red, glowing eyes. He was deathly pale, white as marble, looking to be in his early twenties with slick, black hair, wearing expensive, black silk clothing, that of an old royal.

"Begone from this place with all haste!" He repeated, looking into my eyes, but then, I felt my blood boil, and the feeling burst back out with full force. "...?!"

We watched as he stumbled back, averting his eyes quickly, shielding them, coughing, and looking as if he was in pain.

"What manner of being art thou, child?! Thine eyes, they shifteth? And yet thou namest me a demon?! What sorcery hast thou wrought upon thyself?! Thy scent reeks as a basilisk's foul breath!"

"Good job!" Quincy exclaimed, summoning blazing fire, but the man snapped his fingers in response, bringing forth the abyss-like darkness and extinguishing the flames in a flash.

"Verily, the youth of today doth confound with their peculiar ways... First Grindelwald, and now these twain..." He grumbled like an old man, being annoyed by some kids stumbling onto his lawn. And... well, it was precisely what was happening.

"Wait... you know Grindelwald? Are you the vampire Volgonid?" I asked, even though I knew it was a stupid question the moment it left my mouth. Who else could it be? So it was no wonder what we received was his annoyed groan.

"It is Count Volgonid unto thee, child! Wherefore hath thy manners vanished? The world hath long since forfeited its dignity! Unbelievable!"

"It was Grindelwald who sent us here, Count Volgonid, for his... box!" Quincy added quickly while we looked at each other, a bit confused. But if it worked, that would be best. This being we were looking at felt dangerous... Too dangerous to fight. Luckily, he stopped for a moment, thinking, and then his voice became much more mellow and cooperative.

"The box? Ah... aye, I do recall... He did not foretell of children seeking it. I doth possess it hereabouts... come, follow in my wake." But of course, none of us moved, and he realized it after taking a few steps. "I shalt not consume thee twain. Though thy visage be youthful, the foul odor of serpents and corruption doth emanate from thy blood. I am a man of refinement. I hold to standards! Come hither, children, for I have pledged my word to Grindelwald, and I shall uphold my vow!"

"Go." Said Herpo, which surprised me, "I don't know how it is nowadays, but in the past, even in my time, a vow was a strong bind. Even I upheld the promises I made, no matter how far I have fallen."

I still felt this was wrong, but holding Quincy's hand, we followed him in the end. It didn't take long for me to extinguish the spell on the tip of my wand as we arrived in an underground chamber lit by orange torches. The floor was covered with soft, beautiful rugs, and paintings of the local landscape decorated the walls while two coffins were laid down where the beds should have been. One was empty, but in the other, a woman was sleeping serenely... until I looked at her. Then her blood-red eyes snapped open as she floated out, her blonde hair billowing behind her body. She was looking a bit lost after landing on the rug, blinking her eyes a few times before recollecting herself.

"My dear, we have visitors? What happened?" She asked, looking joyous, flashing her sharp, canine teeth that made me shiver. When noticing it, she merely giggled, hiding it, genuinely looking embarrassed of it.

"Aye, my dear, they seeketh the box of Grindelwald, indeed." The Count hummed, went to a massive cupboard, and began searching for it. "I think I had it here somewhere."

"Oh, I see! How lovely! What year is it?"

"1995." We answered in tandem, making the woman clap, smiling, and looking as if she was greatly amused.

"My dear, we should make a trip and see how the world changed after a century! What do you say?"

"Venturing forth in this era? Alas, observe these youthful souls! Bereft of proper decorum!"

"Oh please, they are just kids!"

"Ah, behold! Here it doth lie! Take it, children; thy box awaits!" He shouted, bringing forth a hefty metal crate the size of a traveling suitcase.

"T-thanks..." I mumbled as he pushed it into my hands, and now I was bewildered about what was happening.

"How do you know we are not lying?" Quincy asked, blurting out the first thing that she thought about, making the two laugh.

"Oh, we are vampires, my dear!" The woman answered us, "We would know if you are lying! Ahahaha!"

"Who are you?" Quincy continued asking the questions without thinking, but they didn't seem troubled by it.

"Oh, I am Eleonora, the Witch of Seven Virtues! He is my husband, Count Mikhail Everlast Volgonid!"

"Are you one of the seven witches who came to defeat him? Did he win and turn you into his servant?!" This time, it was me who couldn't hold it back, and now only the old vampire laughed while the woman began pouting.

"Seven witches, sayest thou? Doth the legend still persist? Nay, there ne'er were seven witches!"

"They still get it wrong..." Eleonora explained, rolling her eyes, "My title was the Witch of SEVEN Virtues! Hmph! Nonsense!"

"Oh-" We answered at the same time, looking at them, the two extremely beautiful people. If they ventured out, both of them would be snatched up by a modeling agency, I am sure of it. "Then... what happened, really?"

"I hath found love."

"I came here not to kill him." Eleonora responded, looking warmly at her husband, "Well... I was angry, yes, because he was biting others, unable to settle down, so I had a fight with him. My dear was always worried, not wanting to turn the youngsters he courted."

"Verily, a vampire's existence is fraught with tribulations." He added with a sigh, but Eleonora simply hugged him, kissing his face.

"The short story is that I came here, battled him, and made him accept that I do love him and will be with him forever! So I forced him to turn me~! Since then, we have been happily married!"

That... would explain why the attacks went away... our vampire has found love. Huh. It's not what I expected... but oh well. I am glad if it's true because of that, we are not being killed right now.

"But... what do you drink?" We blurted out at the same time.

"Oh, if we don't use much of our magic, we don't need to replenish it. So don't worry about it, kiddos! Oh, I know, I will prepare something for you! Just wait a minute; it has been so long since I made something for humans! Ghouls are not keen on eating anyway..."

"Ghouls..." We repeated, feeling cold sweat going down on our backs.

"Oh yes, yes, some graverobbers and whatnot, they deserve their fate! Ahahah~ Now, just you wait-"


"Hm? What is it, dear?" She asked, looking at the Count who interrupted her. We also noticed he was furrowing his brows. Was it because of something we asked? Or he just wanted us gone? I also agreed with the notion... I don't want to be rude but, seeing the two, I certainly not want to stay for dinner. Or be the dinner.

"The ones aloft dost create a disturbance. Methinks they seeketh the children."

"Oh... good..." I murmured, happy to have an excuse to leave.

"Let me escort them out~ I will deal with the rest!" Eleonora answered, chuckling, and she accompanied us out, lifting us out of the well with one massive jump as if it were nothing.

Outside, she looked even more beautiful, unbothered by the sun, and I finally understood what Salazar's warning meant... She alone managed to hypnotize all of the other kids and our Professor, making them stop in place while turning towards us. They were clearly distraught and looking for us, and when we appeared with her, their panic only intensified.

"They will not remember searching for you, so don't worry! I will return now; I dislike the sun, you see... mmm... Maybe I will nag my husband a little more to go and see the world for a change! You two, take care of yourselves! Oh, and tell Grindelwald that our debt has been paid. Don't come looking for us again for the next 50 years, okay?"

"Y-yes... o-okay!" I stuttered while Quincy put the box away in her holding bag.

With that, she disappeared back into the well, and the moment she did, everyone returned to themselves as if nothing had happened. They were no longer searching for us. Instead, Professor Peter continued his lesson about the ruins and old magical history while those who were a bit braver continued looking around the ruins.

"I think this was the type of vampire Salazar said not to attack... huh?"

"Yeah..." Quincy nodded, gulping, feeling a bit stifled, "And I think I understand why..."

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