Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 127 – Dimitris

It was the first time since we got here that I spent the afternoon without Quincy. The reasons were two-fold. On the one hand, she was excited to head back home, study Grindelwald notes, and try out the cauldron, brewing different potions with increasing difficulties. Then, there was me, who was tasked by Grindelwald to go to the library and try to look for a book. Which one? He didn't know, simply declaring, I will when I see it.

"I sometimes feel like the old man is not really right in the head. Or are you just teasing me? Yeah... I should have asked him that..."

"Who is teasing you?" Asked a voice just after I walked past the empty reading tables and when I turned towards it, a similarly aged boy was looking back at me from between a row of dozens of stacked books. I didn't recognize him as he was from a different class... and I would remember him because his brown eyes, behind his big, round glasses, looked bigger than his head was. Not to mention his black, curly hair that would easily pass as a birdnest.

"It's... no matter." I answered with a shrug, making him nod, acting as if he understood.

"You are one of the new students, yes? The two I have been hearing about? My name is Dimitris, 3rd-year!"

"Oh, hi, I am Co-, cough, sorry... I am Alexander." I answered, looking at his stretched-out hand, grabbing it, and shaking it firmly.

"I wouldn't worry; they probably tease you because of jealousy. I heard you are terrific, and also, after seeing you, yeah, you are good-looking."

"Wait, what?" I asked, but he ignored me, continuing without a pause.

"There were no transfer students for the past 600 years! So, it is no wonder some people will spread rumors to mess with you. Like, the one where you and your sister are secretly lovers in a forbidden, taboo relationship."


"Oh... it's true?!" He gasped, almost knocking over his books.

"What are you on about...?" I grunted, twitching my mouth.

"I did not think it was true... huh... Well, it is weird, but old families did it a lot, and I know that you are descended from one. I can understand the notion behind wanting to keep a bloodline pure, but you do need to refresh it once in a while, or you will end up like those muggle portraits of their kings with a distinct jawline! I think they were called Habsburgs or something..."

I was stumped. This guy was weird... and spoke really fast, going on tangents out of nowhere while looking at me with those enlarged eyes of his. Every word he was saying was backed up with the utmost confidence, and he was not mincing anything, stating his thoughts without cushioning them.

"I heard you never rebuked it, so the rumor began spreading. I wonder why you are here alone... The others say you two never really go anywhere separately. Did you have a fight? I guess fights between siblings and lovers at once become even nastier than between normal families. It's like an amplifying spell, isn't it? I wouldn't worry; you should talk it out and not run away from problems."

"We didn't fight." I answered, being shell-shocked and losing focus on what I wanted to say.

"Oh, that is good. Are you here to find something? This library is enchanted, you see; the inner parts are bigger than what you can perceive from the outside, and it is easy to get lost within. I heard that there were students who went in and returned after being lost for months in there. I can help you find the one you are looking for; I know this place like the back of my head."


"Yes, that is what I said."

"No, you didn't."

"What book are you looking for?"

"You are changing the topic, Dimitris."


"..." This guy... okay... I like him. He is Weird, with a capital W. "You are bullied a lot, huh?" I jabbed back, and this time, his calm and collected face finally changed, averting his big eyes and fidgeting a few times.


"Well, I can guess why, but it is tough. Sorry about that. So... What are YOU doing here, Dimitris?" I asked, striking up a different conversation, looking at the books he was reading and realizing a major problem. I couldn't read them. Of course not... I may speak the language thanks to the enchanted pin on my robe, but for sure, I couldn't read it! The classes were fine because the teachers here are more practical, showing instead of telling... but this may be a big problem if we have to take a damn test in the future!

"Well, different studies about curses..." He began explaining, missing the change in my expression as I came to the realization. "Did you meet with Andrei? The Dark Arts teacher from Romania?"

"Yeah, we had one class so far; it was... fine, I guess. I did not learn anything new; he was mediocre at best." I answered calmly because that was simply the truth... and I saw him form a smile before trying to hide it.

"Don't say that in a place where he may hear it... You see, he has a bit of influence amongst the others, coming from a more prestigious family and a staunch supporter of being pure-blooded and superior to any lineage that has muggled blood mixed into them. He would probably take offense to it and try to kick you out of school or make your days insufferable."

"Heh, he could try." I added with a grunt, recalling the Malfoys' end.

"You are not joking..."

"Hm?" I asked, blinking my eyes and looking down at him.

"Nothing..." Dimitris murmured, lowering his head and looking a bit stunned. Was... was my expressions really that easily readable? What the hell? Quincy does it, too, all the time! Tsk...

"You don't need to cower; you can tell me as it is. I can take it, and I won't bully you. Honestly speaking, you are interesting... weird but interesting." I added with a laugh, pulling out a chair and sitting down next to him.

"I get that a lot; I mean, the weird part. I always forget not to tell everything I think about, but... it's just a habit."

"Mhm. I see. That can be dangerous, yes... so, what is this about curses and Andrei?"

"The end of the year test will be deflecting and lifting curses. He is going to curse each of us, and our grades will depend on how we defend against it. He said the best ones will be those who can counter it perfectly, and then the more it affects us, the worse our grades will be. Those who fail are going to be those who have to leave the school with a curse and figure it out by themselves. As a punishment."

"Huh... It's pretty radical; I am surprised he didn't get into trouble yet! Aren't the parents complaining or something?"

"They do, but there are those who support him and the Headmaster. Andrei is enjoying Headmaster Karkaroff's trust so he can get away with more than some others. He was responsible for the previous teacher of the Dark Arts leaving and taking his position."

"It is always this position which is causing trouble, huh? How weird..."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, not important! I just know that in Hogwarts, it's the same position that they suffer with. It is like... as if it was cursed or something."

"Oh, I see! I heard things about it, but not much... you know what is going on there?"

"A bit. Yes."

"Can you... tell me?" He asked, his big eyes growing even more prominent, pleading, and, with a bit of obfuscation, I retold him most of the things that were also published in the Daily Prophet. I tried avoiding going into too much detail and not sounding suspicious, and I think it worked. At least he really enjoyed it.

"So, yeah, that's the gist of it. From what I know, the Order is back in England, and there is a war going on."

"Um, about that part, we heard a lot, but... here, Karkaroff always speaks about how Beauxbatons cheated, interfered with the tournament, and lost us, Krum!"

"And Poliakoff."

"Ah, yes... him too." Huh... Was he not liked? I can't imagine why! "He was always a bully... I don't mind him being dead; I am just sorry that Krum was mind-controlled."

"Wait, what?" I asked, almost yelling out, making him nod as if he shared my apparent surprise and anger.

"Yes... They say that they used a mind-altering potion on him, turning him into their puppet. They rigged all the tasks and tried to interfere wherever they could! Many of the teachers agree and support the Headmaster and his idea of launching an attack on them because of it. There is a high debate amongst the main wizarding families as to what to do."

"Huh..." I wanted to say so much, but instead, I sat back, trying to think. I couldn't really reveal everything, or that would be too suspicious, but I would love to screw over Karkaroff's plans. "Could the school even launch any attacks? Who authorizes it?"

"I am from Greece." Dimitris added, explaining quickly, "The school has a great influence on this end of the continent, same with the Beauxbatons, more so than any official ministry the countries have here. Usually, what Durmstrang decides will happen, and its reach is vast! I thought you would know that..."

"Sorry, we were living amongst muggles and... um, in hiding. So I am a bit out of the loop, as they say." I added with a hurry before he thought way too far into it.

"Oh, I see, that explains a lot of things."

"Err... I won't ask what you mean by that... So! What if something happens to the Professor? What then?"

"Huh?" I watched as his face went pale, looking around, making sure that only we were there and no third party was listening in. "I don't know... it depends on what happens to him. He could be made out to be a martyr and fuel his cause, or it could also strengthen the other party who doesn't want to intervene and stay out of it at all costs. There are many, many families here who remember what happened back then. How it turned into a Great War, and many of them were blamed for it, suffering from shame... But you know about that, don't you? The source of your own family's blight! The old and scary name..." He whispered at the end, leaning closer, "Grindelwald!"

"Why are you whispering? Is the name cursed? Is it a taboo?"

"No, but they say his spirit still haunts the corridors of the school, and if you say it out loudly or multiple times, he may appear!" Now... that was funny. I couldn't help but grin, making him blush, "You think I'm joking!"

"I do think it's silly."

"I saw him!"

"Now I think it's even more silly."

"I can show it to you!"

"And now, my new friend... you got my attention." I answered, watching his big eyes without blinking. "Show me."

You asked for new images, so I made a few updated ones about Conrad & Quincy!


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