Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 133 – Invisibility Cloak

I was expecting some trouble to come our way that day, but it remained strangely silent. I don't know what Grindelwald did, but it was as if nothing had happened. Of course, we skipped the rest of the classes because, unlike the teachers, the students were constantly buzzing about it. So, we simply took off and spent the rest of the day above the vast fields, flying around and doing nothing but sightseeing. Dimitris had to do it many times because he was an excellent guide, taking us to old, fascinating ruins without vampires this time.

But the real show started after sunset. We returned at dusk, hiding away within the castle, and after it was late enough, sneaking down to the cellar was effortless —maybe even too easy, which I told them, too.

"They shouldn't know about it." Dimitris argued, but we had been burned too many times to take it easy, so Quincy and I left behind a few spells at the room's entrance. It would trigger the moment anyone tried to cast any spells and hone in on its source with a powerful attack.

Finally returning to the place, Quincy couldn't help but smile when the spectral version of Grindelwald appeared before us. Gently waving her wand, she used a few detection spells, but nothing showed any reaction to it. It could have been for multiple reasons, so it was not like there were no other traps here, masked by Grindelwald's old machinations.

"Let me hear its riddle; maybe it changed." She exclaimed, walking up to the shade.

"I thought we would just... investigate." I murmured with a shrug, but I wasn't going to stop her. If we can take the casket away, so be it.

"In twilight's veil where shadows glide,
A shroud of whispers, unseen guide.
Through realms of mist, I softly tread,
Embraced by secrets, all unsaid.
In whispered hush, I'm but a wraith,
A fleeting breath, a hidden faith.
Beyond the grasp of mortal eye,
In echoes soft, I pass on by.
What am I, in twilight's sheen?
A whispered secret, yet unseen."

Well, at least it did not change, but I also didn't have any idea what it could mean. The only thing that came to mind was Death, but clearly, that was not the answer because it pushed me away when I said it out loud the last time. We couldn't even guess because who knows if this spirit thinks those are all our answers and we use up our chances ahead of time? I am not keen on finding out what it feels like to be attacked by a spell of Grindelwald, designed to kill.

"Is there a time limit?" Quincy whispered, looking back at us, but we had no idea. "I believe I know the answer, but... let me think it through. If I were Grindelwald, would I make that the answer? It's... too easy."

"Try it." I encouraged her, as she still had more choices, even if it was wrong.

"This has to be related to one of the Hallows, and the riddle has to be connected to that, so my answer is... The Invisibility Cloak."

With a pop, the spirit disappeared, leaving behind bluish specks of dust that then revealed the invisible magic surrounding the wine casket. As they fell onto its dusty surface, they transformed it into a green bottle with rolled-up parchment hiding inside.

"Ooooh!" Dimitris's exclamation jolted me out of my stunned expression. I watched excitedly as Quincy opened the bottle, took out the paper, and unfurled it, waiting for her, not wanting to trouble her thoughts with useless questions.

"Iolanthe Peverell."

"Huh?" We asked, and she turned towards us, showing the two words scribbled on it. The moment she did so, the paper turned into ash, and the bottle began glowing in a strange, orange light. "Damn it, we didn't guess the riddle, only you! Seeing it must have activated another spell! Get out, quick!" I roared, grabbing Quincy's hand and rushing towards the stairs.

It turned out to be a good decision because the bottle exploded, and fiendish fire spread everywhere from it really fast. We pushed the trapdoor down, rolling the giant cauldron atop it, ensuring the chaos could not escape from below. To my surprise, that giant, useless cauldron held it at bay and even began warming up as if it was getting ready to be used again.

"I think my robes got burnt..." Dimitris gasped, trying to catch his breath. True enough, all of our robes were smoking and missing parts at the bottom, dangerously close to leaving our butts visible.


By the time I heard the voice, I was already in the motion of pushing Quincy out of the way of the spell. I was so focused on the whole fire thing that I completely let my attention fall... only my enhanced instincts warned me at the last moment, taking over my mind like a wailing siren. I heard the sounds of the world slowing down around me as I was fighting my body because it wanted to dodge, but I was not having it. Quincy was in danger, and I wouldn't save myself if I could save her.

My fingers were wrapping around her arm, ready to give her a push, when another explosion happened. A blinding light came down from the ceiling, the workings of the trap we laid down when we arrived. It was enough to blast our assassin right atop his head, turning his incantation into a painful scream before he toppled forward, unconscious.

"Ugh!" Groaned Quincy as she landed on the ground while I was atop of her, breathing down her neck. "Conrad!"

"I'm fine... He couldn't finish it." I whispered, quickly giving her a kiss and standing back up, looking at the assailant. "Are you okay, Dimitris?"

"Y-y-y-ea... that... that... that was the killing... curse..."

"Yeah. It would have been." I grunted, walking up to him, taking the wand out of the guy's hand and pulling back the hood he was wearing. "If it isn't the unlucky fucker, who got his thigh impaled by Andrei. Bastard."

"That's Mika, he is... He is the current Champion."

"He is currently on the verge of dying." I answered, pointing my wand at his unconscious head, doing everything to not kill him. Killing is easy... I can use him for something more. Calm down, my blood... calm... down.

"He was always at odds with Krum... I miss him." Dimitris murmured, and I wanted to turn towards him, but I wasn't going to take my eyes off this bastard. Thankfully, Quincy asked the questions instead of me.

"What do you mean? You knew Krum?"

"No, not personally. I mean, he did help me a few times, but I was not the only one. He was well-liked by many but not by everybody. Still, as long as he was here, I had fewer problems with bullying. Mika was someone who always tried to take his position... Most vocations here have their best students named as their champions, and Krum held three of those titles. One was for flying, one for Quidditch, and one was for dueling. He stripped the latter from Mika, who was trying to get it back since then, and I think he still holds a deep grudge against Krum."

"The wee fucker." I smiled, turning the guy to his back with my feet.

"Wait, you know Krum, too?" Finally, Dimitris's quick mind returned, putting things together, and I answered while keeping my wand pointed at the guy.

"Yeah, we met. It's a long story, but he helped us out big time once."

"Krum was always like that... at first glance, he is a harsh, unfriendly guy, but... he has a big heart."

"That we can't argue with." Quincy agreed, looking at me, "What will you do with him? We can bring his body down, and nobody would be the wiser. If the fire is still raging, it can take care of the evidence."

"..." This instantly made Dimitris close his mouth, and I could hear his breathing intensify.

"This time... no," I said with a small smile. "I have a different idea. Impero!"


It was the following day's early morning. We both were back at our home, still awake, combing through the multiple codexes, looking for the meaning of the two words of Iolanthe and Peverell. We told Dimitris to stay put for now and not leave his room for a while. Not until we were sure what would happen next. As for that bastard Mika, I turned him into a spy. From now on, he should go to Dimitris every night, give him a detailed review of his day, and write down everything he knew and was part of. I was going to use him until he ran dry... then kill him.

"Did you find anything?" Quincy asked with a tired groan, closing another book and throwing it back into her bag of holding.

"Nope. I can't find an incantation or the name of the spell or ingredient... anything. I'm lost in what it means. Still, how did you figure it out? A good guess?"

"Nope! It was easy. We knew it was about the Hallows, so which one can you use to hear secrets and slink about while wearing it? Easy-peasy!"

"So you found another one?" Asked Grindelwald, appearing like a spirit, making my heart jump. Damn it, this is the second time someone sneaks up on us today... at least he didn't try and kill us.

"Yes!" Quincy shouted, just as surprised, quickly retelling everything, and I saw our Master's eyes flash with insight.

"It isn't a spell. It is a person. Iolanthe Peverell was the last descendant of the Peverell family. Their ancestor was the one in the old legend who asked for the Invisibility Cloak! It took me a lot of time to straighten out the bloodline of that family and track down the cloak. They kept it well hidden and a deep secret, even within the family. There were always two people who knew about it... one who held the cloak and the one who was about to inherit it. No more, no less."

"Oh? So they have it still?" I asked, excited, waiting for him to continue.

"The Peverells died out, but only in name. The last one, Iolanthe, has married to the Potter family."

"Wait... The same Potters?" We both asked, looking at each other. Everyone knew their names. They were famous... and dead.

"I'm afraid!" He sighed, "She married Henry 'Harry' Potter, who was part of the Wizengamot from 1913 to 1921 and a big advocator of muggle rights and their supporter. So much so that through their Great War, he wanted to help the injured on the battlefield with magic. His antics were not something I liked, and with a bit of my interference in the shadows, I made it so he was stricken from the English, sacred wizarding families, and the Potters became somewhat of an outcast. I was preparing to steal the cloak from them, and this event made it more accessible. The fewer friends they had, the easier it would be to do it. Anyway, I never get that far... The real issue is that this also means that the one who now holds the cloak..."

"Is Dumbledore."

"Yes..." He shrugged, shaking his head, "No wonder Fate decided to set me free. He already has two and missing only the last one. Not what I expected."

"How bad is it for us?"

"Bad. But I will think of something..." He answered, scratching his chin, "Also, I came to warn you-"

"Yesterday, we were ambushed." I answered, interrupting him and telling him everything, down to the last-minute details.

"Good thinking. I have also placed half of the staff under my own imperius curse by now. I have chosen Andrei to be the catalyst for it all! He will be increasingly aggressive towards you, so get ready. Let it boil and fester... and when it explodes, Durmstrang will be out cold."

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