Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 69 – Start of the 3rd-Year

Sitting on the train heading back to school… it was hard to believe two years had already passed. I felt like it was yesterday when I first met Quincy.

"What?" She asked, munching on a gummy snake from the pile of sweets we bought from the trolley.

"Nothing! I just remembered how it was the first time I took the train!"

"It wasn't as of a rainy day!" She shrugged, looking towards the window of our cabin.

She was right. The window was fogged up and wet, while on the outside, the sky was dark as night, raining heavily since morning. I could not see the scenery changing; only the flashes of lightning were discernable whenever they happened.

"I am not envying the first-year students now! Taking the boats in this weather? Sheesh!" I shook my head with a half-smile.

"I am on you with that! By the way, do you think it will be announced now? At the start?"

"I am sure of it! It would be strange if they keep it under wraps… or did something change? Who knows!"

"We would know about that!" She shook her head, looking at me confidently, "You are one candidate, so… do you think you would be left out of it because someone better appeared? Not without telling you first!"

"I wouldn't be angry about it!" I retorted, grabbing a chocolate frog from her side and popping it into my mouth, "I would be much, much, muuuuuch happier to just sit back and enjoy the show!"



"Why not show off some strength? You already did; you could show them how awesome you are!"

"Quincy…" I leaned forward, turning deadly serious, "Your infatuation with my perfect self is showing! Be careful!"

"Eh?!" She yelped, turning bright red; then she realized I was teasing her and started pouting, "Who is infatuated with you?! Besides you?! Hmph!"

"You, of course!" I grinned, sweeping away the snacks and sitting beside her, leaning closer, "You are basically worshiping me!"

"I am not!"

"I do worship you…" I whispered, leaning closer and closer until our noses gradually touched.

"You… do?" She asked back timidly. I could feel her breath on my face; it was still sweet from the candies she had eaten.

"From the bottom of my heart…"

I wasn't lying, and to show it, I finally kissed her, pressing her against the wall of the cabin. It was a much more intimate… more passionate kiss than ever before. I slowly hugged her, and she wrapped her hands around my neck, returning the kiss with the same intensity. What did break us apart was the train's whistle, signaling that we were nearing Hogsmeade Station. Fixing our robes and saying nothing, just feeling how both of our faces turned red, we got ready to leave.

Stepping off the train, the falling rain and strong wind were horrible… for those who failed to use simple charms to deflect it. I still disliked how wet and musky it felt, so we hurriedly got onto the carriages and rode towards the castle with a few other Slytherins around us. They, of course, were trying to act as if we were old friends, yet I never remember speaking to them. Oh well, I was already expecting it, so once again, I played along. The sole reason that I could see Quincy being talked to and looked at normally by the others was worth it.

Arriving at the school, I took a deep breath as the air was something that was filled with a scent you could only experience here. It was a mix of ancient lore, paper, and ink. Something unique yet relaxing. The Great Hall was quickly filling up with students, and looking at the teachers up at the podium, I had to smile back at Professor Lockhart while Quincy gave a happy wave to Professor Slughorn. To my surprise, there were no new teachers. It's weird… but I'm sure that it would be explained to us, so it was time to be patient.

The sorting ceremony went by quickly, and to my surprise, our House had the least of new students… I only counted 14 of them, around half of when we were sorted. Looking at the teachers, nobody found it weird, or I just couldn't read it from their expressions. Maybe this was normal, and the previous years were the strange ones... What brought me out of my imagination was the voice of Severus Snape, addressing all of us.

"This year will be special! Our school, starting with the first day of October, is going to host the revitalized Triwizard Tournament! Many of you, I expect to know nothing of the name… especially after looking at the yearly average grades produced in History of Magic by you lot…"

"Shit…" I smirked, whispering, making Quincy and some others who heard it chuckle; the only problem was that Snape's head snapped toward us at once. He didn't scold me, but his eyes gave a serious warning.

"It will be an event for which anyone among you can sign up for…" After a dramatic pause, letting us murmure, he continued, "But it will be the Tournament's choice to determine who gets to be the school's appointed champions! The process will be explained once the other competing schools, Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, arrive! Until then, think hard if you want to risk signing your name up for it! The Tournament has no rules other than to win… many who join die in the process. This competition is for those with the talent, the will, and the luck required to succeed and survive! The tiniest failure and you will be only remembered as the fools who threw their lives away!"

Well… if someone wanted to hold a speech to discourage anybody from signing up, this was it! I already saw many excited faces turn pale, quickly abandoning any desire to become famous. Everything is permitted? That did sound dangerous… but I also saw some eyes lit up because of it. Brewing ideas of grandeur and fame. Haaah… I wish I could exchange my spot with any of them!

"Woah!" Quincy exclaimed next to me, and I agreed. The food that appeared on the golden trays was extraordinary, even by the school's standard. I'm not complaining, though; it did quickly make me forget all of the Headmaster's speech and let me indulge in a very satisfying dinner!

Coming to the Common Room felt like coming home as I collapsed into the most oversized armchair beside the roaring fire while Quincy sat on my lap without hesitation. Both of us were sleepy and relaxed after eating so much... It was heaven. I just sat there, gently stroking her tummy, ignoring the others, enjoying the fire and the peace. I was about to open my mouth when the door to the Common Room opened, and Professor Slughorn walked in. He talked a little with the first-year students, encouraging them before calling Quincy and me to the sides.

"I think you have been briefed, yes?" He smiled nervously, rubbing his hands together.

"If Professor means what I will… have to do, then yes." I nodded, making sure if anyone heard us, they wouldn't know the selection would be rigged.

"Good. Listen, I will host my first Tea Party on the last weekend of October. The delegation of the two other schools will arrive by then! It will be an opportunity for the chosen Champions to meet and greet each other."

"This is why we needed the dresses?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, but he shook his head.

"That will be for the Yule Ball at Christmas!"

"The what now?" Quincy gawked, but he simply waved the questions away.

"What is important is…" He looked around, lowering his voice and speaking to me directly, "You will be one of the youngest participating. I have strict orders to make sure you show enough decorum, talent, and brilliance! I am here to tell you in advance to take it extremely seriously!"

"Professor, would he be in my shoes if I didn't kill Draco?"

"Yes…" He nodded and wiped his head, feeling troubled by simply the thought.

"You know…" I groaned, glancing at Quincy, who started chuckling, "I wish I could have seen that!"

"I am happy that you are taking it this lightly, but this is very important!"

"Don't worry, Professor, I wouldn't bring shame to the House, the School, or my Quincy!"

"Hey!" She elbowed me but smiled like the happiest girl around.

"Good… good… haah, I don't know kids… somehow, since summer, I have been extremely nervous! I have trouble eating and had to change my robes twice as they became too loose!" Now that he mentioned it… true. He was looking less like a meatball and more like a human.

"I can't do anything about it, Professor! Worrying isn't worth it, so I can do only one thing: take it as it comes!"

"Excellent… I hope you keep it up, boy… I really do!" He patted my shoulder before leaving.

"He did look troubled," Quincy murmured, leaning against me.

"When does he not?" I asked, leaning over and kissing her head, "Let's go to sleep; I feel tired!"

“Mhm… me too~!”

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