Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 80 – Dueling (2)

Hearing Krum say the words quickly made me feel he was not talking about doing it via magic and waving our wands at each other... so... I holstered my wand.

"I'm listening."

"Know fly?" He asked, and I nodded, already guessing his intentions. I heard he is a great player... but one can't be sure about it until you see it, no?

"Want to play quidditch? Just so you know, I am a weirdo, as I am the least interested in the sport that seemingly everyone loves."

"No. Not play. Race."

By then, more and more people were gathering around us, noticing the ruckus. After hearing him challenge me, it became an exciting event.

"The route?"

"Around castle." He nodded towards it, and I couldn't help but agree. Simple, and if one wants to cut off corners, one needs to fly through narrow gaps of towers and walkbridges.


The moment I agreed, there was no going back. Two senior students quickly brought brooms over, both being the shabby, old Comets that the first-year students practiced with. Krum didn't hesitate, nor did he complain; he just clutched one firmly, testing its balance once before mounting it and rising to the air. The way he did it, the ease and speed... I knew the sayings were correct. He was good.

We kicked off to the spell of Quincy firing into the air and began the race around the castle. The fact that he suggested it, knowing full well I was at an advantage, being a student here, told us a lot. He was confident in his skills... and I saw them for myself when we passed the first hundred yards. The way he turned, even on this shitty broom, was perfect. His reflexes were sharp, and he noticed the best routes at the same time as me. We were cutting through low, our feet almost touching the ground, flying around the first tower and under the bridge connecting it.

I guess something like this is a must if you want to be the best seeker of your time and one of the youngest people to play in the World Cup finals. I had nothing to complain about, and I wasn't going to play dirty. I could have, but... Then, I would only tarnish the reputation of our school and also show that I am nothing more than a sore loser.

It was a close-cut finish, but I still came in second when we arrived back at the starting point. I could blame it on the broom, that I was not used to it... but so was Krum. He beat me, fair and square, so when I dismounted, I nodded at him.

"Are we at a draw now?"


"Want a tiebreaker?" I grinned while we were being surrounded, and I saw reinforcement arriving in the form of teachers and more Durmstrang students... even some Beauxbatons showed up by now. But... before anyone would need to worry about a fight breaking out, I tried showing our side that losing is not the end of the world. We can handle it and be more than some whiny kids. When someone wins fair and square, we can accept it.


"Mmhm... I see. Well... if your companion still wants a rematch later on... Tell him to think about it first."

"I will."

"Should keep your strengths to the challenges!" Came the shout of Karkaroff, who arrived first, glaring at me. Was it an act? Probably. It was a good one. "Come, Krum! Let's go back!" He shielded him and, while leaving, stabbed some complaints at Severus Snape, who was arriving with Nicolas Flamel. He just looked at him once, dismissing Karkaroff with a cold gaze before looking at me.

"You lost?" His question was simple, and his voice was even. Uninterested.

"Sometimes you can't win all!" I smiled back, making Flamel chuckle.

"Smart young boy you have here, Severus. He is confident to act and unafraid of admitting when he is bested. People who know when to retreat are more troublesome than those who refuse to give up!"

To that, our Headmaster said nothing, only looked at the rest of the students, and that was enough to tell them it was time to disperse. I was in the middle of turning around when his black eyes traveled back to me.

"You. To my office."

Well... I half expected that, shrugging and glancing at Quincy, who just smiled at me.

"Did I kill him?" I asked weakly, knowing that the others were still listening to us when I followed the Headmaster.

"No. He landed in the lake. Your aim was off."


"Were you punished?" Others asked when I appeared in the Great Hall at dinner, sitting down next to Quincy.

"Nah, I wasn't. Supposedly, Karkaroff wanted to do something, but... Our Headmaster shot him down."

"Heh, of course! If that bastard wants to do something to the youngest Death Eater, our teachers wouldn't allow it!" A sixth-year Slytherin chuckled, making me twitch my mouth.

"I am not the youngest-" I started, but he quickly cut in.

"Draco is dead. You are."

"Tsk..." I answered with a click of my tongue, and the others burst into laughing while my eyes met with Krum's, who kept the contact up for a moment before turning away and going back to his dinner. I didn't see Poliakoff here, but I didn't expect to either. After dinner, when we returned to our rooms, Quincy finally could answer the question she had been holding back since I returned.

"What did the Headmaster want?"

"Nothing, he just warned me not to kill the others before the first task. If I do, I should do it between the first and second tasks and focus on the Beauxbatons' champions. He also nudged me to try and provoke them instead of the Durmstrang students... Besides that? Nothing more. He asked me how I was going with the clue, and I told him all was fine... aaaaand... yeah, that's it!"

"Huh... I thought it would be... something more!"

"Me too, but no. Probably, he would have helped us out if I said we were stuck, but seeing we were fine, he let me go quickly."

"Hmm... yeah, I could see that... haaaahh... Anyway, tomorrow, accompany me to Hogsmeade! I want to buy some stuff and set off on Saturday! I looked it up, and where I go, the bastards are nocturne... I want to go in the daylight, set up some traps, and prepare well for it!"

"Sure thing!" I answered with a grin, kissing her before we headed to bed.


"So she got the route with the spiders?" Sirius asked his younger brother, who nodded while the two were conversing in a dark, hidden place underground.

"Yes... I just learned about it..."

"What about the kid?"

"I don't care about him! I am talking about my daughter here!" Regulus flared up, "Are you coming with me or not?"

"And blow our cover?"

"She won't notice us! I am not going to watch her waltz into her death!"

"What I saw so far, she is not defenseless... but okay, I will go. She is my niece."

"Be careful..." A third voice interrupted, scaring the brothers, but they quickly realized it was Charlie, "If any of you gets discovered, the whole operation could be jeopardized..."

"We will go in animal form." Sirius nodded, as so far, it served the brothers well, helping them avoid enemy detection many times. "What about the meeting? Is it over?"

"Yeah. Our mole in Durmstrang relayed a few interesting things. Dumbledore now considering recruiting the boy, just as he did with the father. If you want him dead... reconsider it."

"..." They couldn't help but exchange glances, and it was Regulus who spoke up. "You want to cancel it?"

"No. I don't trust his lot. I am still committed to what we talked about. I just wanted you to know that Dumbledore does consider the usefulness of the child. He is not yet deformed by the new teachings."

"We will not change our plans." Regulus shrugged, shaking his head, reinforcing his own will.

"Haaah... let's go!" Sirius patted his shoulder, nodding at Charlie, "We are on patrol tonight!"

"Keep safe," Charlie whispered as he retreated into the shadows, disappearing.


When the weekend finally came, and we slipped out of the Common Room, it was still dark, the sun barely grazing the edges of the horizon. Both of us were heading towards the forest with a holding bag fastened to our waists, prepared for most obstacles. Quincy was in a surprisingly good mood, but somehow, I couldn't shake off a dreadful feeling hanging above my head since I woke up.

"Nervous?" She joked, poking at my side.

"A bit... something feels off. I should come with you."

"Haaaah... Conrad, I am not some little flower you need to protect! I can take care of it, trust me! Or...? You don't...?"

"No, no! Of course, I do! I just... I... I am worried, okay? I... I feel something is not right!" In the end, she silenced me with a deep kiss.

"I'll be fine! Now, let's go and finish the first task, and then we can laze around! Instead of worrying about me, try thinking about your riddle!"

"On the head of death, sparkling in jet black." I repeated, shrugging, "Damn if I know... but I will keep a lookout for more clues while walking!"

"Do that, and we'll meet here, okay?" She kissed me again, and soon she was off... hurrying into the dark trees. I watched until she disappeared, and somehow, the fact that I no longer saw her back made my strange, dark feelings double in intensity... something was not right.

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