Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 92 – Alliances

"Thank you!" Said a 4th-year student, bowing towards Quincy as she finished enchanting her notebook, the last one that we created.

Quincy's hex was something else, and it amazed me with how much ease she performed it. For anyone uninitiated, the notebook's contents would look like nothing but a student's diary. Even if they begin to explore it in more detail, the more potent spell they use, the stronger the backlash would hit them! By her description, the spell was not countering the enemy but bending against the spell and rebounding it. If it goes over a threshold and the hex can't handle it, then the notebook would burst into flames and be destroyed. It was simple yet effective, just like how Salazar Slytherin liked it.

"No, I need to thank you!" She repeated the same thing she already told a dozen times, "You helped me escape!"

There were two stories floating around the school. The official version, which the three Headmasters personally announced, said that the spiders trapped Quincy and that it was part of the tournament. The second one was that she was kidnapped and held captive by the Beauxbatons and rescued by me. Of course, the second was coming from us, from my group, but it was never publicly acknowledged by me or her.

As to why? To cause a slight headache for our Headmaster and the Order. This alone made the Order question what happened. Did Dumbledore fail to deal with me? With my memories? Or was this a ruse? Was there a leak within their ranks? Who? On the other hand, it caused problems for Severus in navigating through it. He even called me to his office when the rumor started spreading.

"What's the meaning of this?" He asked me plainly, and I could detect an underlying coldness in his voice.

"What should it be?" I asked back, maintaining an innocent smile.

And that was it. Nothing more was said between us, and I was excused after sitting there silently for ten minutes, looking at each other. But I wasn't done.

Knowing that the Order would most likely assault the castle from an undiscovered underground tunnel, I made my decision to do the same. With Professor Lockhart's lead, we mapped those with which he knew the passwords and could disable the warnings and traps. One led directly under the lake, opening straight into the water above us. When the door slid apart above our heads, a magical field stopped the water from falling in, but I could still feel its coldness, like some dark, black ice. The second tunnel was much more straightforward, leading us into Hogsmeade, but I already knew which one I chose from the two.

"Why the lake?" Lockhart asked, clearly not happy about the idea.

"If there is a battle that breaks out, there will be chaos up on the surface. Down below the lake? Not so much. It would be our best route to escape!"

"If we are not captured or killed by some nasty beings who live in the water... or by the mermaids."

"Professor, since when did you become so pessimistic?" I asked with a smile, but he just sighed in response. He really hasn't been himself since our previous meeting. I am horrified to say this, but I was missing the old boasting prick of a teacher.

"The Durmstrang delegation would also fight on 'our' side!" Quincy added, mainly explaining it to the Professor as it was we who came up with the idea in the first place. "Their attention will be on the battle!"

"If there is a battle!" He quipped at her, making me groan.

"Dumbledore is here... You really think there won't be any fighting?"


"So!" Quincy continued, clearing her throat, "The ship will be mostly unguarded! It is our best chance to board it and escape!"

"You want to steal their ship?!"

"Yeah." We answered simultaneously, nodding, not understanding his shock, "Why not?"

"Youngsters... And their infinite optimism..."

"You had it too! Where did it go? Plus... I am not just planning on doing it by ourselves." I chuckled, putting my hands in my pockets, "We would escape with those who are with us. And... I will have a talk with Viktor Krum. The guy looked honorable, and I think we could see eye-to-eye!"


I was meeting with Viktor close to the lake. The weather was clear; the sun was on its way down, its last rays painting the sky orange before disappearing under the horizon. I was standing there alone. Well... not really, as Quincy was nearby, perched on a tree in her owl form. The point is that I was demonstrating that I trusted him enough to not bring a group of people along. To my surprise, he did the same and arrived unaccompanied.

"Conrad." He nodded at me, and I returned the gesture, stretching my hand forward.

"Viktor." After a firm handshake, I decided that the cleanest way forward was to be upfront. "How much do you know about your Headmaster?"

"..." There was no answer coming at first, and I let him think. I had to be patient because everything could turn out horribly if I came off as a liar or someone who wanted to stir up trouble. "Not much. He strict, secretive. Weird."

"What if I told you he works for our side?"

"Your side?" He asked, furrowing his brows. I slowly picked out a small vial from my pocket.

"You know what is this?"

"Memory. I learned." He nodded, recognizing it at once.

"This is the memory as to what happened between HIM and me."

"Who? Headmaster?"

"No..." I flinched, feeling my lips twitching. "Me and Voldemort. It is up to you whether you want to believe me! I just ask you to watch it."

"That's all?" He took away the vial with a doubtful gaze, still looking at me.

"That is all! Look at it, think about it, and if you believe me, find me again. Then we can talk for real!" With a nod, I decided to leave. Nothing else would be achieved here; if I began pushing, that would have the opposite effect on my plan. People like him can't be forcefully persuaded.

"Do you think he will believe it?" Quincy asked after we were far away, and she transformed back into a human.

"I think that he will. He is not stupid and must have noticed things going weirdly. We will see!"

We didn't need to wait long because two days later, he said he wanted to talk with Quincy and me privately.

"I believe you. Headmaster was weird for long time, and I disagree with ideals."

"Such as?"

"Usage of curses. Ideas of allying with 'Dark Lord.' My family knows that, it is not good."

"What do you mean?" Quincy asked, furrowing her brows, and I was also intrigued by what he was saying.

"My country and my school, Durmstrang, was home of mostest evil, Gellert Grindelwald."

"Oh." I nodded, remembering what Quincy told me about him. "You have personal experience with them? I mean, your family?"

"Yes. Grindelwald's emblem... his mark. It still on Durmstrang walls. Can't be removed. Reminder of his rule and time. I disagree with idea. He was wrong. My family fought against but lost. Many relatives dead, taken Nurmengard, dying there. Same place evilest is rotting away. Still, many believe he right." He snorted and I could detect a deep sarcasm inside it, "Yet no believing minion goes into Nurmengard freeing him. Tells all! Evil never wins!"

"I don't know about evil winning or the 'good guys' triumphing!" I sighed, shaking my head, "I just know that neither side is trustworthy in this battle that is upon us."

"War is bad. If war breaks, students die. I agree; battle is not what needed. Not here."

"At least on that part, we agree!" I nodded, watching his eyes, "I want to work with you and people you trust. My goal is very simple! The moment hell breaks loose, we escape! I have multiple followers, and we can escape the castle's grounds secretly. We could board your ship..."

"I see..." He whispered, crossing his arms, his eyes moving left and right as he was putting it together. "I have friends too. We can escape with ship, but it is enchanted. Can be found and not all Durmstrang would follow me. It can't take far."

"That's fine, and I don't care how many of your side you can collect; just have them ready! You must see that a battle is inevitable. The Beauxbatons are 100% prepared to go through with it, as is my side. They are all just waiting for a spark and using the competition to continue building defenses and playing their private chess game!"

"And we are the pawns on their table." Quincy added with a dark look.

"What after escape?"

"We don't know yet." I answered honestly. "I just know that Quincy and I will disappear. They don't take lightly to traitors!"

"Why become Eaters of Death?"

"Hah!" I chuckled, shaking my head. "That wasn't my choice!"

"I see..."

Once again, it was time for him to think silently before we came to an agreement. I even gave him a notebook with the only caveat that it was connected to a special one in Quincy's hands. Of course, we did not tell him that part. He doesn't need to know every detail. With Krum on our side, it was time to start planning how to deal with the upcoming battle.

"At least we have time until summer!" Quincy chuckled, grabbing my arm while walking back towards the castle, letting the snow crunch loudly under our boots.

"Don't be so sure about it! If our side thinks we are ready, I am sure the Headmaster would nudge me to be the spark I should be! The fact that it didn't happen means that HE isn't entirely confident of catching Dumbledore. This means he doesn't know where he is hiding or if he genuinely came! But you are right. We still have time, so we need to gather supplies! Potions, books, spells, disguises, artifacts, everything we can imagine! Haah... I'm sorry, Quincy..."

"Hm? What for?" She asked, stopping, holding my hands, squeezing them, and looking up at my face.

"That you will have to become a fugitive, running away with me."

"Ahahaha! I always dreamt about it when I was younger! A prince coming for me and taking me away! I am not bothered by it!" She giggled like an angel, tiptoeing and kissing my lips. "I will go with you wherever the road takes us! If I become a bum, I won't mind as long as I'm with you!"

I did not know what to say, so I hugged her close, never wanting to let go. I knew I would be ready to face whatever came next with her by my side.

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